Is FF14 better for solo than Wow? For group/MMO stuff? Looking for honesty

I’m not going to jump in the “leaving WoW for FF,” bandwagon but I may play it as a second game and see what happens.

For WOW I play a lot of solo, but also a lot of M+ so would I enjoy FF? Looking for extra specifics for anyone who had a similar experience?


In terms of solo gameplay, FFXIV beats WoW in every way. In group, I guess it depends. Raids are around 8 people, have no trash just bosses, but the atmosphere is more laid back and casual in my opinion. WoW’s group content is more hardcore and relies more on teamwork, interupts/stuns, kiting, etc. etc.


Thanks. My only experience is with the original FF MMO way back before the start over and then it was very unforgiving to solo level up and quest


WoW does the endgame loot treadmill better than everyone else and always will.

FFXIV does everything else better.


Solo stuff is pretty good, as is group content, but there is nothing like M+.

As a 2nd game though, it scratches itches WoW does not.


FF has group finder for all content (from all expansions), even for savage and extreme difficulty (although pug will not going to do them for obvious reasons)

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FF14 is casual heaven.

I tried it years ago and felt it wasn’t for me, but the game is superb.


I’d say just give it a try. Don’t listen to what the forums say because everyone has a bias that they try to pass off as it’s absolute fact. There’s not a better game IMO, just vastly different focuses

Personally, I’ve tried FF multiple times, and I do not enjoy it. TBH, I’d be very sad if that’s the future of MMORPGs lol


Yeah, the beginner experience is a slog, both in narrative and gameplay, and not indicative of the endgame experience at all. But I do not begrudge anyone who couldn’t make it through.

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Has nothing to do with the lawsuit, I’m just sick of reading FF14 posts in the WORLD OF WARCRAFT FORUMS. Go post in the FF14 forums.


It’s a comparative question that involves WoW. It is quite on topic. WoW does not exist in a bubble.


There is no M+ equivalent in FFXIV. There are harder versions of raids that provide gear that you can only get in those raids, but that’s the extent of endgame.

FFXIV is much better for solo content, but the group content is there if you want to pursue it (and a lot of it is very good despite what the WoW community may tell you), the difference being that it’s not the only thing the game has going for it. As a result, you do reach an end point with endgame progression.


true but there are also 100000’s of these posts everyday. I’m sick of them.

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I think FFXIV is more casual friendly, and since one character can learn every ‘job’ I actually consider it to be a little more ‘Alt friendly’ in that you can perform any role or do any content on your main without having to level an alt (unless you just want to.)

I have not played enough myself to really give a fair assessment of raiding and endgame content though.


personally i think FF14 wins in both categories, but i also can’t stand the M+ style of gaming. at the very least for you i’d say it’s far better for solo play


You will have to run a lot of dungeons and 8 man raids to progress through the questline, if you don’t you will not be able to progress. Otherwise, I spend most of my time solo. It is a great game, but I would not consider the levelling process to be solo considering the dungeons. The rest of the quests you do yourself.

The dungeons and group content I’ve had to do so far though, automatically queue you with random players so you don’t have to look for groups on your own. They don’t last very long, and the people I have played with so far have been friendly.


FF 14 has a superior solo experience to WoW

Heck - FF 14 recently implemented a system called “Trusts” (not Trysts…calm down boyo!) where well known NPCs can join you in shadowbringers dungeons rather then waiting for actual players.

That system is frankly really nice - if WoW were smart they would do likewise but “better”
With covenant halls and class halls and such - we have a laundry list of NPCs we could use for a “Trust” like system - maybe even include progression for them to get stronger…that might be cool.

But yeah I play both and I alternate to build rest XP.


The sad thing is I had fun soloing and learning to dungeons right up until SL.


I have endgame BIS gear for my class and I only play for like 3 hours a week.

Take from that what you will.

For me, it means I can engage with the highest level of content available and still have time to do other things in the game. Which is important when your game actually has more to do in it than putting in time on that loot treadmill.

I prefer FFXIV’s endgame model, but I do understand that some people much prefer always having that carrot to strive for. WoW likes to keep that carrot on a stick that you can chase eternally, whereas FFXIV just throws a ton of carrots at you to feast on and hopes that some are to your liking.


I honestly recommend watching Jesse Cox’s video comparing the two games, its pretty level headed and tries to remain unbiased. Personally I play more ff14 than wow but I’m not one to stick to just one game.