Is it time to ban auction house addons?

Ah yes, the 5 people that must multibox 2 toons each just so Honestly can be the best Alliance guild in the world. Your logic is sound. /s

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Hell yes to this!!!

I agree 100%, I like to flip stuff on the AH using Cooking, but its near impossible to purchase simple matts to make feasts / personal food b/c the AH won’t let you purchase items. I believe this is also due to BOTS using scripts to instantly buy out and post auctions, if you scale it to region / clusters of servers, you could be looking at Thousands of bots adding more strain to the AH making it unusable in its current state.

I don’t watch him but okay thanks for the comment

This is a bug with the AH servers / code, not AH addons. The item not found message is not because a bot bought it 0.1 seconds before you did. I’m seeing specific “not found” items that have been up for many minutes.

Just as they ban anyone that uses addons or programs that automate gameplay, they should do so to the auction house users that use TSM to auto buy items the moment they are put on the AH by any individual. They aren’t even playing the game, they are sitting at their screen letting a program do it for them - how much more black and white does it have to get?

It’s really annoying and inhibits people from playing fresh characters if they are held at ransom to buy a 564 piece for 50-200k as oppose to a few hundred to a few thousand (which is reasonable) not everyone has piles of gold they buy from websites like the bot infested AH.


No addon can cause anyone to buy anything for more than they think its worth. If it’s not worth 50K to someone, no one will buy it and the lister will be out their deposit. If it is, it might as well go the player who cares enough to spend 50K vs. the player whose top bid was 500g. And more importantly, seeing a legit market price at 50K, will motivate more people to make more supply (which 500g will not.) If the AH is good for nothing else it should at least help educate a wider audience on basic economics.

Anyway, back to the main point of the thread, there is an article on Wowhead quoting a Wow dev on Twitter/X, admitting that Blizzard recently made a change to the AH database that did not work out as well as hoped, and they are in the process of fixing it - first on the weekly reset with more hardware, and with more fundamental fixes coming later.


You are giving TSM way more automation credit than it actually has. Honestly with the changes made to both throttling and the constant traffic from the AH being made shared by region and thus shared by huge swaths of the player base, TSM often times is slower than just using the default AH UI for purchasing commodities.

There’s this thing called supply and demand, and competition. That’s what sets the prices. People will literally sell things for as much as they can get someone to pay. But it’s entirely voluntary. The person buying has to actually click to confirm their purchases. If they don’t want to buy it for the minimum price posted (which is what TSM and the default AH do standard btw) then they can simply chose to not buy it at that price.

If you don’t like AH prices there’s a very simple solution to the problem. Go farm it yourself. With alts it is entirely possible to never interact with the AH. This has been true since Vanilla and hasn’t changed at any point in WoW’s history.

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I would rather blame the fact that they made this AH region wide knowing there is too much activity to operate properly. Previous expansions on full servers that AH would strain.

You are completely missing the point, but hey if it makes you feel superior to say people need an education on economics - power to ya I guess.

I never once said that an addon was forcing you to buy a 50k item, seems like you never read the post and just skimmed over the buzz words - you preach about educating a wider audience? Why dont you educate yourself a re-read the post.

Your post says: “are held at ransom to buy a 564 piece for 50-200k”

I take “held at ransom” equal to “forcing” but if there’s a subtle difference I’m missing, I always enjoy learning new things.


again, no addon forcing you to buy it.

Are you guys going to read or do I have to keep saying it???

We are reading. If your intent is not to indicate forcing or some sense of mandatory behavior, then you may want to consider different verbiage.

Oh yes, let’s make the game even more inaccessible for people.

99% of my addons are to make information and things easier to see and notice because I’M FREAKING HALF BLIND.

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If an addon can make a game more accessible, so can Blizzard.

Allowing addons is the reason why Blizzard doesn’t do it yet.

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They’re not going to do what’s needed for the low vision.

I need things bigger. I need information available that they don’t make available elsewhere. I need them to scrap the trash raid frames and copy Cell, for example.

TFW people thought AH addons were the problem but it turns out someone messed up a table in a database. Apologize now addon haters.


Cause now you have every bot in the region overloading it instead of the ones on your server.

Except that’s literally not what’s happening at all in any way.

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I mean, I hate add-ons, but it’s not their fault this time