Is there a reason to stay in a losing BG?

Dude you are bad … how can you not get 100 % win rate even by AFK ing out of losing BG’s !! :man_facepalming:t4:

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The reason you stay is because YOU queued for it and should see it through. If your time is valuable then don’t queue up, its really simple.

If you need a reward to PvP, maybe its time to re-evaluate.

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Because as other’s have said…the bg isn’t lost until it’s lost. If more people had a competitive mentality, we’d see far more turnaround games. The only reason they are so rare to begin with is the mentality of “it’s already over.”


My goodness Ralph is really good at baiting.

They should open a bait and tackle shop.


This is the inconvenient truth, the rewards are just not good enough. The only thing you will get from sitting thru a long loss is wasted time out of your day.

Honor points are fairly worthless, so they don’t really count unless you’re farming something like BoTE.

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Its all about playing with ‘friends’ you play with friends you’ll be okay…

PvP is for PvP. It’s competitive fighting against other players. That’s what you should be queuing for. “Rewards” are a just a bonus on the side. If you’re queuing primarily for the rewards then PvP isn’t for you. If you’re AFK’ing out because it’s a loss then PvP isn’t for you.
Go back to pet battles.

Do we really need to destroy you so you disappear into hiding for a week again?


I wonder why the people complaining about leavers don’t just go to rated. After all, most of the same people complaining about leavers often tell frustrated people on this forum that rated is the answer when complaints about undergeared teammates or premades are brought up.

Nobody is going to afk out of RBGs and you don’t have to worry about queeuing into a losing game. It’s the perfect solution.


No man. I’m encouraging players to play with Your(Herclol) friends. U know; to be part of your high gear rate group/team and go after low rated pugs…
there’ nothing wrong with that… you been right all along… I was wrong by thinking otherwise…
I mean u right; low gear players deserve to be abuse

Explains a lot, there’s a very specific type of player that keeps talking about competitive pvp yet choose to be competitive in a non competitive game where gear also gives huge advantages that trump skill.

Some people are just desperate to feel the delusion of skill, not surprised

Again like always u right…one more time
U he should it had stay for X amount of minutes continue taking your abuse;
How dare of him to deprive you of your fun…
And if u excuse me I gtg; don’t have that virtue like you to be 24/7 on the forums

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Good observation, but… too much truth/too much logic to your post. Get your flame-shield up :laughing:

I queue rated and randoms.

my main is a Hunter, but unlike you I only used one avatar to post…

used same avatar to post dude; no need to used different avatar to say the same thing. Everyone knows is you…

This is the only character I post on.

yea man am i Axl n’ Rose

Idk, are you?

The vast majority that go for ce or world first 100% do it for the achievement. Not sure how you don’t see that.

Except you can’t really get into rated groups without gear. Even yolos aren’t going to take 400ilvl people. Random bgs have always been the place to go gear up. You have the expectations backwards here.


And what do you get from winning? Some marks of honor? A terrible piece of gear?
Unrated BG’s are basically for the fun of pvp anyways…win or loss. Stop pretending like winning is somehow super worthwhile while losing isn’t. Practically speaking unless you need the marks for a mog or are sub 425 ilvl it’s unrewarding either way. You play for the competition of PvP.

Dropping out cause you think it’s a loss just misses the point entirely. Stop with the defeatist attitude and just play. You’ll surprise yourself with the “reward” of encountering actual PvP.