Is there something going on with forum moderation?

The difference being is that in game, when we see them again, we can file harassment tickets after ignoring them. Here… people are getting away with everything, posts just being deleted, then others watch them post again and they have no flags.

I understand y’all are swamped. I was a Moderator once back at Dynamix, all the way through until it was Activision. On many forums. So I know the time and frustration. But there has to be a way for real life threats to be top priority before a thread is deleted. I don’t know if this forum software can do that, so I understand your hands are tied.

But at this point, we’ve watched two people post all day and disparage others, call LGBTQ+ “not people,” and make threats to their lives.

I’ve watched the same person troll tons of threads all day and continue to post even after posts were deleted. That’s the frustration. Even after ignored, they keep going and people can’t report anymore.

This is the frustration we’re running into. And like I said, I know it’s a lot. I think most of your staff is gone, so this is even harder. We just wanted a clear voice on the issue and to hope someone can eventually look into things.


They can perma ban an account. If they get another account and carry on, that would be banned too. If they use a friend or family member’s account, well that’s a risk the friend or family member took by sharing their account.


I imagine your nor any of the moderators who are looking at reports have any power over the actual administration of the boards, and I’m not even sure it’s possible with discourse, but could ya’ll at least consider making a change to policy so that any reported post where some of the reports were for real life thread could be top-priority to look at. Even if deleting the thread is the answer overall, if there are there are real-life threats then allowing those users to go unpunished—assuming the report was in good faith and the mods agree—because the entire thread was deleted.

I know you don’t have all of the resources in the world, but allowing those to slip through is awfully frightening to some of us.


Oh and adding it out there, trolls have figured this out already and make threads that may look like either a bad take or an opinion on something… get to about 30 comments then their REAL intentions shine through.

They then do that from about… I would say 8 or 9 est til about noon est the next day.

Oh and of course Sunday but here lately Sundays have been moderated in some capacity.


This isn’t a witch hunt. This is voicing frustration due to sanctions not happening when they should. No one named anyone. Orlyia doesn’t even know who we’re talking about.

There is a forum code of conduct. It’s not being followed. People are still harassing after posts deleted. Because sanctions were not handed out.

It doesn’t matter who it is or why. If forums rules aren’t followed, sanctions used to happen when the posts were egregious enough. They are not now. That’s all this is.


Which is exactly why I was so blunt with my best recommendations.

There is NO ONE here that will kick someone like that to the curb here on the forums quicker than I will. But as I said - I didn’t see this.

Forum moderation isn’t an exact science, neither in the software or in the humans that work the reports. What is certain - folks like that don’t really change. They will get theirs.


Ignoring is also not very effective on the forums. You still see that they posted and even have the option to look at the post, and if they switch characters you have to ignore that character too.

When both the ignore and report systems can be bypassed, what’s the point?


You’re not wrong. It’s just disheartening to see such things. Stuff happens, stuff is super busy, I get that. And you know me, I’m always blunt. So I get it. :wink:

Or in my case I put them on ignore and it un ignores them for w/e reason and just puts them on mute.

It is, I don’t know if you’ve seen the other replies, but folks are being, well, general goers. Jumping on a blue, telling them it isn’t good enough, they should do it how they see fit. Orlyia is giving her time to answer and folks are blindly going off on her and treating like she’s the sole mod here and take any heat for how the forums are. She isn’t able to magically stop someone or other groups.

I’m not sure how clear I can make it that folks are letting their feelings take over rather then logic.

I just want a way to ignore someone and not see anything from their account again. The fact that people can just switch characters to bypass ignores makes it worthless.


I get what Orlyia is saying and I understand there’s multiple mods / people are human. I get that.

You can go back and read my posts too regarding that. I do appreciate her time and attempting to help but the way it was handled up in the thread further up, with an issue that’s not just your run of the mill trolling… which let’s face it there’s a lot of general mill trolling around here.

Real life threats are their own category… it’s own ball of wax if you will.

It’s clear and we report… but if the main thread is nuked, which the folks saying this stuff have figured out, and all the other reports go with it and nothing is done then what good is it doing?


To be fair, we mentioned real life threats aren’t being take care of and got told “we have more important things to do.”

But that’s not what I was referring to.

Feelings: “I’m frustrated that people are getting away with real life threats.”

Logic: “A post should be made to inquire as to why such things are occurring when they never did before.”

I’m not here to argue about feelings. I’m here to discuss the code of conduct and sanctions.

I see no reason why this should be a fight. It undermines the thread and will only devolve and get it shut down.


Not what I said, nor what I meant.


There literally is. The mods can and do place long suspensions on accounts, or permanently ban accounts. They can do it at the license level of Bnet level.

The SAME offender on the same character should not be still posting only an hour later or the next day. Not for more egregious violations, and repeat violations at that.

It does. The topic is important and the current Blizzard response is not ok. People need to be able to discuss that here.

I don’t know if it is the software being wonky and not properly keeping someone suspended, not enough staff, people being tired and not actioning some of the egregious posters in the long troll threads, or what.

It is an important topic though.


Yep. This whole situation has me pretty fired up, but my anger and frustration is not what this is about.

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I understand. We cleared that up. I was referencing why people were upset at first. Not saying that’s how things are since discussion has occurred.

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And we’ve seen the blues here told folks to make a new battle net account to post because their account wasn’t able to. That literally happened.

This here is part of the issue and when they brag about it then it means they KNOW that nothing will happen to them, most of the time. They feel that the big active trolling threads are fair game because nobody has time to sift through all the bad posts in them.

That is not 100% true, sometimes they do get sifted through and all bad actors get a penalty, but not always.

Real life threats though should not be able to be lost in a thread even if the whole thread gets nuked :frowning:


That is why there are restrictions on who can post in most forums, Zenjy.

Not impossible to get around, but that part works pretty well.