Is this 1942?

maybe stalingrads under siege again.

I think it’s pizza time ^^

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Wish more were like that

I mean there is an active battle in Kursk, but that was 1943.

Not in all cases. For example, someone may have a crippling view of themselves and are ashamed and/or embarrassed about the truth of their personality. So they use a façade to “lie” about their personality in order to reach for goals they feel they could never obtain by being themselves.

Right, it’s just a psuedo-intellectual meme. It’s like the Atheist vs. Religion debates of the previous decade. You could have scholars and intellectuals debating said topic at a high level, then you progressively get a reduced quality as the average IQ of the debaters decreases. Not really a Dunning-Kruger effect, more just parroting your biases.

“1984” is commonly used for “someone is violating my rights”, though its premise as far as the book is concerned is not quite that. The “misuse of invoking 1984” is the meme.


Politics have entered the room. This topic is headed for the trash bin soon.

:laughing::saluting_face: Right, got it!

Was moment op was flagged.
We’re just making sure it goes into the bottom of the bin

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Yeah…you’re not banned from chat for that long without this being a 2nd offense and they’d not do so without seeing you violated something with language.

/Roll for doubt

The language rule also applies to whispers. Blizzard reviewed and found you lacking. Now you come to the forums to talk about actions on you which now breaks the forums ToS so you’re on fire today. Lol

stop it boredumb youll upset history.


I started out R because I turned 18 when Reagan was in office and kinda liked his talk.
The Rs were so corrupt I couldnt take it anymore and swapped to D…and found out theyre all one big party, with different slogans, lol

I wont claim any group as my own now.
Im a US citizen who votes for lesser of stupid as best as Im able, lol

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I wonder if the post was a real experience, reddit isn’t known as a center of truth

Who let the shamans take out the trash?!

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This is a Christopher Columbus celebration thread apparently. In 1942, he sailed the ocean blue.

(The dude was horrible lol, glad he doesn’t have a holiday anymore here in the states, at least in several of them- it’s Indigenous People’s Day instead.)

posts pic of Chicken and Waffles pizza

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It was my shaman.

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It’s like 80% literal bots shilling whatever angle they’re set to shill, and 19% people lying for attention with outlandish stories. Some sub 1% is useful content.

That place is a trash fire. Social media in general is a trash fire.

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This I agree with you on. I am tired of voting for the lesser of two evils.

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