Is sync premading intended and fair?

You said earlier the 3k post in GD was mostly in support, it’s not it’s mostly debate over this question. A lot of people are confused. I mean, read this from the link.
“The normal Battleground queue is for players to jump in and play against other players in a similar situation. We realize that it’s not a perfect system, and we’re still looking at ways to improve normal Battleground queues further. Regardless, it’s not meant for organized groups to “pug stomp” and get quick Honor. We have built in outlets for players that want to organize–if a competitive, social experience was really the goal, then there are clear ways to achieve that.”

It’s not really when you look at the context of the link you provided. For your link, it was in the context of a thread about them breaking an addon that could interface with the queue system to achieve a certain result, so everything in that thread has to be viewed from the perspective of addon/automated queue manipulation.

As far as Vrak’s post, He says that manually is fine, addon/automation assisted is not.


They justified the removal of oQueue because of the reasons I just quoted, which seems to say that greater than 5 man groups are exploitive. The later post is a 1 sentence blurb from someone that people are saying cannot say anything on the subject. Not saying you’re wrong just we have some contradictory data and it’s causing issues.

no, i said:

take things at face value.


Again, it’s not.

There are other cases where doing something manually is ok, but automating it isn’t. The most on point here is multiboxing (something else players argue degrades the experience of others), where there’s a support article which is as unambiguous as it’s possible to be. Manually is fine, with the help of any automation assistance is not.


It is simple. Using an addon or external program to automate joining is not permitted. The key word here being “automate”. “3, 2, 1, join” is fine.

How would Blizzard police players using Discord or Ventrillo or Zoom or conference calling to coordinate joining queues? A chat program can be set up on a phone or tablet, so they can be used without being anywhere Warden can monitor.


They could, for example, add a cumulative delay in requeue so people can’t drop queues if they don’t get enough players into the same instance (like 1 min, 3 min, 5 min, 10 min type progression). There are other things they can do, I’m not asking them to ban players I’m just asking for clarification.

It’s been given.


you continue to say that you’re asking for clarification…

but it seems like you’re actually wanting to make a suggestion in regards to how queues work.


It has been given.

You not agreeing with it doesn’t mean it’s not true.


Sync queue is also dropping queues, it’s not just countdown timing.

You seem to have an agenda as well. Most posts in favor but not most posters.

It’s also been stated that it’s unfair and unintended which means it’s exploitive, that’s the confusion.

I really hope they read the threads and not take our word for it. People are obviously confused given what appear to be contradictory statements.


The automation of it, not the act of it. That’s the problem with selectively taking part of the conversation and leaving out the part where the automation of joining and dropping was happening.


I don’t think people actually are confused.

I think it’s mostly a case of “we don’t like the answer, so if we ask enough times it might change”.


That’s one possible interpretation, I’m genuinely confused because they made contradictory statements. I mean

EDIT: I really hope they read some of the threads, a lot of people seem confused.

It’s not set up for organized groups to join as a group, but there is nothing stopping them from coordinating joining to the same effect. And there is nothing stopping the other side from doing the same.

All Customer Support can do is tell you what the current policies are. If you want that changed, you need to post as such in General Discussion or the Battlegrounds forums.


Then they should provide clarification. I mean the post seems to say it’s exploiting to queue sync regardless of how it’s done, that’s why I pointed out countdown queuing isn’t the only element in queue sync since maybe that resolves the apparent contradiction.
“In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitch, or use elements of a game system in a manner not intended by the game’s designers, in a way that gives a substantial unfair advantage to players using it.”
From wiki, but I can provide other sources that say the same thing.

You have clarification. Using a voice chat, and counting down for 2 party leaders to hit queue at the same time, is not exploiting. As unfair as it maybe, it is not exploiting. However, if using other means to get around, such as using addons, yes, Blizzard will take a stance on the use of addons in the wrong way, needs to be reported. But 2 parties manually hitting “queue” together in hopes to get into the same battleground together is not considered as an exploit.


Queue sync also involves dropping if they don’t get into the same instance, it’s probably more of an issue than countdown queuing.

There is no rules for leaving any instance, regardless of reason. There is only a deserter buff though that tries to attempt to deter people away from leaving a queued instance, but there is no rule for leaving an instance.


If the queues don’t pop at the same time they drop which leaves one side short, some also send in one player to see if there is another sync premade on the other team so people are reporting significant disadvantage. If it happens in regs the team usually gets filled before the game starts, in epics you can go a long time at a significant disadvantage.

Like I said, it’s not just countdown queuing it’s a lot of things.