Is Blizzard spiteful like that?

This is the point where he said “And this is why it’s a compromise,” right? Just to clarify. Pretty sure he knows people don’t like it, but they don’t want us to literally ignore the entire world and zip from Quest A to Quest B in twenty seconds. As a developer I would want people to actually engage with what I made at least for a little bit.

I’m that weirdo who likes Pathfinder but wants Pathfinder pt. 1 to reward flying instead of the arbitrary .2 patch wait.


You know what they say about opinions right?


Pathfinder part one is fine and I fully support it. Part two is the part that seems more based on spite. They did seem to realize that as well, at least in Legion, and nerfed part two considerably.



well if Blizzard would actually do that im sure a lot of people would not be as cynical

honestly if they would remove the rep gates and or not lock it behind the next patch then yes people would still be unhappy but not as much as being made to wait until the expansion is ending to get flight

that’s what it all boils down to Blizzard is being spiteful and making us wait until they decide to actually allow access to a feature that was NEVER an issue for the older expansions but then again this isn’t the same dev team as BC etc they were sent over from D3 and as such aren’t as skilled in MMO development as the RPG they came from

sure a mechanic can rebuild an engine block but you put him in charge of working on a F-16 turbine he might understand the basics but hes still going to be slightly out of his league


When J. Allan blames people for having expectations even though there was clear false advertisement…


No. I think that people misconstrue Blizzard’s need to prolong play time with ‘spite’. There’s no spite in it. There’s greed and/or lack of resources, so they need to make sure you tick off all the boxes.

I can see it from their point of view, to an extent: before pathfinder you had a number of players who would complain that there was no content/nothing to do in the game, when in fact they meant there was nothing that they wanted to do. Very different. If I suddenly decided I wanted to get into pet battling, I could magically add hundreds of hours of play to my enjoyment of the game. But pet battles is kind of side content. Conversely, I don’t PVP, so there’s a large part of the game I ignore. Essences, for example, and Korrak’s, as slices of content, have gotten me to do some of that in BFA.

I don’t see it as spiteful. I see it as Blizzard shoehorning me into content they made that I never get to see. It’s tricksy, but I don’t begrudge them for it.


If the content could stand on its own they wouldn’t have to “trick” you into it.

To OP: The announced no flying ever, in some interview before a long weekend to boot on a non official source, the forums blew up servers died and their “compromise” was pathfinder. Yea that seems spiteful. They were called on an idiotic idea and their fix, to something that was never a problem, was to force us into the ground at max level for a year. Seems very spiteful. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck , it’s not likely a Tauren.


yeah but you know Blizzard if they could create a Taurducken im sure theyd try to sell it as a content feature


This is my only issue with Pathfinder: it should come from Part 1. I hate that Part 2 is full on time gated for half the expansion’s life. That’s the only thing that genuinely bothers me.

With that said, it does feel like Blizzard is spiteful to the player base with some of their decisions. I do think they dig their heels into the mud and don’t budge over issues that really should not have become issues at any point, yet there they go. I just hope they wake up a bit before they lose control of the ship too much.


Jinkies, gang!


And then 1 or more new ones with a hard time gated rep progression and quest chain.

I would much rather have flying and them]n need to work on the rep grind.


But you realize the game has changed since the days where purchasing flying was a part of them game. Back then we didnt get new zone and zone plural if we got one at all and we couldn’t fly in it anyway. Now you get the zones at a faster rate so the question is would you prefer nothing new of at all until final patch but you can fly earlier or have it the way it is now.


There was nothing unanimous about that. They had just as many cheering for pathfinder as booing.


really so Lore and Preach cheering counts as a crowd now? apparently you mustve watched a different Blizz-con announcement


If you’re not afk flying, they’re not a problem.


100k per toon, and we’d be flooded with even more “BFA is alt unfriendly” threads.


Yes because not stopping people from getting flying until a year into the expansion would mean no new zones the rest of the expansion. The two are not tied together at all.

Pathfinder is just a stupid excuse to make smaller zones with less content and make that content take longer because the players have to spend 3x as much time running around on the ground.

There are 0 positives to pathfinder.


Judging by WOTLK, giving 3798/4000g (with exalted stormwind, which all people had) the amount of money you made from questing… i would guess, about the equivilent of 2 million gold today with how much blizzard hates and wanted to make retail more grinder than Classic. Where people complaining about quality of life in classic maxing in 3 days with full raid gear with modern dbm and dps charts and rotation guides and everyone knowing the fight for years now. While LFR molten core takes 40 hours.

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Nope, there were cheers from the crowd too, you’re choosing to ignore those because they don’t fit the anti pathfinder narrative you’ve been trying to spin for months now.


But zones are larger now? So that renders your point mute. And who says the two arnt connected? You do know the sunwell isles was developed long before it was released and it fits the theme of blizz wanting players to experience the world before flying over it

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