Is there something going on with forum moderation?

More the issue I’m getting at is trying to action folks for such without affecting other people unrelated. We have folks who accounts are unable to post and have their friends/family post for them. In order for the blues here to talk about the person’s account, they’d need to make a new account to post on said forum. With something like a way to keep an offender from posting on another account would affect other folks because one bad apple.

My best guess - given I didn’t see the thread, Fuzzbutt - the initial post was handled before the others came up.

Some threads get VERY long. No, we may not sit and read every single post if the thing gets the nuclear option from orbit.

There is not grand conspiracy theory, we try to keep the boards as clean as we can with the time allotted to us by the manpower allotted to us.

The forums have some standard sanctions that escalate - just as ingame penalties do. The system assigns those automatically when an action is done, although they can (and quite often are) overridden with stiffer penalties.

If a more mild post was sanctioned lightly, it could seem as though they were let off easy, and you may be ascribing that to their worst offense.

Again, I don’t remember seeing anything like that so my presumption is someone else probably handled those reports -or…they were just not seen due to what I’ve described above.

I’m not sure why my advice here is being taken in this manner. It’s exactly the same advice you’d be given ingame. Report and ignore. I’m trying to be as frank and transparent as possible. Given ya’ll DO have limited reporting abilities here - I’m trying to give you the best advice I can for the most bang for your buck as it were.


If someone can just come back after telling someone to hurt themselves, what’s reporting even going to do?


If there are repeat offenders still posting after telling other people to unalive themselves, then you and your co-workers need to do better. “Doing the best we can” isn’t good enough. Again, there are real lives at risk.


Because your response does not address the actual issue. It does not get down to the core problem. That people are being threatened, told to self harm. And instead of this person receiving any kind of action. They go back to posting once the thread is removed. This is not a light matter that you can just brush away with ‘report and ignore’. This isn’t a simple disagreement. This isn’t a clashing of ideals. I’ve experienced first hand what people like that can do. And it came from within World of Warcraft. I thought that Blizzard had gotten better after that incident so many years ago. But this, along with the responses you are giving, do not look good.

Instead of ‘We will look into this.’ or ‘We will do our best to make sure those on the forums are provided a safe experience’.

We get ‘Report and ignore’.

That is unacceptable.

As I stated above. You need to do better.


Sooner or later penalties will catch up to them and they can find them selves perma banned from the forums.

You don’t know that. You have NO idea what has happened to the other person.

They immediately went into another thread posting the same things. Do not with me.


I understand that and that’s normal so to speak. Get rid of it so it doesn’t escalate further and I get that.

Um, that’s a mod’s job though ya? Like if someone is actively threatening someone in threads and that’s sent to you then it should be handled appropriately. That means the trolls have already figured out (which it was apparent from last night) that they can get by with the behavior because it’s allowed to fester cause “eh nuke thread” but not going back through and actually moderating it like it is supposed to be done.

I get that. Ya’ll are human and there’s only so much you can do but when it comes to real life threats of any form, I would expect those to take priority over any other kind of flagging / moderation etc.

I get that too and, again, if things were properly handled we wouldn’t be here be it system or by a mod.

I’m not quite sure what you mean by that.

Then that’s a massive oversight on the forum’s software if a nuked thread deletes all the reports and that should be fixed.

I understand you’re trying to help and all that… I’ve delt with simliar in school when growing up of “I’ll handle it” “I’ll handle it” “I’ll handle it” then eventually it gets to the point of you ignore ignore ignore but nothing ever gets done.

The student is still destroying your stuff, harassing you, and the only thing that can be done is the student doing the behavior is supposed to be punished… yet I’m punished and or told that I shouldn’t instigate it… like I was in school.

I’m just putting it into how I feel / my perspective due to my previous experiences.

To add what the advice was didn’t feel empathetic either. No “I’m sorry to hear something like that is going on” or anything like that.


In the case of telling someone to hurt themselves they should be perma banned instead of reports needing to pile up while they continue their behavior.


To be frank, it’s coming off more as wanting a bolt of lightning from the sky to put them in the eath. Oryal, along with any other blues here, isn’t going to or able to have someone not able to post at all. As I’ve said in my other post, there isn’t a way to stop such without affecting 3rd parties unrelated to this. There isn’t much they cna do without everyone else taking a dive with them.

To clarify this part:

The forum moderation system has suggested penalties in the penalty window for the Moderator to select from. Based on the past infractions is till suggest a penalty based on first, second, third, etc. However the Moderator can manually set that penalty longer.

The forum moderation system is NOT automated in that those are not applied without a human doing it. Which is why some people don’t get banned when they should.

No… that is not what people are asking. They are saying that when a Moderator DOES remove posts telling someone to un-alive themselves, and the offender does NOT get a penalty and keeps posting - something was missed. That is a moderator actively attending to the posts - but not applying penalties that should be there.

Yes there is. When someone keeps doing the same horrible things on the forums the Moderators do have the ability to suspend or permanently ban them! This is not some random spam bot issue.


People have the same complaints about gold sellers, they could just as easily hop accounts. And take your own advice.

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This is a really bad argument because you’re basically saying that no actions should be taken because maybe someone else might be affected for some strange reason?


It was the same character so it wasn’t a hopped account.

It can also depend on context not in this case but sometimes players get hidden debuffs and theres realy only 2 options flying as high as u can and killing ur self and joining BG/arena.

I made the mistake of say try killing your self and i got suspended it was overturned when they realized what i meant.

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Don’t put words in my mouth because I’m not agreeing with ya. I’m telling you why there isn’t a magical means that stop the offender from coming back. The mods isn’t able to keep someone out because a group of folks want them out. There isn’t a means to do such.

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I mean sure, but that’s not relevant here. There is clear evidence of malice here.

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Na it was pretty glaring what they meant.

Im not arguing that but mine was more of a expample of context of intent.

Im not realy sure this thread needs to continue.