Is it time to ban auction house addons?

having to spend 30 minutes just trying to buy basic mats because “this item is unavailable” is spammed on my screen, is insanely frustrating. And this was at 4am, so the excuse that its peak hours and everyones trying to buy stuff doesnt even work.


Regional AH was a bad idea but bli$$ard will never admit it


It was time to ban AH add-ons a long time ago, now is the next best time.


Not just AH addons.

ALL addons shall be banned.


Oh yes it was bad idea to tie all the AH of NA are together…it killed prices for most sellers esp in raw mats…


Timezones, an amazing concept.

You do realise that (a) materials are available region wide and (b) it may be 4am where you are, but not elsewhere? Its 5.53am in LA and 10.53pm where I am.


Ah i forgot about that 6am Peak hour! eyeroll. Oh wait, you mean the 5 people playing in oceania?


Why? A lot of them are strictly cosmetic and don’t hurt anything.


TSM and Auctionator have existed for years without DDOSing the AH, so no, it’s not the addons.


What a jolly joker.


They force us to buy the lowest price.

Lowest price is highly contested.

Trying to buy a higher price forces you to buy everything available at lower price.

The lower prices again are highly contested.

Just let us buy the higher priced items without purchasing everything below it.


We don’t need to ban addons. We need posting limits on the AH.

I’ll call anything stackable “trade goods” (which are cross-realm) and anything else “items” (which are not cross realm). Suggestions:

  1. You can only list 30 items a day;
  2. You can only list each trade good once per day, which is refreshed if your items sell. This might need to be more restrictive;
  3. Limits on the number of each trade good that you can sell, say 10,000 for each ore, 100 for each potion;
  4. A limit on the total number of trade goods you can list per day.

You basically want to break the constant scan, cancel, re-list loop that automated bots do.

All of these limits would be on a per-battle net account basis.


RIP transmog selling. I totes wanna spend a whole MONTH getting my stock reposted.

RIP any decent gold making.

So many terrible AH takes these last few days.


Transmog selling is already dead. I’ve gone through phases of trying this. I would list 100+ items and maybe 1-2 of them would sell. Totally not worth the time, even with TSM to streamline the listing. And TSM is an investment of time to setup anyway.

Flipping trade goods benefits a handful of people. A degraded/unusable AH affects a ton of people.

We saw these same complaints when trade good on the AH went cross-realm (“but I liike cornering my realm’s market for ! Waaah!”). Again the choice was easy: keep 50 people happy who already have too much gold or benefit everyone else. Gee, that’s a hard one.


The thing is even without regional AH this would still be a thing. People would just set up alts on every realm and pass gold/items through the warbank


They should add a cooldown to the option to cancel an auction, like, make people have to wait one minute before they can cancel an auction, this way these guys can’t just constantly flood stuff at low prices by constantly cancelling those auctions to bait people into posting at those prices just to instantly buy them and sell it at double the price.

With a one min wait time before being able to cancel an auction a regular person would not be effected by it and the “this item is unavailable” caused by what you wanted to buy getting cancelled would happen less.

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Addons might certainly be at least contributing to the problems, paired with the connected regional AH. Just looking at how fast I’m able to spam-cancel items, scan the AH over and over again, and similiar pranks… I think temporarily breaking these addons might take at least a little bit of pressure off.

I’d actually love that.


Extremely unlikely. What is more likely is something as simple as this:
A new expansion launched and crafting matters in said expansion. Ergo, folks use the auction house more. DF was popular unlike SL so we had more people going into TWW than we did people going into DF. And finally, we are introduced with the capital extremely quickly where we learn where everything is. This means that capital city behaviour (such as using the auction house and crafting) is kickstarted far sooner than it was in DF.

There’s lots and lots of extremely simple reasons to explain all of it. TSM and other addons like them most likely have a negligible impact on the auction house. Especially since we know how these addons work and they only facilitate making manual work easier, they don’t automate things, or do any of the weird stuff folks think that they do. Folks complaining about addons are just scapegoating and not much else.

“Oh crap I made a mistake, let me cancel that auction… huh? I can’t? Welp, I could’ve fixed my mistake but because people are scared of things that aren’t a problem I guess I must be a victim to protect against … Nothing.”
The ability to cancel an auction exists for reasons where someone wants to cancel said auction. Ain’t more complicated or less than that. If you want to break something which is by every conventional sane logic not a problem … you can start by asking “why break it.”


Yes, they absolutely do. Scanning is automation. Having the add on do everything but click post, is automation. The fact that you are trying to spin shows you KNOW they are a problem.


I mean we would have to ban the bots doing it.

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