Is it time to ban auction house addons?

Just banwave all of the totally legitimate not bot players doing 20k transactions per day and undercutting in 1 second.


No, whatever else it is, it is unfair. Using TSM is like using a Chess computer in a tournament.

And whatever else you may think of WoW’s AH, it is not Byzantine; it is almost painfully barebones. You might well think it should in fact be more complicated - that it should have more features and options. OK, that’s a defensible opinion. And you may feel that TSM gives you some of those, again a defensible opinion.

But what is not a matter of opinion is that, given the base functions of the AH as it is now, the difference between using and not using TSM is far greater than the difference between using and not using any other addon in the game. No other addon in any area of the game has the level of intelligent computation and automation that TSM does.


I think It’s time we ban you, Ursidae >w<!!

That’s how you kill niche markets

Everything TSM can do is allowed by Blizzard and their AH settings. You’re acting like only certain people can use the “chess computer” whereas everyone can use it. In fact the base AH is so bad that everyone SHOULD use it.


Eh, I don’t use it, but I also don’t post much

I didn’t even know that was something TSM does (I don’t even know what it is, I just assumed an Auctionator-like addon), but the whole “keep listing a grey item for 100,000g in order to throw off the average” thing is pretty old by now, IMO. I don’t see why Blizzard doesn’t provide that info (beyond having to store that data, I guess).

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IF its addons doing it, bliz will remedy the problem soon enough.
I got my money on its not addons, but something they screwed up themselves

I’d say yes. The AH is so frustrating to use. “item not available” over and over. And everytime I sell something I have to watch, since they try to get your to bait sell your items for way too cheap so they can buy to resell

The space needed to store historical price and sales data is minimal. Undermine Exchange does it for prices in some ridiculously small space (two digit GB I think) by using compressed files, which makes a lot of sense as there is really no need to have the data in a fully indexed form.

It would help everyone if the default AH UI was updated to provide something like a median sale price for, say, the past week or past 10 sales, whichever is more. The AH could even populate the price with that value rather than its current behavior, which is the lowest posted price.

A few weeks ago, the web auction API went days without an update. (It normally gets an hourly update.) Obviously that had nothing to do with load. Presumably Blizzard was messing around with the AH back end and broke something, and took their sweet time fixing it (as is the case these days).

Another person who doesn’t understand that cancel scanning is not a problem nor is canceling. Canceling is throttled just like posting, and “read” operations are efficient. This was addressed long ago.

Here is the DISCUSSION FROM 2020 that people keep having, like history doesn’t exist.

Also this, also FROM 2020:

FINALLY, whatever the problem is, it isn’t slow-as-hell TSM. There are efficient, stripped-down sniping addons made for the purpose. Using TSM to do “real time sniping” is like using an aircraft carrier to cross a river.


There’s no question that cancel scanning is being abused.
A limit on number of cancels per day or a 30 second window before the cancel button is greyed out sounds totally reasonable. Make it 100 gold to cancel an auction. Something.

I’d wager the problem is the reagent robbers trying to get a couple thousand herbs or ore for half price. They are constantly posting, buying and cancelling over and over all day. They are the ones stressing the system.

Plenty of realms had empty auction houses. Also warband makes server locked auction houses a terrible idea. Imagine someone coming in with a lot of warband gold, buying everything and literally have a liteeal monopoly?

I think it might be a “death spiral” that people not being able to buy because of the UI’s idiotic behavior are creating, by trying and trying and trying, 2, 5, 10x+ times just for one purchase. The more people fail at purchases, the harder and faster they try, and the greater the load, and potentially, the greater the failure.

But who knows.

Whatever it is, it’s Blizzard’s fault though, and thoroughly preventable, as, as I’ve said several times, the way the system works hasn’t changed (where users are concerned) since late SL.

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I’d rather 50 people happy with higher prices per server than region wide where bots have dropped the cost of mats to 1 copper above worthless.

It’s impossible to go back without disabling cross-realm trading.

I am aware, but that’s where we are now unless Blizz finally does something about the bots (they likely never will be cause the bot accounts are paying).

The conspiracy theory in me is Blizzard is purposefully devaluing gold sources in game to push people towards the token.

Are they though? Considering you can buy game time with in game gold, why would they be paying?

Someone is paying for them, either out of hand or token. Just cause it’s a token doesn’t mean the money isn’t coming in for them.