Is this 1942?

I can think of plenty of things that if you said publicly would get you not just arrested, it would get an envelope put over your head with ziptied hands and “enhance interrogated.”

Also, the comic is highlighting the issue of free speech in a capitalist society: you have it, but “consequences” aka “capital pressures from those with more power than you” can silence you.

So the issue becomes when you say things “the powerholders don’t like” and they “show you the door.”

All we can do is “vote with our dollars” and wait until monolithic wheels turn. Otherwise Youtube wouldn’t have a stranglehold on video platform and something else would.

Likewise, does a telephone provider have the right to listen in on your conversations and deny service to you? Because that would be OK according to the comic.

tldr: don’t get your intelligence from comics

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That’s a mute not a ban.

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I find it’s only good for a handful of gaming subs to actually talk about the game series.

and to find pictures of cursed firearms to send to my friend because they hate them, and that’s what good friends do.

Ever hear of the story how he used a predicted lunar eclipse to trick the natives into believing his God was going to punish them?

Cool guy. /s


So insulting someone else is freedom of speech nowadays in your country? lol what is this.

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yeah, I mean, I dont think ‘evil’ is always the reason theyre bad. I think incompetence is just as likely, if not moreso.

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Nah what he has done is redefine “freedom of speech” in different ways than his predecessor(s). It’s not an improvement.

Meet the new boss. Same/worse than the old boss.


Imo it’s a lot of people who are terminally online, this is the only social interaction they’ve got and it shows.

If these forumites dealt with real people and had conversations with strangers in their daily routines, I highly doubt they’d act like this.

Starved of attention.

That, and ofc the internet anonymity emboldens them.

Again, highly doubt they’d act like that IRL, because they’d get folded immediately lol.

Being edgy IRL doesn’t work the same way it does here, there’s direct consequences.


I think we’ve hit the point where this one becomes applicable:


It’s a phrase my hubby and I use. The choices lately have been a bit sub par.

pic of me irl.


Pulling this over to the CS Forum to provide some responses. :slight_smile:

Yes and no. Someone can report your chat, be it from whispers or public chat, etc… which may generate a report to be reviewed. If verified a penalty may be applied. A silence is usually given for a first offense.

Reporting from multiple characters on an account doesn’t do anything, they also would need to right click the offending chat line, which wouldn’t be present on multiple characters on the same account.

Yes, you pay for access, but you also agree to abide by the policies that we put forth. When you violate those policies we have consequences that range in severity based on the violation and history of similar violations on the account. The point is to dissuade additional such violations.

No, it is actually based on several reports of various chat that took place over time. Some being just toxic but you also appear to range into using at least one slur, but I don’t see any reports based on a whisper here.

I believe you misunderstand what those rights entail. It doesn’t apply to privately owned environments such as within our game or on our forums. Unless you are equating us with the US Government, which we certainly are not.

Talking is fine. Using inappropriate and toxic language not so much.

No, acting like an adult means knowing when adult words are appropriate and when they aren’t. Like in a T for Teen Rated game where there are policies in place that prohibit the use of them. Acting like an adult means not being able to say or do whatever you want at any point because you want to, that is how children tend to behave. shrugs At least that is how I always understood it.