Is Blizzard spiteful like that?

As a creator (of other things) I know that if my users are avoiding, struggling with or complaining about something, then I’ve done a bad job on that part and I should figure out why it doesn’t work and either fix it or replace it with something that does. Yes, I’ll be pissed that they’re screaming incoherently again, but once I calm down, I’ll go fix the problem.

If we’re not engaging with the world as much as they want, then they should add more fun stuff to do in the world. Another pack of daze mobs does not count as fun stuff. And they shouldn’t expect that everyone needs to engage with the world in the same way. Just add more fun things to do, more fun rewards and people will go back and engage with the world again.

I’m pretty sure they said adding pets to old raids was a rousing success at that.


Mop was 2k with no rep reduction. You earned enough gold from questing to aquire it once you hit cap, assuming you didn’t just blow it on nothing.

You earn about 20k from questing in BFA, so that would be a decent amount. People also forget the intial cost to fly, and then the incremental speed increases, cost more then unlocking xpack specific areas.

Blizz is incredibly petty. Take a look at the warcraft reforge drama.


Wow when did they do that?

They don’t do anything out of spite. Doesn’t mean they don’t make bad decisions and unpopular choices. But the idea that a barber would purposely repeatedly jack up hair cuts because they don’t like their clients is absurd, right? Now apply it to any consumer
Facing business

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False rep grinds were required to obtain epic flying mounts so unless you wanted the base 60% speed you grinded. Rep was also required to be grinded just to do herioc versions of dungeons and attunements for raids. Where in earth did you get the idea ot was for pets and toys only?


Ghostcrawler’s “git gud” post in Cata.


What was the context of that post? I didn’t play then.

That was my favorite Lore interaction after BfA launch.

Hey our game is a roaring dumpster fire right now, what should we do? I know, let’s ask the expert head of community relations.

Lore: “I’ma threaten them!”


I was unaware of that case too. :frowning:

Your conjecture doesn’t make any sense. Do you feel like you have to stop flying there? Do you see many people running around on ground mounts because they’re scare of the worms? I didn’t think so

Blizzard decided that they were going to “make wow hard again” with Cata, (game had been much harder in vanilla and BC, but wrath after 4 tier levels was blindingly easy at the end). Problem was, most of the population at that point were wrath babies and had never played in vanilla or BC, so had no idea about how to use CC or how to tank in other than faceroll mode, so the start of Cata was a mess, with tanks not knowing how to tank, healers being way underpowered, and people not knowing how to use CC or to keep from breaking CC. There was a lot of complaining on the forums, and Ghostcrawler, who was one of the head devs, basically just told people that they sucked and needed to “git gud” because their plan had gone over so poorly. Sub levels took a huge dive at that point.


Thanks for enlightening my ignorant behind. :smile:

Yeah silly us expecting a quality product from. Blizzard, they are just a small Indy company after all.


Same reason people post post hateful, spiteful things in these forums? Some people just take pleasure in causing misery.


Yeah but classic wow is proving them right in that regard. just take a gander at the classic wow forums one day. Its a freaking black hole of negativity that somehow beats this place on a sunday maintenance.

That bad, huh? I only really ventured into that forum around classic’s release and then it seemed mostly positive, iirc.

When will people realize that rushing from A-B, start to finish is why we end up where we are now?

Pathfinder isn’t bad, you get it from playing the game, doing stuff you would normally be doing anyway.

So damn true.
People would rush through everything, be done in a couple of weeks and spend literal months in game and on forums, crying about nothing to do and bashing the devs for not providing enough content for them.

MMOs are a marathon, not a sprint.

Damn wrath babies

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Its been nothing but complaining about this and that feature of vanilla, and how blizzard CLEARLY messed with it just to screw over classic players since at least after the first molten core clear. Its a real shame, i’d actually love to play classic wow but, every time i go over to that subforum i remember why i couldn’t stomach it past the first couple weeks.

“Enjoy your dash.” :wink: