Is there a reason to stay in a losing BG?

Then they should make solo ranked que a thing.

Because I also accept that the moment I enter a random BG, it is RANDOM PUG which means undergeared people with 100k health, semi afk people, or edgy tryhards throwing insults in chat which makes it more fun to piss them off than win the game xD

You have a seriously warped view of random bgs if you expect things to be fair or balanced, might want to check up with reality because I wont be stopping what I am doing and many other people wont stop doing the same either.

Never said anything about fair or balanced. I’m talking about playing the game you signed up for. Id rather have a undergeared player making call outs and using cc than you on my team.

Take some responsibility for your own actions Ralphy boy. Your are just as elitist and disgusting as the people you “crusade” against in GD.

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Man you are so out of touch with reality xd

But i understand, gotta try to twist a situation where the person who hate is at fault xd

Anyway, back to queing for epic bgs and semi afking while checking twitter art.

Lmao the balls on you to say that to someone else. You really are the second most delusional person I’ve seen on these forums.
I’d suggest getting off Twitter, it seems to have rotted your brain completely


Mfw when you don’t realize you are that player.

I do, the difference is I dont whine when I see such players and cry because I have delusional expectations from a random bg pug xD

Mate your entire schtick on the forums is crying. If it’s not about how elitists are ruining the game it’s about how everyone who doesn’t agree with you is a bigot.

Pretty sure the only reason you posted in a pvp subcategory is because everyone on GD just dismisses you.

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You mean me replying to wannabe elitists who are crying they cant get carried anymore by being optimal at everything in all content because covenants lock them in a main build with STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES?

Indeed that does sound a lot like crying xD
Honestly cant wait for shadowlands, all the people that will fail now that they cant have the most mathematically optimal build for each boss and dungeons and instead will need to do content sub optimally at times will lead to some hilariously bad performers, and I am sure these players will blame blizzard cuz they cant have all covenants as talents instead of their lack of skill xd

Sounds like a “mad because bad” issue there bud.
Maybe focus less on other people’s play styles and more on your own. Then you might be able to win some of these bg matches.

  1. You don’t seem to understand. You are in the group of “undergeared people with 100k health, semi afk people, or edgy tryhards”. You’re the one making other people disappointed with the state of BGs.
  2. You do whine. You made this thread whining about not having incentive to stay in losing BGs. The BGs which are losing because of people like you who afk out at the first sign of struggle.
  3. Thinking BGs are only worthy if you win is a delusional expectation. It’s PvP, you’re going to lose plenty. If you can’t handle losing then just stick to selling WoW tokens to pay for more carries.

You are the creator of a whine thread. Not sure what you expect.

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Funny I win epic bgs 90% of the time : )

Just like these people exist when I join a bg for non farm reasons, accept reality and learn to adapt are the keywords here

Oh my Op looks totes whiny i see xD

I rly dont mind, in case you havent realized I am playing horde where we win bgs 90% of the time

Bet you are gonna say that mythic raiding is done for achievements and not the rewards aka gear XD

Doesn’t sound like you win much.

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You do realize you made a very big assumption there without evidence right?

It feels many players lack critical thinking and are so complacent (aka not giving a damn until it affects them) the idea that someone might be saying something because it needs fixing rather than personal benefit is absurd to you.

So to clarify, my post was created with the specific purpose of pointing out the flaw in the current design, the flaw is that leaving a losing bg is far more efficient that staying in it.

You are playing horde so you should know we win bgs 90% of the time by now.

Dude you are bad … how can you not get 100 % win rate even by AFK ing out of losing BG’s !! :man_facepalming:t4:

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The reason you stay is because YOU queued for it and should see it through. If your time is valuable then don’t queue up, its really simple.

If you need a reward to PvP, maybe its time to re-evaluate.

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Because as other’s have said…the bg isn’t lost until it’s lost. If more people had a competitive mentality, we’d see far more turnaround games. The only reason they are so rare to begin with is the mentality of “it’s already over.”


My goodness Ralph is really good at baiting.

They should open a bait and tackle shop.


This is the inconvenient truth, the rewards are just not good enough. The only thing you will get from sitting thru a long loss is wasted time out of your day.

Honor points are fairly worthless, so they don’t really count unless you’re farming something like BoTE.

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Its all about playing with ‘friends’ you play with friends you’ll be okay…