Is FF14 better for solo than Wow? For group/MMO stuff? Looking for honesty

if you dont mythic raid in this game, ff14 is the superior mmo. not even close

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I mean… the endless dungeons with save files and fixed parties basically lets you do endless solo dungeons AND endless dungeons with friends.

It’s basically an infinitely better Torghast.

Be careful with this expectations. The game does not change much. Sure, you get more abilities but the gameplay is the same. The game resolved around a story, you’re a main character in said story. You do get to do more dungeons/trials/explore the world and etc. but there’s nothing dramatically different in terms of gameplay.

I’m level 66 and on the 2nd expansion (Stormblood). Aside from me switching from a Paladin Tank to a Gunbreaker Tank, I’m still doing the same thing but with more button and have access to more stuff in the game. The MSQ stuff is the same deal throughout.

yeah you’re not wrong, fetch quests shouldn’t be so bad when we used to have to spend 120 levels doing it here


lol, so true. I was expecting ARR to be bad, like bad/bad but the quests are straight forward and even fetch quests makes sense to the story and the “why”. I’ve no idea half the time on why I am killing boars, etc, aside from getting EXP due to me being in that zone.

Take the aether current quests that NPC gives to help unlock flying for that specific zone. They would normally tell you to talk to 3 different NPC, usually super close to one another or kill 3 mobs that’s clustered together…I was ready to start going ham in the entire zone to do it as I was conditioned to do so but killing three? lol…

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you mean i don’t have to kill 30 bears just to get 5 livers?? what kind of crappy realism is this


You have to have an active subscription to post on their forums.

I’ll break your world even more…FFXIV doesn’t even make you loot. If you kill something, you get the loot. For dungeons quests (which are interspersed in the main questline), you HAVE to complete the dungeon too…no just completing the objective and skipping out.

As for the OP…FFXIV is amazing for story/lore driven players, soloers, casual and casually hardcore players and even tryhards who derive their sense of pleasure and enjoyment from tackling hard content without explicit power as rewards.

If you live and die for PvP, mythic+, or think this game was better when elites ruled your ability to gear up past dungeon blues, or are some toxic individual who enjoys the anonymity of the internet to abuse and belittle people for whatever stuck up or elitist metric that exists in your mind…you won’t enjoy the game (nor even last very long if you are the toxic sort).


i know lol i’ve been playing it for ~6 years, was just being sarcastic. glad it’s finally getting the recognition it deserves though

You are a dragoon, of course you got thrown off the platform. =p There is a meme titan fight that square made in 16 bit, the only person to get thrown off the platform? The dragoon.

lol, nah, I have not had to kill a bunch of mobs, no Hemet Nesingwary type quest yet. Looting is set to auto too which is a weird feeling.

Path of the dead and heaven on high? If you level all your classes you will grow to hate these. So. Many. Runs.

that sold me on it, i’m going to keep leveling in FF

it is nice not to worry about whether you loot what you kill though. won’t run into a “i killed the time lost proto but it’s up a cliff and i can’t reach it and a GM won’t drop the mount in my bags for me” situation

Disagree. 14 gives you a clear path to BiS with better bad luck protection. It also gives you a better reason to want the loot other than Stats. Did i also mention that you actually can get loot on FFXIV.

Don’t get me wrong - I prefer FFXIV’s system.

But it is undebatable that WoW has more loot treadmill content, more itemization options, more player power progression, more challenging content, scaling content, and reason to repeat that content.

Again, I’ve long since hopped off the loot treadmill and FFXIV’s more minimal offering appeals more to me. But if you live for the loot treadmill? FFXIV isn’t going to do anything for you.

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That is a great point. Questing in FF14 isn’t just made to level and forget. It’s made to pice together a single narrative and push character development. Because of this I’ve never viewed ff14 leaving experience as a chore.

It has a bunch of buttons later on that you weave in called OGCD’s. Early game is slow, later, most rotations can be more complex than anything WoW has.

The only things that FF14 does NOT do well is PVP. if you’re a pvper, sorry, wait for New World or Ashes of Creation from what I hear.

I play both and enjoy both for different reasons.

WoW I play for the combat and fast paced endgame content.
FF14 I play for when I’m in the ‘go with the flow’ mood. I have like 3 classes I’ve been swapping between leveling.
It really sucks that tab target in PvP over is abysmal. Why yes let me target the RDM 5 miles away and not the DRG that’s stabbing me in the face.