Is this 1942?

I can agree with you on that one.

You can always tell who had to read this book in English class and who didnā€™t :wink:

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I think it pretty much always is with these topics. Pretty normal for someone to minimize their behavior and play victim.


The book is required reading here in Germanyā€¦not sure though if we did read it in English or a German translation ^^

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bad argument because the point is pushing against those who have the power to yield the consequences or hold you ā€œaccountable.ā€

Their ā€œterms of serviceā€ are driven by the desire to keep ESRB and various entities like that happy via an ā€œage appropriateā€ rating.

If blizzard made a server where by playing that server you agreed that there was no bannable offense from anything typed into chat, character name or guild name: it would be the most popular server.

They will never do that because it would equate to them ā€œsupportingā€ the obvious result.

However many people are hurt by that, itā€™s more saddening to me that they donā€™t support freedom of speech. Shrug.


I probably agree with him, so

Mary Francis? Monty Fassbender? Morgan Freeman?!

Moldy FrƩchette?

Macaroni Frisbee!

Milky Football!


happen back in mop. it was hilarious to the point i started telling people in trade chat if your gonna do it do it in whisper as theres nothing that can nore will happen. ive been telling people exactly what i think of them in whispers until that dumb social contract started getting enforced because of cry babies. believe me or dont its not like i care if some random person believes me or not


Likely wouldnt even be legal, Id think. Say youre threatening to assassinate or kill someoneā€¦I dont think theyre legally allowed to ignore that kind of stuff

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People bragging about being awful and toxic to others is always wild to me.


I will go back and forth with you all day here.

But I wouldnā€™t respond to an argumentative/insulting whisper, party chat, or w/e in-game.

Best practice to ignore/report and move on. Smart take Shady.


YouTube and Twittert/X have made billions on that concept!

People are crybabies because no one enjoys dealing with jerks who rage and throw tantrums in whispers over things in a video game?


Barring real life threats, I would probably play on that server.

When they get feelings hurt because i made a joke?
Yes, crybabiesā€¦


I mentioned this concept elsewhere last evening.
They start calling YOU names because of THEIR passive aggressive behavior when you dont like that behavior.

ā€œgrow a thicker skinā€

Noā€¦how about YOU act like an adult.


This is false as since WoW is an MMO the ESRB rating 100% does not apply when interacting with other players (impossible to avoid in an MMO for obvious reasons), as can be found on their own website for WoW


It would be more of a meme server than anything, not because people truly want this. Plus there are a number of things that arenā€™t protected by the right to free speech and can land you in legal trouble if you say them. I doubt Blizzard would want that headache because of people who want an excuse to say whatever they want.


Isnā€™t it easier to just use the truth as your personality instead of some ā€œsuper cool how do you do fellow kidsā€ version of the truth as personality replacement.

You are not intelligent if you equate 1984 to a misunderstanding of how ā€œfreedom of speechā€ does not override a pseudo-private spaceā€™s rights to remove you from their service or establishment. Just like I canā€™t show up at OPā€™s motherā€™s basement and say this stuff without them being able to claim Iā€™m trespassing and remove me from the property. No ā€œbububuh freedom of speech.ā€

1984 was more about government revisionism and propaganda to mandate support for endless war.

Itā€™s also quite ironic that most of the people bringing up ā€œItā€™s liek 1984 muh freedomsā€ would not agree with Orwellā€™s firm democratic socialist standpoint. He was warning that people who pander to any form of government in this system end up in a 1984 scenario. So the very act of clinging to government assigned freedom = you already lost.


Ignoring the live streams that show otherwise, Iā€™m just going to respond to this part:

Even THAT is way too far. Players should not have the power to screw with other players.

A RATIONAL thing would be mass report=goes straight to the top of the review queue, instead of this automated nonsense that punishes someone pending actual review.