Is Blizzard spiteful like that?

I don’t believe them to be spiteful but rather master manipulators. They want us to believe pathfinder for example was some type of middle ground when it was the goal all along. They presented us with a terrible thing to get us to a point where we would be more willing to accept a slightly less terrible thing. Yes there was still blow back but it would of been worse had they just gave us pathfinder without first presenting us with that first terrible idea. Its a common manipulation tool tbh.


I agree and believe most would be good with this too. That’s the compromise he and his team need to make. You’re not skipping any content, you’ve completed the story and have seen and done more than enough to appreciate the effort put in by his team.


oh that’s right your also one of those people that actually believes Diablo immortal would be an overwhelming success despite the fact the entire display at Blizz-con was emptier than a beer can at a frat party


No, they just lack talent and creativity and are happy producing subpar ideas to keep expenses flat. This game isn’t flashy enough for shareholders and they are perfectly happy keeping retail design costs down while monetizing Classic, then TBC, then Wrath, all of which have or will have more active subs while they are out than retail.


You act as if letting people buy flying would take thousands of more hours to implement instead of the pathfinder achievement, when it in fact would take less time. Blizzard used to be massively in favor of exploring the world with flying not 100% explore it on the ground first and then when they feel like it let people fly again(because of their terrible new dev teams views). Pathfinder was and is a terrible compromise because the devs wanted to go one way and the player base told them they were stupid for their decision.


No. I don’t think Blizz is spiteful. I quite like being forced to traverse the world creatively in some situations. Though after I’ve already done everything, then I don’t see the need for walking on the ground anymore.

BFA messed up in that regard because 8.2 took too long to release.

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Nowhere have i stated or even implied flying takes man hour or time maybe go back and read what I said properly. As for they used to be in favour of exploring the world with flying again I have to give you an example of no and that would be the fell cannons strategicly placed to shoot you off your mount forcing you to explore on land

I think you are wrong. Pathfinder slows content consumption and Blizzard really wants to extent how long customers stay subscribed.

Look at all the hamster wheel content they’ve given us with BFA. Add to that all the time gates, busy work to keep you subscribed.


Okay so…my take:

No I don’t think the dev team actually sits down to create spiteful game features.

However, I do think the devs resent the player base for not loving their design decisions. And I think this results in some really lousy corporate culture. Because great games are made by developers who want to knock the socks off fellow gamers. Once you lose that desire to make something awesome for gamers, to delight your customers. once you start to see your players as the enemy of your design, something awesome is lost.

Many will disagree with me, I’m sure. I just feel like, in the middle of MoP somewhere, while they were designing the next expac, things went really wrong at Blizzard. There was a huge, weird shift in how the game felt to play between MoP and WoD. And I don’t think WoW has ever really recovered. It isn’t that there are zero amazing bits in the game. Clearly there are still people working at Blizzard who want to give customers that amazing feeling, right? But the overall game feels…cynical? Clinical? I can’t put my finger on the right way to describe it.

So do I think the devs are spiteful? No. But I think there are problems with the attitude of leadership toward players, yeah.


It’s not that blizzard is spiteful or petty. It’s that they drank their own kool-aid and think they are the absolute best and can do no wrong.

You think you do, but you don’t.


That’s my problem with the gold option. Alts should be able to fly prior to the level cap. Flight makes a huge difference in how much I enjoy leveling alts.

If there’s a way to allow alts to fly while leveling, and if it’s inexpensive per toon (no more than the gold you get from leveling through questing), then I’d be ok with returning to paying gold for flight.

Oh yes, the super easy to deal with fel cannons, the horrors of a tiny area that made you be even 1% careful while flying, would take this any day over pathfinder. You talked as if it was an either or scenario, if the new zones we get are like nazjatar and mechagon, they can keep them, those zones are awful and unfun, I did them just enough to get what I needed and then left, I skip the emissary days when nazjatar is up.

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They used to just sell a book to teach flying to alts once you reached max level and unlocked flying on another character, not super expensive and any easy solution.


well weve heard several times than when it comes to flight the official statement is that the dev team is not in agreement some are for day one flight and others aren’t

so why not have the entire team write down their choice along with their name or they can make up a forum name to avoid any hostility from forum goers as a privacy matter then the CMs can post the official statement on here letting it be known by anyone that reads these forums

have each member honestly making their opinion known and let it be seen publicly if they are for or against flight but of course Blizzard wont because the few that are supportive of flying don’t want to rock the boat and reveal anything that dares to go against the almighty Watcher and his vision out of fear of reprisal why do you think they continue to simply not speak up in defense of flight otherwise?

because theyd rather keep their jobs before questioning the leadership of the great and powerful wizard of Blizz


I LoL’d, thank you, Koloi. :rofl:

I heard that Wrath added a tome in a later patch (too late imo), and I wanted one available from the flight trainer or a vendor during MoP. During the WoD pre-patch, they trolled with a tome on the BMAH that wasn’t up every day when it should’ve been on a vendor for cheap long before then. That’s why I don’t mention it, because I can’t trust that they will add a tome for alts to fly ever again.

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no, I’m sure there are a few prideful folks over there, but petty and spiteful are not among the sins of Blizzard. However they have a few legitimate sins, some based in pride, some based in being merged with activision, and some because they are terrible at self analysis.

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well being southern born and raised we take beer can analogies very seriously :beers: :rofl:


not at all. I think the solution to Flying should have been more stuff like those worms and less stuff like pathfinder. It’s a game, so even when we fly we are in a game. Making free flight challenging is a good thing, making it a grind ie pathfinder is not.


No, we wouldn’t have. We weren’t forced to grind reps until WoD introduced pathfinder. Legion and BfA have made rep “grinding” easier, so it’s not such a chore. But we never had to grind rep before this was added. Rep gave you access to pets, toys, some recipes and catchup gear, but never actual gameplay mechanics.