It seems people are losing it

Seems like you guys have lost it about AV not being an earlier version. They did say they didn’t want to have to run 2 MMOs. All the outrage with AV is crazy. Did you honestly think they were going to go with an earlier version of AV when they are using 1.12 data? We have got more than i ever expected. I never thought we get legacy servers and we are. I thought we would be stuck with 4 phases and we now have 6. I think we may get 1-2 more phases for the pvp stuff (but i wouldn’t hold my breath on that). If we do its a win tor the classic crowd. I am definitely looking forward to classic and will finally be willing to level 1-60 because i know my character will be there when i wake up the next day.

The only things i have not agreed with is loot sharing and sharding but as long as it happened in the scope of vanilla im ok with it. Loot sharing should only be available in raids and as long as sharding is only there on the initial launch im not going to cry over it.

I do remember starting about 3 months prior to TBC coming out. I never understood the idea of an RPG not having an end to it as i was a Final Fantasy person. So it took my sister like a year to get me to come play it. I have patiently waited for this to come since the announcement but it seems the closer we the more problems you have with it. Its just not logical to expect a 1 to 1 copy of how it was upon release.

Haha sometimes i feel my brain cells wither away while in the wow forums. I will be patiently playing my football and hockey games on the xbox while i wait for summer to come. :slight_smile:


I’m looking forward to the Halo Master Chief edition coming to steam. Halo 1 through Halo 4. Finally for PC master race.


Which explains your reasoning. You don´t understand how good WOW was in 2004 and 2005. 1.12. is seen as the big changer for many true Classic gamers, not only because of xrealm, but also the changes leading up to that patch.

There was a time when AV lasted days, you logged off in the evening and your faction was pushed back at the bridge and the night crew now had to defend said bridge so that in the morning the other crew could start an attack acompanied by summoned NPC´s, that some rogues were farming ressources for during night.

It was kind of like a big battle, a battle that lasted forever and truly had the epic world pvp feeling of two factions. In all those years, Blizzard never brought this back, that feeling of having an impact, the feeling of a war between Horde and Alliance.

AV is like the symbol for the better WOW, the MMO WOW.


They’ll calm down about it. They’re just freaking out because the news is fresh. Just like sharding and loot trading hate is starting to reduce in intensity.

They’ll get over it.


Easy way to calm people… launch the game.


They spent years building up in their heads the FrankenWoW that they wanted. They want that and only that. When they don’t get exactly that, they throw precisely the kind of fit you’re witnessing.

Its the Retail mindset at it’s most obvious.


Thanks for this. We really needed more threads saying that there were too many threads discussing it.


This is 100% correct. Which is kind of funny because the same crowd put down anyone else trying to put together a “FrankenWoW” when they did precisely that.

It’s like chill out. Classic is coming, you’re going to play it, I’m going to play it, get over it.


What’s really amusing is how surprised and indignant some of these people are. Blizzard has made it pretty clear from the first dev water cooler they’ll be using 1.12 as the base for any serious gameplay. And now they’re acting all surprised that they’re getting 1.12.


I’m OK with 1.12 AV, but I don’t think asking for a pre-1.12 version of AV is unreasonable.

Blizzard did ask us for our feedback right after Classic was announced and until Classic is actually released that is the primary reason for the existence of these very forums.


We aren’t over sharding and loot trading. Blizzard has given us other things to discuss for now. No sharding. No loot trading.


But, people losing their mind over it making claims they won’t play Classic if 1.12 AV is in. That is unreasonable.

10 of the top 25 recent threads are all about AV, all of which should have been posted in the STICKIED thread on that subject. That is unreasonable.

Threatening to not play if you don’t get your way is not “feedback”, it’s infantile whining that cheapens any actual discussion on the subject.



Surprised? No. We’re not surprised. Just disaapointed


I don’t think that’s unreasonable either. Dramatic? Yes. Irritating? Probably. But not unreasonable.

Some people might legitimately not play because of that. And that’s fine. There are many reasons people won’t play Classic.

Someone at Blizzard has been designated to parse through all this crap and determine what is worth presenting to the people who decide what goes into Classic. Their job is to read someone’s overly dramatic post and try to find a common opinion in it which aligns well with the vanilla experience.

So if it’s a bit dramatic that’s fine. The line is only crossed when it gets into troll territory.


I haven’t been reading these threads, because I’m lazy, but AV was a pretty huge deal.

The other day I mentioned that it took me weeks to level from 53 to 54, because all I did was just play AV. My friend, who got me into the game, asked me when I was finally going to get 60 so I could go to molten core, and I just didn’t see a point to going to MC or leveling up because I could already play AV, the best thing in the game.

I can understand why people would be mighty upset that AV isn’t going to be the thing they loved.


I don’t get why people don’t understand. Multi-day AVs were a BUG NOT A FEATURE!

AVs so long the druids and ramriders respawn

I enjoyed it, and there’s nothing you can do about it.


WOHOHOHAAA IM NOT LOSING IT I"M JUST A LITTLE BIT :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I’m disappointed we won’t have Korrak. Most battles will last under an hour, regardless of which version they go with. That has all to do with modern player mentality, an older version of AV won’t change that.

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