It's Afraid

Day 8 and the pro LFD threads are starting to die out. Exhausted and starting to realize their battle is hopeless they start to accept it.

How many months did Horde beg for same faction BGs before finally getting them? I guarantee a LOT more players care about having LFD over BG queue times.

Horde didn’t beg for same faction, they complained about the queues. Blizzard was the one that decided the best fix was to do HvH.

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Pure Hogwash.

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You fly to the dungeon entrance, ain’t no roses up there.

That’s just your opinion.

You’re right, they asked for Merc Mode like Retail has. The point is they demand the game be changed for them. We’re demanding the game NOT be changed.

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Space smells like burnt steak. May be too close to home for ya though.

Are you ok?

What?! what journey is there in using a 3rd party add on or a macro to form a group and then fly for 2mins to the dungeon.

Um what? If I’m for everyones time being freed up from a degenerate chat mini-game and be able to enjoy other aspects of the game, in what world would that fall into self serving?

See these are the remarks that make you look bad. You are comparing a system that enables content to rewards that come from content. LFD doesn’t give you anything other than the group that still has to complete the dungeon.

That was designed as a progression gold sink not the same thing, same applies to cenarion mount/ repair mammoth.

My plan? can’t say I’ve had one… I’m just challenging you. I see you saying the same things in all these posts, OH systems casual, OH systems for lazy people, OH systems why the game died. OH system makes people anti-social. All BS they may be true in your head but not reality.


Where are you coming up with all these sides?

I will be once Blizz reverses their decision.

You have no evidence of your claim. I have been ardently pro-LFD ever since it was released back in original Wrath and essentially anti-retail during all of these discussions.

If there have been any pro-retail and pro-LFD discussions I must have missed it. You’re making tish up again.

Finding a group is too hard. Doing the dungeon if you find a group is imo too easy. I’d rather they made it easier to find people to play with, the lfd, and made the dungeons more difficult.

I honestly, 100%, believe they’re just using it as a PR move.

There’s no way they couldn’t expect the backlash, they’re just looking to come in in a few phases and be heroes with a “win” for the players.

The only way you can get into a rdf run is to click on the rdf button. No one can force you to do that. You have to choose to click that button. Then you have to click on your class. Clicking on that button is also a choice. It’s been a long time but I think I remember you have to choose the dungeon or dungeons you want to run. That’s another choice you have to want to make to get into the queue. You have to click several times to get into the rdf queue. No one can force you to click even once. It’s always your choice


they definitely did though, the classic forums were lit up with almost the same style of quitting and complaining that the proLFD crowd is currently doing. To a lot of people(mainly the ones i chat with regularly, not making statements for people beyond that) the idea of no LFD means they’re soft/hard locked out of doing dungeons to gear up without LFD, much like the hour long Q times for horde before the changes. its not a perfect 1 for 1 swap but the ven diagram is almost a circle.

Bring on RDF. If it’s as toxic as the non RDF folks claim it to be, it should make for a fun time. Having some absurd person behaving like a maniac would be a nice break from run #29382 going smooth just like the previous ones.

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Classic is trying to recreate the extremely casual MMO experience that WoW was and always has been. Just because you are now armed with decades of data to carry you through content you couldn’t complete originally doesn’t make you a hardcore MMOer. You’re still playing a casual’s MMO.


We’ve reached a point where repeating these tired and inaccurate lines over and over makes me think people like you are becoming bots.