It seems people are losing it

heh. i believe i havent seen very many people say they just want 1.12 only.

in fact quite the opposite , ive seen many many posts for a hybrid of sorts with old 1.5 or so av and pre naxx 1.10 warrior threat.

but ya keep trying to distort peoples posts into what you want them to say so you can make your “gotcha” posts even though they are horrible wrong and misinformed.


Not gonna happen lol. I was one of those people afk in the cave over night with a jump macro every 10 seconds. And it still took me a while.

Yes let’s act like a large group of people haven’t been wanting 1.12 #NoChanges for several months.

Ever been in an AV premade? It’s glorious

Only if you’re on the winning side.

There is a reason why AV kept getting nerfed in Vanilla… There was constant complaining about it at the time. 1.12 AV is the best. AV will still last hours and people trying to grind exalted will still find something to complain about… This outcry is just childish.

Think whatever you like. Blizzard’s own statements to the contrary are what I’m going with.

no changes never meant straight 1.12 with no changes to it. it always meant only things from inside the 1.1-1.12 timeframe.

while 1.12 is part of that with no changes to it , more people have wanted things from earlier patches as a frankenpatch.

most notably pre 1.11 shield slam threat mechanics and old 1.5 av or as close to it as possible.

you havent been around long enough it seems to know these things so i wont call you a troll, just misinformed.

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Ok :^)

It’s like debating with a centrist.

heh. believe what you want. i am telling you what actually happened.

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The problem is, people are wanting stuff Blizzard simply cannot deliver. It’s not that they don’t WANT to, it’s that they can’t. In all likelihood, 1.5 AV was one of the casualties of Blizzard’s old patching process which saw lots of data being lost.

Unless Blizzard themselves come out and say otherwise, consider 1.5 AV long gone.

yeah let’s custom build a FrankenWOW with a million different pieces from 2004-2006. That’s the authentic classic we all like. :^)


Yeah I’d rather take straight 1.12/1.13 over “FrankenWoW.”

“Can’t back me into a corner if I pretend there is no corner.”

“no changes never meant straight 1.12 with no changes to it.” Made me get a good giggle.

It actually didn’t.

The whole #Nochange That we started on the O.G forums meant, no changes from 1.1-1.12, everything else we argued about.

someone with 32 posts wants to lecture and belittle me for telling them what actually happened before their time.

how cute.

Oof ouch ya got me how will I ever recover. Stay true to yourself and #NoChanges. :^)

1.12 AV is the best. AV will still last hours

29th Oct, 2006.

There’s a reason heirlooms were added, CRZ was added, flying was added,LFD was added, LFR was added, classes lost 75% of their buttons, catch up gear was added, gear resets were added. It was due to the constant complaining

Retail WoW is the best, this whining is childish.

See how silly your argument is? It’s literally “It’s ok to repeat history and make the same mistakes” and “Classic WoW? No, that isn’t what i want. I want a nerfed version of Classic, not a true authentic vanilla experience”.

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Anything in the 1.x.x timeline is the true Vanilla experience. The fact that it’s not your preferred version of Vanilla doesn’t reduce its authenticity in any way.

Also, this ridiculous notion that some are espousing that having played Vanilla for X amount of time makes them the be-all-end-all authority on all things Vanilla is sad. “I played the original AV way back when on a potato of a computer so Blizzard should definitely listen to me and the other hundred malcontents on the forum because we are the majority”.

5v5, 10v10, 20v20, 40v40 has the potential for PvP for as long as people have the desire to do so. If it’s become a zergfest it’s because players would rather get in, get loot and get out so that they can either do it again or get on with some other part of the game. The same is true for WPvP.

If AV 1.5 is that important, do what was done for Classic: Ask for 10 years, start a petition, get 270k sigs, print them out, get a former Blizz employee to take it to Blizz HQ, get a meeting, show them how much better it will be with 1.5 and then maybe you’ll hear something positive several months after that. And while you’re doing all of that, there will be thousands of people playing the game and having a great time not caring in the slightest about which version of AV is being used. Should you get Blizz to change their minds, congratulations. If not, can I… wait, you probably won’t be playing so there’s no point in asking for your stuff.

Thank you and have a nice day.