Is this 1942?

I got reported by some hozenrump in a 5 man who didnt like that my prot warrior tank wasnt taking as much damage as HE thought I should be.
Idiot screaming at me in chat that hes reporting me, totally oblivious to the demi god healer we had AND the fact that I was chugging home made Rage Potions and mitigating my butt off. lol.

I HATE some people in this community anymore


This doesn’t happen though in the real world. It only “happens” when a dumb streamer asks his chat to falsely report him.

And when they eventually get actioned, it is for abuse of the reporting system, which they actually did by organizing people to falsely report them.


you beat me to it

But was that what he was actioned for? Or are you assuming?

Legit curious.

It doesn’t happen often, no. But it is possible.

That said, I’m not giving OP the benefit of the doubt.

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world of warcraft became antisocial. As much it was social 2004-2014, now it is extra antisocial. Better turn off chat.

People can report anything, BUT people giving penalties are just like them.


Yeah I’m not going to assume anything beyond he was cursing at someone, based on the fact he thinks he was reported for whispers.

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Trolling aside, just don’t squabble with people in DMs.

There’s an old and hilariously rude Internet saying about how arguing online 


Be quiet, daywalker. I get sunburn easily.


I’m reminded of the time someone claimed they got banned for Racism because they allegedly tamed a Gorilla, named it Gorilla, had it reported for some reason which prompted Blizz to revert the name back to Gorilla, somehow noticed the name was switched from Gorilla to Gorilla and renamed it Gorilla again, somehow had it reported again, and went through the song and dance like two more times.

I don’t remember exactly, but I think it was one of those cases where someone official eventually chimed in and said “found the tickets, checked the logs, it wasn’t being named Gorilla.”


Nah. I get that it’s a joke that people like to throw around, but people these days aren’t anymore offended than people of old. It’s just about different things.


My thoughts exactly. I don’t count saying “hi” or “bye” in mythic plus as talking, lol.

People speak even less in raid, unless the RL goes afk, or someone gets upset about loot.

Yep. I saw that Reddit post. They said they asked their guild to falsely report them.

Assuming they weren’t making the whole thing up, it was yet another example of people organizing their guild or streamer chat to break the tos and file false reports.

It has never happened “organically”.

30 or whatever number of People don’t just all randomly and independently decide to falsely report Bill for saying Hello in a chat channel.


Freedom of speech is for GOVERNMENTS. This is a homeowner telling you to get out of his property because they didnt like your behavior.


A nicer version is it’s like playing chess with a pigeon.

It doesn’t matter how good you are, they’re just gonna crap on the board and strut around like they won anyway.


But were they actioned for “false reporting” or what they were being reported for?

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You can get reported through any communication channel I believe.

Are you saying people whispered you just to report you and get you suspended for no reason? Or is there more context as to why people were reporting you?

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It’s been a while, but I recall it was for abuse of the report systems.

Their followers don’t understand the difference between automated squealches, suspensions, and account closures, as they call all of the above “bans”, so it’s impossible to get this concept through to them.



These types of threads are great because there’s a small chance a CS agent from Blizzard rolls in with the tea and spills it.


Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequence