Is it time to ban auction house addons?

Then I wonder what exactly the cause in DF was, when the AH was also on its knees.

Its amazing how people who don’t understand addons or the auction house think that auction house addons are some sort of heretical magic capable of doing things we mortals can only dream of.

All that happened is OP tried to buy something that is moving very quickly on because its the start of the expansion and people are buying/selling like crazy. If it took you 30 minutes just to purchase something, that’s a you problem.

Congrats you win bad take of the day! The award shifts hands once again

This is something I just found out while I was trying to dodge the message of item no longer being there.

I’m sure it was made to combat something. But I don’t even think it’s even relevant.

The auction add-ons have been around for a long lonnngg time with no issues. If blizz cared they would have banned them by now. Take your peasant rage and rail against something else.

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well, folks, it doesn’t get any clearer than that!

That has more to do with the volume of players using the same AH system now than it does with addons. The addons for this are a god send for selling items.

I haven’t had the item not found error for days now and i’ve been hustling herbs. turns out it wasn’t “addons” after all, eh? addons can’t do anything that the blizz interface can’t. they don’t get the auctions faster, they don’t buy faster, they can’t individual buy past the cheapest. there is no “sniping”

there is no way around telling the game “give me X of these items and buy the cheapest ones” via an addon OR default UI. You can see this by seeing how much worse/abandoned the main AH addons were since DF introduced the new AH interface.

The power of an addon before was that it would basically DO what the current blizz interface does: aggregate prices and find the cheapest per unit, because before items were not aggregated at all, which lead to a lot of misclicks on overpriced singles/quantity/cost per item mixed in with normal single items.

The unavailable error was some other issue, as the entire premise of the AH centers around buying the cheapest, that’s why it pops up an adjusted price when you can’t buy as cheap anymore when your amount spans multiple price points.

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the forums seem to be having trouble right now. is TSM responsible for that also? maybe it’s ElvUI, maybe we should ban that just to be safe!

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Check twitter. Devs discussed the issues. It was not addon related.

Now, if you want to make an argument for why some of these AH addons should be removed, I think there is definitely a good argument to be made… but nothing to do with the recent issues.

Uh. They can cancel much faster and scan the AH over and over to check undercuts. And yes, they can buy faster, for example items that cannot stack. And sniping has been a thing for many years.

Supposedly the lag was created by a database table going from thousands to millions of lines and the ah having to parse them all every time you interact with the AH. The compute required was too much for the associated hardware to keep up with. They have temporarily fixed it by throwing stronger hardware at it while they work on a fix for the software.

And they also said it was their own code on their end that did that. So, not addons.

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Right, that’s what I was getting at, sorry. The issue is broken code on Blizzard’s part (well not broken, but requiring too much compute)

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All addons shall be banned.

Not enough hardware, which they improved during DF. Addon haters in ultra cope mode. B-b-b-but the addons ruined the AH 2 years ago!

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Add-ons are helping the bots people have. It’s a long story but add-ons make many bots possible by translating the game to bot

You can take my All The Things from my cold, dead, hands.

Also TSM has been throttled for years at this point. After this change i stopped farming transmog, the posting time took waaaayyy to long.

Stop acting so dramatic, lmao. I only asked a simple question, why are you getting so defensive? Jesus.