Is sync premading intended and fair?

Sync premading into epic BGs seems like a big issue if you ever visit the BG forum or look at the nearly 3k post thread in GD. There’s some confusion since we have different sources that say different things and I think you need to clarify this. You don’t even need to commit to action, we’ll get to it when we have the resources type thing or maybe add in a 40 man queue for epics if it’s intended so it doesn’t appear an exploit since they’re going outside the queue system to circumvent the 5 player restriction.

Just tell us in something official like what you said here so we know for sure:
https ://

EDIT: I was asking for clarification of a post made by a CS agent which people are arguing about on the forums. That’s all. I may have some opinions but I wasn’t asking for action just asking what you meant. Is countdown queuing, which is mentioned in the post in question, the same thing as sync queuing? Is this intended play?

What is the purpose of THIS forum if you won’t explain your own posts when people are confused with the response? Why make the initial post if it’s outside your scope of responsibilities, which you seem to be saying.

More importantly, is it a good idea to allow forum people to act as customer service agents? Do I have an opportunity for feedback at the response (is there someone else there I can talk to). The most accurate response in the thread got reported an deleted, where they said you wouldn’t answer and would close the thread, or I would have marked it as the solution.

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Feedback isn’t taken at the CS forums.


There are already plenty of posts on the subject including Blues.

People counting down and clicking join is not against any rules currently. Any changes to this would not be a CS decision nor should the arguments be brought here.

Keep it to the thread in GD or start one in one the PVP forums. Alternatively, if you feel something should change, you’re welcome to use the in-game suggestion feature.


That’s the contradiction from the link I provided. Premading epics goes beyond just countdown queuing, it’s also dropping queues until they have enough groups in the same instance. The link provided stating countdown queuing isn’t cheating came from the CS forums.

This has already been discussed at length here, not even a month ago:

The answer remains the same as a quote taken from Vrakthris. I recommend you follow Perl’s advice and post your suggestions to the intended forums.


I’ve seen no rules against this either. I don’t believe that anyone is prevented from doing so currently. That could certainly change in the future though.

And if you’d like to see the rules changed, it wouldn’t be from posting here. The CS forums are not a feedback forum.


The CS agents were the ones that are being quoted aside from my original post which was the developers.

Correct. And nothing has changed since.


This is not the place for this.

Also, as seen from the EU blue forum controversy over class armor looting and Kaivax’s final answer on that on GD, the CS team is really not aware of any developer’s decision.

If you really want to push for a change, Twitter is more likely to offer some impact.


Twitter won’t have an impact as it’d be feedback akin to the forums. There isn’t a special case with that site over any other.

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They didn’t say sync premades were OK, they said countdown queuing was not cheating so it’s not clear.

This is an extremely loaded question, with far-reaching consequences a yes or no won’t cover.

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While you could use the @Warcraftdevs twitter/X account to tweet them, it’s not an official means of providing feedback or suggestions. You’ll want to use the in-game Feedback feature or post in the PVP/GD forums.

I’m not seeing the difference nor will that be something at this point that is likely to be debated here. Keep it to the appropriate feedback forums.


You asked for clarification. CS made some confusing statements, I’m just asking them to clarify preferably in a more official manner.

I didn’t actually. I suggested that this is the wrong forum for the discussion. They made no confusing statements. There are certainly people who want blues to post something different to bolster their side, but that’s not likely to happen now.


You said you didn’t see the difference so I explained it.

Just to point it out; the Blues here are unable to talk about any given thing tossed at them for a personal feedback on something. If a statement was given already, them repeating it what was already stated isn’t going to changed within a short time frame. This is something from one of the CM would post as their job is more about delivering messages from the dev team themselves.


But they did post things, I’m just asking for clarification of what the CS agents posted.

Let Elricreincar wait for their response. There’s nothing more for us to add.

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They can close it when they get in on Monday.