It appears that Wrath is declining due to DF success

So this is the replacement for RDF spam since that gets reported for trolling now, huh?

haha wraff of lizurd kang is dedgaem ong frfr no cap plx add rdf nao or i leave 1 star review on yelp

Over and over? Thats the best yall got?

Give it a couple of months before jumping to preconceived opinions. All of wows expansions were/are praised at release. A month or two is when reality sets in.

Not even remotely. They timed the releases of Wrath and DF so that Wrath would be in the between-phase content lull when DF released. We already have massive chunks of Wrath players raid logging because Naxx/OS/EoE are on farm.

DF released in the space before Ulduar/Phase 2 of Wrath drops.

They didn’t sabotage anything. It was incredibly well-timed to serve the content on both sides.

You might be right, but I really don’t think so. I only have my experience on Windseeker and in my own guild (which is very active) to go by, but I also think what many are reading as a “decline” is simply the normal slump between content releases. We’ve had time in Wrath to level, grind rep, get the phase one raids on farm, and fall into raid logging/weekly chores mode. Phase 2 will drop, and people will come back to revisit Ulduar and the new content. There is ALWAYS an activity dip at this point between content releases.

It absolutely is. There’s a lot of ruffled feathers retail-side because they have answered SO MANY of the things players have been asking for. It’s the first launch that felt complete to me in a long, long time, and it’s very different. They’ve gone back to some very Classic-feeling things with a new twist on them and changed the focus of what players do at endgame.

It’s focused on profession grinding again rather than dailies, which feels so much more like Vanilla I got nostalgic. It’s much freer and open without holding the player’s hand with new stuff popping up every day. Instead, we have things that come up weekly or on 3-day rotations and players are free to just move through it in whatever order they like.

I’m not sure how I feel about the dungeons, yet, but we’ll see once the season starts next week.

Ulduar, Tournament, and ICC are all worth the effort. Every expansion has slow periods between content release patches (phases), and people freaking out over DF seem to be forgetting this. Also…Christmas and the many other holidays that happen through winter months.

People have other priorities right now and they’ve played phase one. Doing something else for two weeks doesn’t mean Wrath is dead.

So true. It looks good so far. It feels good so far. I’m not in love with the dungeons, yet, though, and that will make or break it for a lot of people.

Then why are you here?

I’m in 2 different guilds on Westfall.
One guild with 1 25 man raid, raid logs hard. Seeing 5 people on at once on a non-raid night is a crowd.

The other guild has three, 25 man raids, and constantly has people online that you can make dungeon groups with.

I also see a lot of people in Dalaran every day of the week.

While I understand what you’re saying, even if people come back in future phases, they’ll still just be raid logging. Outside of raid logging and chores like a few dailies, there’s literally nothing for them to stick around for, and I doubt anyone’s hyped up about getting to log on and do their Argent Crusade dailies. This is more than just an activity dip. Classic and TBC were far more active 2 months in than they are wrath. Why? Because there’s nothing to do outside of log in to raid, and do your dailies.

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Well, they also release new profession items in future phases. I don’t remember all of it, but there will be more to make. I know tailoring gets a new mount. I think engineering does, too (??). Man, I can’t remember for sure, but there are definitely more profession items that will come.

There are still achievements that are important to people like Salty and Long, Strange Trip. There are mounts and weapons to farm. Tournament dailies get old pretty fast, but all dailies do. Tournament was FUN in my memory of it. Like I said, maybe I’m wrong, but there’s more than a raid coming in the next phase. I’m still hopeful for it. I checked out of TBCC halfway through even though I knew ZA was coming. The dailies were so awful (to me…I realize lots of people disagree). In Wrath, I’m still having a good time, and the people around me are, as well.

I know my experience doesn’t represent everyone in Wrath, but call me Pollyanna…I’m still hopeful. :slight_smile:

While I can’t dispute the profession items being added, is that enough to keep players logging in each day? The fact that they can now equip purple gems and ride on a carpet?

Yes achievements are a thing that some people like and care about, but is that enough to carry an entire expansion? The only thing coming next phase is the addition to items. Only content that you can spend your time doing is a once a week raid, and heroic+ which is a catch up mechanic, that you won’t even do more than once unless you actually need to CATCH UP a character. Once that character is caught up, back to logging out.

At this point I’m waiting to see A) how heavily it’s raid or die at end game and B) how bad the time gating/power grind at max level is.

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I do think they released DF at a bad time as im wowed out from wrath initial launch and grinding. Competing with yourself commercially isnt ideal but Shadowlands went its course and to keep holding off probably wouldnt be a good idea either. It was a bad situation which I think Blizz put themselves in after having that lul in content for shadowlands from their first tier lasting too long.

The countless bugs that have still not been fixed.
The insisting on features that were in the game not being in the game despite communal backlash.
The implementation of several retail-esque features (the MMR system, the game engine, “Epic WG”, Layering, Locked Servers) that were not asked for and have caused further complications and problems.

I can keep going but what you said there is objectively false because not only are the things I’ve said true they are also done intentionally.

I think the truth is that a lot of people play both, and they finished all their wotlk stuff for the week so they play some retail while it’s new. makes sense to me

windseeker for horde is legit just the daily dungeon now, even at the start there were hardly any groups going for lower level content. Back in the day i was already 70 when wotlk hit. After leveling more than 10 chars on retail, that horse is pretty dead. i gave up on leveling in my 40s

I’ve done more raid logging for the last week or two, since our guild is doing that for the most part, but I have been watching various movies & shows instead, since retail WoW will never be installed on my PC ever again.

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