Is this 1942?

yeah…out of sight/sound, out of mind.
I just keep to myself after dealing with some of the degenerates in this game constantly reporting or vote kicking without any good cause.

Be nice if they all just found something else to do and were gone from this environment.

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Oh true…I’ve heard tale of that… but only from people on the forums, don’t know how accurate these claims can be. Most have been from ‘being too good at PvP’ or ‘competing crafters gang up and report me for having lower prices’.

They were immediately “squealched”, which was working as intended, but I recall they received a suspension once a human reviewed the report and realized they were on stream organizing people to falsely report them.


Yeah, I remember a thread or two where a rep came in and would say something along the lines of “You’ve repeatedly done this even though you have been contacted by support and asked not to. This suspension is not being lifted and we recommend you avoid this behavior in the future so you don’t get banned.”


I miss they way GW2 used to do it. They would spill all the details and just * out the bad stuff.

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Your text looks like butterscotch I’m trying to taste it by licking the screen.

Is that bad?


I dont think the clown reported me, but I did get a whisper a long while back…before the AH changes…they were ticked off at my methods on the AH, manipulating things so I could make ME some gold…

“I know what youre doing” lol

Yeah…ok…and unless its against the TOS, nothing can be done about it lol.

Dude ended up whispering me for like three days before I finally ignored him.

I mean, it’s possible in the same way that there are an infinite amount of things that can happen in the universe. In practice, in reality, it’s not going to happen and never has happened.

And if it did, a person would be auto squelched, then when a human reviewed the chat logs, they would be unsquealched and nothing would happen to them.


Ya, it’s a beautiful thing when blizzard occasionally rubs their noses in their own lies. If they had a store pet/cosmetic that funded more of that, I would buy multiples of it.

Would be endless entertainment, offender has to describe what they think they were banned for. Then what they are actually banned for, could be revealed.


There is plenty of socializing in WoW. I’ve had decent conversations in pug groups and things as well as general chat channels. It’s much harder to socialize while doing timed things like M+, but there are plenty of avenues for socializing still.


A certain poster yesterday ranted about WW2 Germany. Hmm…


Give it time. They’ll slip hard enough that the action happens*

Edit: Swype on android does some weird stuff.

Clearing raid trash is unironically a good time to socialize.

It’s also why I prefer healer. I can stop healing for a moment to type “lol” while standing over the corpse of that player who died 3 times in a single fight.


I have a few saved hate mail letters from people salty about my banking alt intentionally crashing markets to shake them out of my market, back before cross realm AH made that too risky.


They usually don’t bother in GD, which is why OP posted this here and not in CS where he’d get publicly dragged with the actual story.

That or there is no story and this is purely trolling.


You’re giving them ammo in their tirade about being stalked.

If you got banned for eight days, that means a human being, not a bot, saw the report, agreed it violated the TOS and took appropriate action.

Stop violating the ToS.

And no, it isn’t 1942. Don’t be melodramatic.


We won’t have to wait long.


Why is it even 1942?

Ain;t the meme 1984?

More like waiting for a blue to pop up and 404 the thread ^^

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