Is anyone super invested in more diversity and inclusion in WoW?

It’s just a safety position to roll people into if they pass out, supposed to reduce risk of choking.

Yeah I believe you roll them on thier stomach? Or is it thier side?

Side, with bottom arm out for support, top arm’s hand resting under cheek and i think top knee out to avoid them rolling back.


To their side.

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It’s stupid, who did I insult? Groomers? Or am I not allowed to say that? I read the rules I don’t like them though, and the double standard they put on some people than others. Why don’t they suspend people that said way worse than I did. I was even walking on egg shells with what I said there!



The Devs have 2 options;

(1) Make a good game and focus on making things that the players actually want, and your players will return.

(2) Get Woke, Go Broke.

That’s about it.


Inclusion: yes I’m all for welcoming one more race, DF brings us a new race that’s just awesome. Each time there’s a new race I go nuts with my Prismatic Reflector.

Diversity: From what I have seen Dracthyr doesn’t look like any race I have seen in WoW, can’t wait to learn more about their diet, ecology, history, …

Am I invested? Well, I can talk about personal experience nothing more, I admit that I zoom in to look at some TMog, or to see how a player managed to customize a character, but I can’t really do more than send a whisper such as “hey cool TMog” and things like that. Sometimes I a take a screenshot.

This thread is a bit of a dumpster fire but I’m 100% okay with other people being represented in all forms of media.
I’ve seen people who look like me in games, tv and movies as far back as I can remember in my 42 years on this planet.
Even from a company as “woke” as Disney they have more white male leads by far than anything else. Take the MCU for example; Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Starlord, Doctor Strange, Hawkeye, Spiderman, Hulk, Ant-Man and Loki - 10 white male leads. Compared to Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch(co-lead with Vision played by white male), Black Panther, Shang-Chi, Moon Knight, and Falcon(co-lead with Winter Soldier).
You got 4 non white male leads, 1 solo white female lead and 2 white female leads with white male co-stars.

Diversity in media is a good thing.
Let that teen kid unsure of their place in life see themselves on a screen like I got to. Give them heroes and characters that look like them. It won’t hurt anyone, I promise.


I love your post! Exactly that!

Especially this …

“Diversity in media is a good thing.
Let that teen kid unsure of their place in life see themselves on a screen like I got to. Give them heroes and characters that look like them. It won’t hurt anyone, I promise.”


We don’t get that far. But this is something good to know as one never knows. :+1:

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Race shouldn’t matter. If you’re wanting a certain race for something you’re either pushing an agenda or racist yourself. The teachings of MLK really fell in deaf ears.


Avoiding the question… :yawning_face: if you’re going to spread nonsense at least be prepared to defend it.

Projecting again I see.

Wasn’t spouting anything. I said exactly what many are thinking. Keep the checklist garbage out and make a good game. Simple as that little troll.


So, when was the last time anyone had Big League Chew?

Now that I am unbanned, I still do not care what Tuullnn thinks.

Apparently I’m living rent free in your head… I didn’t even know you got banned :thinking:

Do I care what anyone else’s character’s gender/race/hair color/tmog etc are? No

And most of my characters all look the same. I have a blood elf army on the horde, a lot of draenei on alliance. Every character I play is female, and I always go for pale/light skin with darker hair. I also wont play ugly races so most allied races are out for me. I am ugly in real life, my only goal is to make characters that look pretty. This gnome is 1 of my few ugly ones, I plan to race change her soon.

That was less directed at you and more directed at the forum mods. But I’m glad you’re around for it too.

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Yup. They’re too worried about turning everything into fruit now so nobody gets offended.

Meanwhile the story and gameplay itself is falling apart.


They need to stop with the politics and focus on the game. We pay our sub to play a good game, not be force fed the same politics we hear from everywhere else.