Is FF14 better for solo than Wow? For group/MMO stuff? Looking for honesty

WoW’s system is designed to keep you doing the same content over and over on the same toon/class. Its being better or not is at best up to the individual but at a baseline if you need to rely on a third party website just to figure out how it works than theres a problem.

I like FF better as a solo player and Dungeons. Really have not raided so can’t answer but I do love WoWs raids. I hate Mythic+ and that is one reason I like FF dungeons better. WoW is killing me with to many damn systems and FF has none of that crap. And I love the fact that I get get good gear by doing the content I like with their Tomestones currency.

The story is really good and the endgame is challenging. If your thing is PvE and roleplay, FF is the game for you. The combat starting out is really clunky with GCD but with Skill/Spell speed as a stat, it gets better as you reach max lvl.

The pvp needs a lot of work and overall class mechanics. It doesnt flow and isnt as engaging as WoW’s pvp. This is in part due to the GCD factor along with several other balancing issues. It’s clear the devs focus isn’t on pvp.

Tbh, Im giving FF a try but I dont view it as a long term solution for my MMO fix. Let’s hope AoC or New World turns out to be as immersive as WoW was. But with that being said, a good MMO cant start as an MMO. WoW was so successful because 1. it had a large following from its RTS games and had enough lore to build a complete world and 2. They were the first to do so. Not saying they’ve completely monopolized the idea, but its been shown you cant just do #1(Star Wars: TOR, Elder Scrolls, etc.) and not do the other. Perhaps Riot Games can build a good one with all the lore they’ve been building with their MOBA along with having a system unique to other MMOs.

I would argue that it is overdeveloped, sure. And again, I no longer engage with any manipulative loot treadmill systems.

But there are people who still enjoy that type of content, and it is misleading to say that FFXIV is comparable in this specific parameter. There are entirely different design goals at play here, and the goals of FFXIV’s team are never going to sate those raid loggers and Mythic+ pushers.

Thank God. SE is fully committed to designing their game around casual and hard-core casual content. I think they made a good compromise with ultimate raids to appease the hard-core audience while not changing the format of the game

Again, totally agreed.

But WoW still, quantitatively, does the endgame loot treadmill content better.

I refuse to mislead anyone who actually enjoys that type of content into believing that FFXIV has more of the same waiting for them. It is a different beast entirely. And that is something that a newcomer will not appreciate if we tell them they can continue to view the game through the perspective of a devoted WoW player.

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hence why i said “its being better or not is at best up to the individual”.

From the month that I played, it appears that you cannot skip dungeons like you can in WoW. Dungeons are a part of your quest chain and must be completed. So if you wanted to bypass them, it didn’t seem possible to me. I was very curious to try the newer method of soloing dungeons with an AI group, but I never made it that far. I believe that feature was only for newer dungeons.

Think of a less toxic version of WoW where you can actually get in trouble for posting DPS meters.

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You’re right. The dungeon is part of the story. It’s actually pretty chill and I’ve been tank spec since I started the game. Folks are rather nice, even when you mess up like I did in the beginning. I didn’t experience any tank anxiety like I have when I do M+, even the low level ones.

This has been bouncing around but there is little to confirm its veracity. Everything seems to eventually point back to a YouTube video. No news articles or company statements, just forums.

FFXIV dungeons are pretty empty, as are most raids. For most of them people visit them once as part of the story.

The main story quest is much better than WoW especially once you get past ARR. The entire thing can be played as if it were a single player game, save for some instanced dungeons/trials. You can queue for the dungeons though and the normal versions are pretty easy so you won’t have to worry about drama from sweaties. I started playing through it a week before the streamer explosion and it’s been a lot of fun. There’s also a TON of new players, not just WoW refugees. It feels like playing the launch of a brand new MMO.

Most fun I’ve had in an MMO since early Classic. You can play to 60 (base game and first expansion) totally for free with no time restrictions.


Final Fantasy XIV Dungeons and raids have a heavy participant number in a Dungeon Finder like, so yes, it is very much possible to find a group solo, and easily too. There is not personal loot, some gear will drop and you can need, greed or pass depending on requirements. Tank gear can only be needed by a tank role, as an example.

You can do dungeons and raids without relying on the auto-group dungeon finder, but the same dungeon finder system does have a place where you can put up a page when looking for people to join and which dungeon and all that. In here there will also be a master loot system.

In FFXIV you will find that there are FCs, which are Free Companies, FFXIVs answer to guilds. And there are statics, which are basically raid groups - both of these things are seperated, so you can be a member of a Free Company and a static not at all related to your free company.

It’s been a while for me playing FF, but the last thing I was attempting to do is use my mount. I think you have to complete 4 dungeons? just to get to the mount eligibility. They might have changed it or I misunderstood. Otherwise, I solo’d up to lvl 22 at least.

so you don’t need to be in a guild to raid?
how do you farm transmogs, is it like wow?

If you like playing solo SWTOR is a great game for you. It’s heavily story driven and if you play it in story mode gear doesn’t mean much.


7 chara

depends which outfits you’re talking about, old dungeons you can usually finish solo if you outlevel them a certain amount. any of the normal-level raids or boss fights you can easily run synced in the dungeon finder with other randoms, or you can make/join custom groups in the party finder for any of that same content unsynced (meaning you’d all be level 80 and you’d knock it out) or higher level stuff like savage or extreme fights

i would say the only stuff you could really use an FC or static (raid group) for is the most current stuff in shadowbringers, it’s still difficult enough that running with pugs can be rough. you can do it of course but it’s a crapshoot

I’m a solo type of player and I thoroughly dislike FFXIV with every fabric of my being. The quests are mundane, the story is rather drab, the zones are on rails, the cities and zones feel disjointed due to having to load new sections so often, the combat is a hot mess with a plodding feel to it with a dismal 2.5 GCD.

I wouldn’t recommend FFXIV to anyone, not even my worst enemy. Awful MMO.