Is anyone super invested in more diversity and inclusion in WoW?

Apparently I’m living rent free in your head… I didn’t even know you got banned :thinking:

Do I care what anyone else’s character’s gender/race/hair color/tmog etc are? No

And most of my characters all look the same. I have a blood elf army on the horde, a lot of draenei on alliance. Every character I play is female, and I always go for pale/light skin with darker hair. I also wont play ugly races so most allied races are out for me. I am ugly in real life, my only goal is to make characters that look pretty. This gnome is 1 of my few ugly ones, I plan to race change her soon.

That was less directed at you and more directed at the forum mods. But I’m glad you’re around for it too.

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Yup. They’re too worried about turning everything into fruit now so nobody gets offended.

Meanwhile the story and gameplay itself is falling apart.


They need to stop with the politics and focus on the game. We pay our sub to play a good game, not be force fed the same politics we hear from everywhere else.


I’m going to be completely honest with you. I was born in 1970, so the 80’s were my double digit age years. I was a teenager in middle and high school then. So my employment was limited to flipping burgers and making pizza.

The only girl I knew about being patted on the behind? I was the one that did it, actually, and it was more of a playful slap. She didn’t take offense, quite the opposite, she would take every opportunity to corner me, stand at a very intimate distance and talk about any little thing. Sixteen Year Old me was pretty girl stupid it turns out, and didn’t know that they loved confidence and a sense of humor.

I will grant what you’re saying though. Society has gotten a lot better at not offending anyone. And in a lot of ways I think that’s actually a BAD thing. When you tell people over and over again that they should take offense at every opportunity, they will start doing it. To the point that they will start looking for opportunities and retaining lawyers to take people to court. And that’s led us to where we are now.

You mention Native Americans. I happen to be one? I’m Muskogee Creek. I don’t feel like that makes me any more downtrodden than anyone else though. Of course I’m a diaspora Native American, I don’t live on Reservation. I think Reservations should be done away with on general principle, they just promote corruption and crime through tribal fat cats.

I think racism, sexism, et cetera seem worse because everything is racist, sexist, et cetera. This is just the latest in a series of moral-panic drumhead trials the media prosecutes against the masses.


Well OP…personally what I find annoying about Diversity is how people use it to boast in social media.

“LOOK!! LOOK AT US! See How progressive we are!!”

Just…keep it normal. The virtue signaling around it is irritating.


Agreed. But people all need to understand we can’t pretend the rules only apply to some folks. Meaning your post seems skewed to that mindset. You are like people act better (where I agree with you) but then you need to understand that’s everyone.

Acting better means folks shouldn’t tell folks “just deal with it, just suck it up” – then it means the folks on the other side of that shouldn’t instigate. Just think of this IRL terms not game terms…rubbing stuff in people’s faces is never going to cause harmony to happen. That’s where we are in the world now and why hate is rampant.

I’ll admit it straight out – I don’t want stuff force fed to me. I have no issue with how anyone loves in this world or your religious beliefs or anything like that – with very specific disclaimers on that…1) Don’t try to forcibly include me in your way of life, 2) Your right to love, believe what you want to believe can not over rule my right to the same THIS IS THE KEY THING that causes a lot of hate…because people can’t get this. The moment you shove it down my throat and say “too bad dude this is how it is its my right!” well aren’t you saying my right doesn’t matter? and 3) It can’t bring danger or harm unto myself or others…just because well “that’s your belief”.

So does literally anyone hiring. The argument that someone less skilled is getting hired because they check more boxes really isn’t really a thing. It’s a scarecrow at best.

Anywho 1) this tool is allegedly designed for content not jobs and 2) a dev from the OW2 team came out and said they don’t even use it.

I will say that this specific thing feels more like virtue signaling than an actual effort to combat diversity. That’s rather frustrating. It’s similar to when companies are suddenly “pride” for an entire month and then forget about it for the rest of the year.

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At this point I’m numb to this kind of thing when companies do it. It’s all pandering from the company and it’s just par for the course unfortunately.

I literally don’t know what you’re actually trying to say, but if it boils down to, “Be nice to jerks who know they’re jerks and want to be jerks,” the answer is no. When one party is committed to chaos, trolling and abuse, they are not entitled to my best behavior. They are entitled to the bare minimum. They are entitled to clear directions to the nearest exit.


I’m not really invested in diversity and inclusion but it will also not reduce my investment either. And I recognize that there are some players who will be more invested in the game if there are characters they can more closely relate to.


But your Gnome is adorable :blush: :blush::blush:

I’m invested in it everywhere. The fact that people seem to brush off these issues is quite sad. It might not affect you, but diversity and inclusion issues affect someone.


“Why do gamers get such a bad rap as basement-dwelling anti-social immature white dudes?”

Gestures around generally at this thread


Not worth my time. Woke stuff goes to crap and becomes beyond boring.


It’s amazing what a bunch of fools Blizzard has become.


Yeah, not talking about two teenagers patting each other on the butt at the work place. But incidently, some managers/ceos ect who are questioned after “harassing” another employee almost always think it was a mutual thing and are either pretending to be surprised the other party was offended or they really just didn’t get it.

I had to testify in a Workman’s comp hearing for a woman who was fired after rebuking the Manager’s advances. He actually had the nerve to say “Well, she liked it last week and the week before otherwise she would have quit the job.”

Yes. I like seeing diverse characters when I play. I greatly enjoy pushback against inbreds who insist that dark-skinned folk never trudged the lands their ancestors claimed to come from. I greatly enjoy seeing females leading my guilds and raids—and welcome any changes that make them more comfortable. The more, the better.

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IMHO: Diversity and inclusion > all.

Who cares if you tell another “good” story about a straight white man. It’s been done before.