Is there a reason to stay in a losing BG?

I am honestly not seeing many pre-made groups solo queuing. It’s not like it was in classic where 3 out of 4 teams you fought were premades.

I honestly could get behind this (sorry I missed it). It wouldn’t be a bad way to fill out your roster either if you could only get 8 friends online and needed a couple more.

Being put together would be the only way I’d accept it though. Our PvP population has been hit by good ol dev neglect over the past few expansions.

I dunno man… You get smurfs who don’t care, you get people who will try one day and not the next. I’ve played rocket and DotA to high levels (probably higher than wow honestly). The sheer number of idiots who rage quit after one goal down or start intentionally feeding even at the top is absolutely astonishing. Solo que is some of the most toxic stuff I’ve ever witnessed. I have never had that with wow which is part of why I like it.

And both of them are less popular and have even smaller PvP populations than wow. I played a bit of gw2 when it came out. I didn’t mind the PvP in it but man the number of people playing were small. I’ve heard almost nobody plays PvP in ff. I wouldn’t count either of those as standards of the genre when you’re looking at PvP. Also do they have solo que only options? I feel like you could group as a party still in gw2.

Yea I missed that as well. Everything I read was split queues so a solo only then a group rated queue.

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Sure do like waiting in an 11 minute queue to load into a “You Lose” scoreboard.

Am I having fun or what?

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That’s an oxymoron.

Reflex is good but not really accurate as sometimes BG’s just disappear from the list.

You stay and eat the loss to save the other guy from having his queue wasted.
If its a big epic bg then sure, just leave.

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Try to get your fun from killing players and playing your class instead of wins and rewards. It’s better for your mental.

Sadly this is a gear based game, you dont get to play your class and have fun unless you are geared.

And when you change mains and need 5x severes and get void ritual, your only choice is to semi afk farm epic bgs while checking on twitter.


You’re a coward and history will forget you.

Oh noez, i wonder what will I do now xD

Not as if I am not infamous already.

Why don’t you just pay for some pvpers to carry you like you pay for carries in pve?

Do what jugaa does and higher 39 glad players on comms with $3000 computers to annihilate the enemy team.

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God I must be rich based on all those m+ and heroic/mythic stuff i ve done and must have clearly paid for on multiple characters.
Clearly according to you I am the son of Bezos which also posts about left and progressive leaning ideas like caps on wealth and profit xD

Oh wait warcraft logs is a thing : 3

You admitted to buying carries on gd for your alts. Instead of being a burden spend some gold for some actual pvpers to carry your heavy useless butt.

:rofl: :rofl: :joy: :joy: omg that was the best


Yes I have, I have said multiple times I ll happily get a 15 gear boost on any new main for fast gear(unless it is the start of the patch), seems to me you are trying to imply all the things I ve done are carries which again only shows how angry and blind you are towards me :3

Good thing warcraftlogs is a thing then xd

I didn’t imply it though, like all other threads you post in you presume to know what other people are thinking.

Instead of wasting other pvpers time I suggest again you pay for some actual pvpers to carry you.

It’s the only logical conclusion that explains how you beat the most elite and experienced premade group in the history of gaming.

Why would I waste gold when i can semi afk epic bgs for free echoes while checking twitter art, a lot easier.
Its free

Because you are ruining the experience for other players.
Your mentality is why Korraks av was so terrible. A portion of the team being pvers, wasting a team slot making it harder for their own team to win, and less fun for the actual pvpers who want competition.