Is sync premading intended and fair?

I’ve also shown a post where they seem to be calling party sync an exploit.

Again, party sync is more than countdown queuing and I quoted a post where they said party sync was unintended and unfair which is the basic definition of exploit. Just asking for clarification since the debates rage over these points.

But the portion I quoted said premade groups in epics are unfair and unintended. Is that different than countdown queue? An official answer might resolve a lot of the questions that come from those threads.

In regards to using an addon to automate the process, not manually doing it. Seriously!

The exact quote:

See how it says, “addons interact with the battleground queue system”.


If you believe that you’ve found an exploit, you can send the details via e-mail to:

That doesn’t change anything that has been previously explained to you. I get that it’s not what you want to hear and that you want a Blue post to tell you you’re wrong, but there’s really no need. There is no precedence at all to support your theory that counting down is a violation (proven and blue supported) nor has it ever been against the rules to leave a queue.


It seems like people here are using a quote for more than its intended purpose. You want to say I have an agenda but it seems like a lot of people here have more than I have, I just want an official clarification.

Their justification seems to indict all forms of party sync, I just want clarification from an official source which will be less biased than the ones I’ve received.

Actually, scrolling back to the source, Elricreincar,

You know anyone can use “CTRL+F” to search for a word or phase, please point out exactly where it says, “unintended”.

And FYI, unfair does not mean it is an exploit.


I provided a definition of exploit and the post meets all of the criteria of that definition.

That is not what I just asked.

And what you consider an exploit, does not mean it is an exploit. Blizzard has there own policies for what they maybe call an exploit in their own games, and sync queuing is not one of them, especially considering how they have never even called it an exploit when they broke any addons that interacted with the queuing system.


Exploit reports are not received nor passed on via the CS forums.

Edit: I feel like there’s not enough bamboo in the world for our wonderful Panda right now.


But it’s the CS quote that’s being analyzed.

I provided a definition.

We decided to make this change in order to improve the experience for all players who are queueing into random groups normally and expecting to face similarly random groups, only to find themselves crushed by a full team of coordinated opponents.

Every game company, every developer, every game, has their own versions on what is considered as exploiting, and what is allowed under there own policies for their games. Just because you don’t like it, does not mean it is an exploit.

It is seriously time to stop. Because right now, you are trolling. Everyone in this thread, has provided you with clear answers, and you refuse to accept those answers, because it is just not the answer you want.

EDIT: Orlyia, hello. I saw you online somewhere.

What is allowed and what’s exploiting are 2 different issues and you have seemingly contradictory statements. I kind of think you guys are trolling me, you keep saying the same things and I’m providing clarification. Just because you don’t like the point doesn’t mean it’s trolling.

EDIT: If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice. I didn’t see a solution marked.

EDIT2: I was asking for clarification of a post made by a CS agent which people are arguing about on the forums. That’s all. I may have some opinions but I wasn’t asking for action just asking what you meant. Is countdown queuing, which is mentioned in the post in question, the same thing as sync queuing? Is this intended play?

What is the purpose of THIS forum if you won’t explain your own posts when people are confused with the response? Why make the initial post if it’s outside your scope of responsibilities, which you seem to be saying.

You are quite simply in the wrong place to advocate for change.

GMs, and we SFAs do not make policy, write the game, fix bugs or determine exploits.

We have whole teams devoted to developing games.

We have whole teams devoted to stamping out exploits and cheaters.

We have whole teams devoted to chasing and nailing down bugs.

You are asking the wrong folks. Now, are there forums those teams do have insight into? Yes - but it’s not here. We have forums on various game subject matter, we have forums about bugs. We have a direct email to the hacks team - none of those are CS, the folks that are in charge of such things pay attention to THOSE forums. That’s why when you come to THIS forum you are often directed to a more appropriate one.