Is Isboxer legal?

don’t worry ruffle , haters only hate cus u got somethin to be seen and they dont


They are probably talking about the part of your post referencing the other player not liking multiboxing, when Tinystomper is a prolific multiboxer and has been for years.

You’re right. I didn’t know that. It doesn’t matter though. I’m still not embarrassed about what I posted. I didn’t post that specifically about Tinystomper, but players-at-large. A number of players post about how they think multi-boxing is cheating and should be banned. They can not or will not see the differentiation between one key-press = one action per instance of the game and automation. The same way they say that multi-boxing is one-hit in PvP like it’s one player and not the 5, 10, 20 characters which are targeting their character.

Personally I don’t multi-box, but I don’t see any reason to stop someone else from doing it. I find it hilarious if I encounter a multi-boxer while PvPing. The over-kill numbers are a riot.


Well, in response to this comment…

For me, it’s the “per instance of the game” loophole where I take issue. The “automation” stems from pressing one single button, which then automatically causes multiple events to occur. Yes, they occur in multiple instances of the game, but I still see one button press resulting in 10 fireballs; or 10 cobra shots; or 4 fireballs, 4 cobra shots, and 2 wild growths. I don’t believe that to be in the spirit of fair play. Just my opinion.

Technically, when you press “W” on your keyboard, a bunch of things automatically happen and could be considered automation. You aren’t telling your computer every step of code to eventually end in your screen showing you a “W”. And in reality, you’re just cloning that key to your screen. A program takes care of it; only an old fashioned typewriter would completely bypass this.

The process of that Key Press reaching the Client is software… for everything. The issue is what happens once it reaches the Client. If “W” doesn’t do only “W” action, but does X, Y and Z as well, then you’re automating.

One press, one action per Client is the only definition Blizzard has for defining automation. The automatically you’re stuck on (the key clone) is considered a single event by Blizzard.

General is a better place to discuss the semantics of your opinion versus Blizzard’s on Multi-boxing. Customer Support has responded with Blizzard’s stance; feedback for Multi-boxing won’t be seen here.


I don’t see how, her statements are entirely accurate. Not knowing that someone may have experience with a subject you are talking about isn’t embarrassing or laughable. Especially when the response they provided, specifically this one:

Isn’t accurate.

At no point in our history have we penalized for echoing mouse clicks/key presses across multiple clients, unless other activity took place in conjunction with those keypresses that did violate policy or the program used was a found to be a exploitative.

I think we’ve exhausted this one. Thanks all.