Is there something going on with forum moderation?

At what point does this thread get closed for being a “Lets yell at a blue for things she didn’t know about and misquote her” thread?


You can’t post on General without a Sub. It limits things.

We are not talking about other accounts being used though. Nothing you said is relevant to this situation.

We are talking about THE SAME PERSON ON THE SAME ACCOUNT making real life threats and still posting after a thread is moderated. A person who has past history of this. They 100% can deal with that person which is all anyone is asking. It seems to have been missed this time due to whatever error or issue during moderation.

Nobody is asking for all trolls to be banished and prevented. I think you are missing the point of the thread.


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I’d like to leave it open, but I’m off shift soon.

I locked it a bit ago to give folks a chance to actually read what I said and try to absorb the meaning.

We aren’t on opposite sides folks. This software isn’t perfect, neither are the humans that work here. Sounds like something slipped through a crack but I cannot tell you what that may have been. I’ve tried to give some insight into some of the limitations and what MAY have happened. That is all purely a semi-educated guess.

Keep it civil, and this can be left open. Otherwise I’ll need to close it up.


Trolling this thread is a bad idea…

Further, the game ratings have nothing to with the forums, or with player created content (names and chat). Those are covered by the Code of Conduct which is very family friendly. That applies to all Blizzard games and platforms regardless of game rating.


I’m not yelling at Orlyia. Most of us aren’t. We had an incident of misunderstanding that was cleared up. Let’s not jump on each other again.

Orlyia’s right:

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We know that :slight_smile:
The problem is the way it was phrased came off very very wrong, even if that was not your intent. It came off to a lot of people that you felt there were better uses of time than to deal with a real life threat poster - which was what the thread was created about. Yes, for most generic trolling that is true, but the case here was for real life threats and that is different.

I do appreciate that you are open about the staffing limitations, possible software issues, etc. It is my experience in the past that Blizzard really does take real life threats seriously and any oversight this time is not the fault of some new policy of “we have better things to do than moderate”.

I am glad that has not changed, despite any misunderstandings here.


I think most of us understand all of that. We really do. However, the situation we are discussing is a really big oops with even bigger and way more serious ramifications if left unchecked. We want the same thing you do. Civility and order.


See now it makes sense partially with before and sorry if I was really… idk emotional and just all around aggravated. I still am but with that I’m glad you put that like you did and thank you for reopening it to allow for the discussion here.

All that fun happy stuffs! :smiley:


I think what is being pushed here is that someone should have and that someone should have done more in line with handling it instead of just removing a thread and calling it a day.

The paradox of tolerance is kind of showing here and there needs to be more direct action from moderation, either through seeing a report or reviewing past reports when on the clock that results in more than a wrist slap for telling people to off themselves repeatedly and seemingly without any real recourse being taken against the offender.

I understand you have the phrases you can say and the phrases you can’t in terms of communication with customers on this forum, however the boiler plate responses don’t work anymore to be frank.


I will say that while my posts are meant to be critical, they aren’t meant to be personal. My words come from some very bad past experiences with things similar to what this thread was made about. Things like this scare me. Because I have seen first hand just how quickly language like what this person is using can do damage. I’ve lost friends due to things like this. It is the reason I am pushing on this subject. It is the reason I want it taken seriously. So history doesn’t repeat itself.

Have a good evening.


This may show a “loop hole” that trolls have figured out too with the newer updates with the forum software with if a thread was just removed… all the other stuff gets removed too.

In the past it may be different as in if you remove the post all the other stuff can still be reviewed. Idk I ain’t a mod but if that is the case it’s a good thing this is brought up so that loop hole can be fixed and or things done in a way to where posts can properly be reviewed.

While I cannot 100% confirm it, there are one or two people in the classic forum sphere that generally hop around to just cause issues since they know either nothing serious will happen to them, or they can just hop to another alt and continue.
If deleting a thread takes everything with it, why even have reports? Does the report still show up for the moderation team?

If we are only going to be given X amount of reports a day, can we trust that those reports carry weight? I know my reports in-game have been seen as I get responses in the mail later thanking me. Is that not something we can carry over in some capacity? Can there be a way similar to trust level to gain more chances to report?

I’m trying super hard to not be unreasonable but I am currently again facing the death anniversary of the one person I trusted the most growing up who took the ultimate choice after being told for years “Just ignore the bullies” or to “tell and adult”, “you wont have to deal with them later in life” with zero action taken by those who could have done something. So for me, as it does for some of you here, hits super close to home.

I think it’s important to say that the people here aren’t asking for a blue or Blizzard to end all trolling forever, just to have a way where the death threats are placed higher than when someone says a swear.


Sorry had to compose myself a bit… I’m so sorry to hear that and I’m truly sorry /hug

Hopefully things around here get figured out and fixed and hopefully everything turns out positive around here in the end. I’m so sorry about your loved one /hug


I appreciate that thank you /hug, those of us who are able to get together and have a remembrance day for them each year.

I have a high amount of trust in the CS team and have seen them do a good job first hand. So it surprises me to see the responses here, concerning the seriousness of the topic, were rather stock. I still trust the CS team, I’m just a bit taken back.


I assure you, not stock at all. My best advice given what I do know about how the system works to enable you to get the best possible results with the tools you have at your disposal, and the limitations we have to work within.

Anyway, I’m out for the weekend. I’ll leave this open, please keep it in the middle of the road :stuck_out_tongue:


When the bad actor is still going around and bragging about there being nothing done to stop them, then yes that reads as boiler plate responses. Which I do understand and have defended prior on other topics.

Have a good weekend and I hope that our responses, while moderately charged, are considered for future improvements to the reporting and action system so that future instances of this sort of thing can be better handled by you and your team.


I feel like at one point Vrakthris said that often a thread will be locked and delisted instead of deleted so that staff can go through and take their time with handing out penalties when things get to be a tangled mess.

It sounds like the perpetual trolls have figured out a workaround to make a thread that will for sure get deleted but not necessarily actioned, then they can freely be horrible for the rest of the thread because they know no other moderation will happen once it’s completely deleted.

That’s probably something that should be addressed with the staff doing forum moderation. Obliterating a thread and handing out no sanctions is fast, a one-and-done that allows you to get on to other things. I wish I could do that with some of my work emails! On the other hand, I just got TL3 back after an unhelpful comment I made on a thread that was locked to sort out penalties before it was deleted six months ago.

I don’t think I shouldn’t have been given a smack on the wrist. I think that doing the right thing is time consuming sometimes, but doing it protects the community. I was a bit out of pocket. Now, people are counting on thread deletion to protect them from the consequences of saying vastly worse things. I don’t see how a quick scan to see oh, hey, that person is literally telling that other person to make themselves not alive, maybe we should ding them before this whole thing vanishes is a lot to ask.


I think there should be a priority in terms of the report category. Real life threats should be something similar to a P1 Ticket.


It used to work that way. There used to be a reason you could pick for your report, you could even fill in some explaining text - just like in-game. It’s possible that Discourse doesn’t have that capability.

Edit, because herrderr, there’s still reasons. I’m not sure why “This is a real life threat” doesn’t automatically flag a post to be looked at with a top priority. It almost seems like a liability issue, if thread deletion makes those flags disappear.