Is sync premading intended and fair?

There is a lot of things that can cause a lot of disadvantages in any shape of form. And things can’t always be perfected to get rid of any of the disadvantges without creating a whole wave of new problems.

As mentioned though, if you wish to provide feedback about sync-queuing, and the problems faced when going against or doing it:

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it gets filled at some point.

There is no rule about dropping group.

  1. You can coordinate joining and dropping group
  2. You can not automate the process

What else is there to clarify?

You said it was joining as a group, and dropping if they all don’t get in. Neither is against the rules.


Yeah, but typical advantages and disadvantages will equalize over time. The question is whether party sync and all it entails is intended and fair (not an exploit). They don’t answer any threads in GD or PvP, especially pvp, and the quote from this forum is being used to justify a lot of activities not specifically mentioned so I’m asking for clarification of his post not a change.

If it’s intended, fine, but I imagine not a lot of pugs will queue into epics if that’s the case and a lot of the premade communities (not all) just seem to be there for the pug stomp which meets the definition of exploiting in the post I linked.

But using in game mechanics for unintended purposes is a big part of the definition of exploiting.

Please look at the threads outside this box, people are genuinely confused. This discussion is not reflective of the ones we’re having in the community.

I went against premade groups in battlegrounds in Vanilla. There has been no policy change on this between Vanilla and now. Personally I don’t think Blizzard considers it an exploit.


Blizzard has a clear definition of what is exploiting in their own game. SFA’s have answered it, pretty sure the devs would be saying the same thing too, it is not considered as an exploit in their own game.

Yes, just like those dropping queues or are sync-queuing with each other. You got your answer!

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There are already active threads on this topic, so I wouldn’t actually recommend posting a new one.

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“already made” Caps.

I didn’t say create a new thread

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It’s been too long since my last coffee.


Hence the need for clarification. The post I linked was from WoD, long after vanilla and the one referenced only mentions countdown queuing which is only a part of sync queue.

There is no need for clarification!

You got your answer, it is just not the answer you like!

The policy has not changed! Otherwise, if the policy has changed, pretty sure one of the community managers would’ve posted an update about it, or one of the developers.


Considering the controversy surrounding the subject it seems important and I think all these qualifiers demonstrate that there is confusion.

Is Sync-Queuing an exploit? No
Is leaving a battleground against the rules? No

How much more clarification do you need?


There’s no need for additional clarification. You seem to be the only one in this thread saying it’s not clear.

The other side of count-down queuing is dropping group if the group doesn’t get in. It has always been queue/drop coordination. The same that happened in Vanilla, TBC, Wrath, Cata, MoP, WoD, BfA, SL, DF. Players have complained about it in the forums since Vanilla. It hasn’t changed.


No, it really isn’t. Vrak posted what is and isn’t class as cheating when it comes to PVP and premades. If you want a different answer, maybe wait more then a month from the same answer that was given.


This is the crux of your whole argument. “Yeah, but…” will not change the following two facts:

  1. It is not currently against the rules to count-down and join a queue together.
  2. Blizzard doesn’t punish people currently for leaving a BG queue.

How much more clear can that get? I know, I know, you still want “clarification” because it’s not what you want to hear, but that’s how it currently works.

If you would like to see it work differently, then post a well thought-out constructive suggestion in either the GD forum or the PVP forums.


I’d prefer one from an official source since it’s just back and forth due to some vagueness in the response. People are interpreting some different responses, trying to make sense of it. Again, this thread is not reflective of the discussions going on in the other parts of the forum and they can reference those where it’s pretty obvious a lot of people are confused.

That is a suggestion. The Devs don’t take suggestions from the Customer Support forum and the SFAs here are not liaisons with them.


They also have a limit to party size in the game so it’s not so simple.

That was a clarification that I’m not looking to ban people.

You had an official source in post #2, here it is again:

it is just not the answer that you do not like, Elriceincar.

If you think this should change, please, post it in the already made thread in General Discussion.

I think Vrak should get a Centuar Hug per every time any of his post get quoted. Sorry Vrak.


How about this…show us a thread or a blue post where people were/are being actioned for leaving a BG queue. I’d tell you why you won’t find one, but you won’t like the answer as it doesn’t support your cause.

You keep saying that a lot of people are confused but what you really mean is that ‘some’ people feel it should be changed and are upset that it’s not currently against the rules.