Is it time to ban auction house addons?

Or they could just ban the bots and leave the rest of us alone. Why do you want to kill the ability to make gold on the ah? That’s a huge part of people’s game, mine included. None of the addons that most of us plebs have access to are even close to doing what bots and those running scripts can do. Thats what should be banned.

Besides the AH issues aren’t bots, which is what I thought it was, or addons. It’s a technical issue on Blizz’s end. They posted on twitter earlier. So knee jerk “ban all the fun” sentiments are unwarranted.

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Bring back the old way of purchasing mats via a list, ill gladly scroll down and pay way more just for the ability to reliably get the mats as opposed to fighting bots and sweaty AH goblin flippers.

Starting to become pretty clear you don’t actually understand what automation is.


The best idea change to the AH once you put an item up or 100 items up for whatever price …that’s it you can’t cancel the Auction and have to wait out whatever time you put the items up for auction to get them back to changes prices…that would stop this cancel and lowering prices and flooding the AH …

ah addons arent to blame fully , but some “functions” of those should be banned…

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A dev just spoke up on twitter:

So no, it wasn’t TSM or Auctionator, it was a change they made in the code that lead to a bug that wrote tens of millions of records in a database.


Are you, personally, clicking through pages and menus, getting that data? No? So its not manual? Hmmm. Whats the opposite of that…

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It’s literally using the search menu functionalities of the AH. You know those things you select manually. Again still don’t think you understand what automation actually is.

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No way you people are this dense. You have to be trolling.

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The addons just exacerbate the problems, whether it’s API or macro-automated actions. It’s plain to see that the AH is just not keeping up with the volume.
I will say that letting addons just encourage players to vary their prices on items by naughts of a percentage points lower than the competitors to post just one (1) item has to be creating a cascade of issues. There has to be a trading floor case study that just says “don’t do this, don’t let sellers do this”

Scale :: Regions
The old regional AH’s at least cut the populations and thus the volume of goods to a manageable scale. These regional AHs have me slamming my head into the keyboard trying to just purchase 1 rare item.

If I needed to buy 20 of this thing just to get the one I need, I would. But I can’t even do that without the same problem happening.

I wouldn’t want to be vindictive to any team that deigned to create an economic trading tool for millions of customers, handling hundreds of thousands of unique items, with volumes in multiples there in handling all the different price points. I can only imagine the headache.

People blame the addons when they’ve already throttled them so hard lol, and then refuse to believe when it’s proven not to be them


Has it been proven to not be them though?
I wasn’t around for back in the day when they originally throttled those AH addons, was that not a cause of issues back then?

As to what is going on currently all people have is speculation and it isn’t without precedent given the past that addons could be playing a part.

Though it is perhaps more reasonable to attribute this to the changes to how the AH works in general that Blizzard have made.
I think many of us by this stage have been in a situation where looting in a raid feels extremely lagged, which appears to be from mixing OCE with NA. I strongly suspect something similar could be happening with the AH now… but again it is just speculation so who really knows??!

Your take is bad and you should feel bad


These days players cannot be trusted, especially when some of them work for foreign powers farming gold to the determent of others.

It’s always been this way, Diablo 4 is a year old and plagued with cheating, duping and hacks to make $$$.

That’s why it’s pretty obvious that bots are at work here, I don’t care what you say, you’ll never convince me otherwise.

I’ve seen too much cheating for no reason, so if there is real money involved by making gold to sell on the black market, then you can be damned sure it’s happening here.

Yes, it was, they came out and said what is causing it and it is a back end change


You accidentally post the wrong item or wrong price more than once per minute?

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Omg stop blaming addons it’s the start of the expansion, regional auction houses exist and timezones are a thing just cause it’s 4 am for you doesn’t mean it is for everyone else.

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Yep a Dev literally explained what caused the problem

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Players blame the devs for everything else but the ah all they ever blame is the addon lol


It’s not that either, blizzard broke it

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