It seems people are losing it

It seems like it to be honest.

I am not sure what type of idea the current Developers have about Classic, but to me it seems that they are not 100% sure, about what Classic WOW made so special.
I always said, they should hire someone who was there at Classic, someone who made Rank 14, raided Naxx and so on. Why they did not do that, I don´t know, but the results are not good at all.

What makes me angry is their lack of understanding, lack of communication with the Veterans and their thoughts about 2004 and 2005 WOW.

If they would have asked me, I would tell them that I play BFA because of certain features, like Transmog collecting. I run MC, BWL … once a week, I do all the old content there that is still in the game, I don´t need a level 60 locked toon for that.

I can also play random BG´s, crossrealm BG´s or premade ranked pvp and 1.12 AV. For me, there is simply put no reason to enter a Classic realm if all I get there, is the same stuff I already have access to.

Naxx and ZG I will most likely not see anyways, as I don´t have the time for that and I would say, this applies to most Classic players these days. It´s the stuff in the basic game, that we care about, talent trees, server only pvp, solo ranked pvp, 1.5. AV, classic Warsong and AB without timers or sudden death.

Having access to what BFA does not offer, make or breaks the Classic reboot for me.


To given is to fail. They are going to make millions or even billions on classic. Let’s get what we ask for.

How about what some ppl already suggested. 1.12 weekdays and 1.5 weekends. Then we have both one to farm Honor and one for fun.

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It won’t have a huge impact on my enjoyment of the game, but your post did remind me that it might be something to feel a little sad about.

That said, it was a different mindset back then that made for those epic battles. Would it still play out that way, with people more aware of how honor works and trying not to fall behind? Would the honor grinders not just get exalted then go back to AB/WSG, same as others are saying they’ll do with 1.12 AV now?

But… maybe that’s exactly what the old AV should be there for. So people not on the honor grind can just relax and play the game without everyone around them trying to rush to a conclusion.

I think that there is a chance, that no matter what version we get, it would turn out to be a “fast paced shooter” type of game.

On my Vanilla Server, the first rush I encountered was with 1.12. when Xrealm was live and people from other servers did the rush games with riding past. I was there with some friends and we were insulted for dismounting and fighting for graveyards, by people from other servers.
So maybe, my server did it all in a different way back then, or should I say my two servers, as I also had a Horde char.

That being said,

I remember the NPC´s early on, I just don´t think you could do with 1.5. what you did in 1.12. They also made Towers different at one time, originally we could tag them, later they were destroyed, graveyard cap time was reduced and so on.

Maybe you are right, I don´t know. I would have liked to just have the chance for the epicness, if the Community isn´t up for it, I could have left, but now I already know it will be different, so my motivation is kind of low, also due the 1.12. talent system and other changes (dungeon queue in Taverns…).

Yeah I don’t know either, and it would have been nice to at least have some chance of reliving what it used to be.

I’m losing it! Where’s the shredders! PANIC IN THE STREETS PANIC IN THE STREETS!

PANIC IN THE…wait here’s my pants, ok.

What!? Best bug ever made then…

You have to consider however, if they are concerned with giving something extra to players like yourself, who like the current game enough to continue their sub.

I hold nothing against players who are enjoying retail and its content. But you are paying them $15 a month as it is. They would gain nothing further by offering you more, beyond perhaps more sub retention.

I agree with you post in full mind you, and I am happy to also point out that what they are looking to offer is arguably worse than what PS have been doing for over a decade. PSs are truly doing it out of passion for the game and wanting to provide what players want (with a nod to the PS that exploit that) that blizzard has failed to offer.

Well, one could hope that they wont do the rest as 1.12 across the board. If they chose to simply not have MoH and tuned the DRs a little less drastic. I think it was not so much AV that caused the issue but rather how they changed the honor system. Give less incentive to ending as quickly as possible, simply to requeue. Perhaps reward more honor for actually doing the BG objectives besides killing the general.

Make spending time in the BG meaningful again.


1.12 was still on the old honor system so there was plenty of incentive to farm HK’s, especially in AV where there were so many targets you could get hundreds of kills before the DR on hk honor really kicked in.

I have no idea what the numbers behind the scenes were, but having played during the period it was absolutely noticeable. And MoHs did not do the bg any favors.

With 1.12. winning an AV quickly, gave a lot more honor, than fighting people. There was a person on my realm, he did nothing but stand afk inside every AV that opened. He hardly had any kills, but him just being there, granted him Rank 14.

We actually made fun about that, as he did not pvp, but just leech. Prior to xrealms, he was excluded from any premade, as he did not play. I don´t judge him as a person, most likely he just didn´t enjoy pvp or was working a lot, who knows. But the fact that you could get to Rank 14 by doing no pvp, was just bleh.

That´s true.

Actually what I do is just farming transmogs, leveling professions, I don´t engage in the whole level 120 content. That being said, I am most likely switching to another MMO in summer, this is something I had in mind for quite some time now, but the announcement of Classic let me continue. That´s not a threat btw. I am sure someone will now respond to me like that, but it´s not.
It´s something that was on my mind for a long time now, but the classic announcement just delayed that decision. For me pre 1.12. WOW is still the best MMO I ever played, besides Ultima which is the number one of all time for me. :smiley:

I find this very, VERY hard to believe. In fact, I find it not possible considering how the rank system worked.

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Over Macho Grande?

No. I don’t think I’ll ever get over Macho Grande.

I highly doubt Classic will be that successful.

And the reason we don’t have 1.5 is likely because they don’t have the data for it anymore.

Wait a minute.

HOW did you grind honor in AV in a 2 day, neverending match?

Show me the math on that plz.

The hardcore PvP folks were the ones clamoring for the zerg, not the other way around.

Ppl doubted WoW Vanilla when it was released.

Hmmm… 4000% increase and was growing.

The blizzard team thought only 500k subscribers.

I believe classic will be successful for a few years. It will slowly fade if no type horizontal progression. If blizzard decides tbc it will split player base and more so in wrath. They will still make money. Not a bad move but they can hold that rpg element in vanilla with casual and move forward with it. They will be bigger than ever before. When I say casual I mean vanilla wow casual.

I truly believe blizzard will be watching closely. It’s like a test.

Except it’s NOT a test. It’s a museum, a restoration project. Retail WoW is the main game that’ll be getting all the development time; Blizz is just going to toss 1.13 (the actual patch for WoW: Classic) up and, apart from staged content releases and making sure it still runs alongside the normal game whenever there’s a change in server architecture, just leave it alone.

Ok you say a museum.

I say it’s a business at low cost and high profit.

Example if I got a duplex house for 79k and it’s 20 years old and I charge rent per home 1.5k . I have a house that cost 300k that is brand new and renting it out for 2k a month.

You think I am going to try and buy another 300k home or will I try to expand more on another duplex?

Me want 1.12 #NoChanges

1.12 AV?! ME BIG MAD >:^(