Is it time to ban auction house addons?

Among the considerable ignorance embedded in this statement is the fact that what people are having issues with is the merged commodities AH, which is not where equipment is sold.

Meanwhile I assure you, people do buy those BoEs.

Given that nothing has changed with the player-facing design of AH since late SL when the regional commodities AH came into existence, and this same situation emerged at the start of DF, you would think that Blizzard would have taken some steps to make sure it didn’t happen again.

As Francis Urquhart said, “You might very well think that …”

The AH addons were fine before the AH update, due to 100 pages of stacks of 1.

Now their existence are more redundant.

The era of 1000 posts of 1 arrow was stupid and even worse was the decade+ it took Blizzard to get rid of it.

Meanwhile, TSM makes it possible to craft and sell items in an organized, efficient manner. Crafting and selling at the volumes that players want without addons would be a nightmare.


This is a red herring, Blizzard isnt banning anything and this thread is full of a huge misunderstanding about how any of them work.


TSM has been around since Cata. Auctioneer and auctionator even before that. They aren’t going anywhere. Why kill addons when they are fixing your problems for you for free.


Because the tools have become so complex that they are borderline botting. Not to mention that it makes botting much easier.

Botting is a problem that Blizzard needs to fix. They don’t need TSM to do the things they do. There is no automation in TSM. As always, it’s 1 click per 1 action.


I would love to tell you about the gun issue here in America.

Ehhh don’t do that, it will get the thread nuked for sure.

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In particular, if you are trying to do anything fast, the way to do it is certainly not TSM.

TSM is great for making gold slowly but surely, that’s all.

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TSM is best for posting a lot of things at a certain price. It’s weakness is people meme posting reagents for half price and TSM undercutting it, leaving you open for a huge loss. I just use it to search, buy and post speed gear.

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I manage at the moment about 1400 transmog auctions, about 1/2 of them old xpac items that I have crafted. They are priced to sell and they do, a few million gold per month on a low-pop realm.

Keeping track of what needs to be made and what reagents are needed to make it would be horrific otherwise. Spreadsheets. Then there’s the question of how to price it.

Evidently people don’t understand that the posting part in TSM is slow. There is nothing speedy about posting with TSM and even less with canceling.

I don’t know what’s responsible for the high volume that is breaking the terrible AH UI design, but it’s not TSM, and as far as I know, it might be as simple as thousands of players all buying and selling at the same time, regardless of bots.


No one without TSM posts 1400 auctions, almost assuredly.

Yup. The AH throttle is around 1 second for everyone no matter the addon. TSM is great for organizing what you want to sell and for how much. It’s literally an accounting program that makes posting easier. I’d advise people who think TSM is the problem to install it and watch some videos on it. It will change their mind.


Uh… right now I’m not having much trouble with commodities, but actually with equipment because it just vanishes when I post it.

We all know it’s gold sellers gaming the AH at the expense of players’ experience.

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Personally I would be fine with making AH API’s be read only (no buying/selling) if they added a “sold” history so we can see what stuff actually sold for.

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That’s not TSM’s fault, and the 1,000,000s of items that disappeared from guild vaults 2-1/2 weeks ago aren’t TSM’s fault either.

Right, there is no sales data provided in the Auction API, either in-game or using the web game data API. Nothing. Zip. Nothing in the game tells you how much an item has sold for or how many have sold. All you know is what the listings are.

TSM gets sales data via addon users phoning home with their sales data, so that sales data can be aggregated and redistributed back to addon users.

And I didn’t write that. So I don’t exactly get what your point is, lmao.

I did not read masses in that. You can take a guess what i read instead lol

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