Is anyone super invested in more diversity and inclusion in WoW?

I figured them more as sisters or friends. Didn’t see anything to imply they were a couple

I play games to escape reality.

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Idk I wouldn’t call my siblings dear. Maybe my husband but it’s seems weird to say that to a sibling

Diversity is a good thing . . . Though given this is a fantasy setting I wouldn’t mind seeing more non-human main characters in the spotlight.

Imagine a dwarf, gnome, or tauren as headlining characters, that would be swell.


You don’t understand why you got suspended?

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No not really, I mean if they suspend me for this, why not suspend or censore the male bikini post? Can’t I have opinions without walking on egg shells afraid I might say the wrong thing? C’mon man!

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I’d rather have a good and fun game, not a checklist of garbage.

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He said nothing wrong. I suggest you tune in to Tucker Carlson for some honest reporting and balanced truth.

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Why do you care then if there is a checklist? The game is still there to be enjoyed. People just like to freak out at anything related to diversity or inclusion sadly…

Shoo fly i wasn’t talking to you. Go annoy someone else.

well thought out story is the glitch, aint that a bit… .

I mean, on the bright side. If the systems design is trying to work out a system to assign token values to to people, They’re not making a system that over systemizes and ruins WoW.

Oh I wouldn’t put it past them. Blizz loves their system upon system upon system in one manner or another.

wouldn’t put it past them? they actually did it. Thought that was what this thread was about since it was revealed a few days ago and has been talked about since.

Nothing wrong with that but I don’t know why they need a tool to do it. Lol

They just gonna spin the wheel the diversity to make their characters for now on?

They created the tool or king did but it’s still actiblizz. They just haven’t utilized it yet.

Give it time. More trash systems will be upon us.

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It’s just blown up because it’s been considered both tonedeaf and tokenizing. Where I seen it was actually a tweet from a dev calling it creepy.

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Oh the whole thing is creepy. It’s essentially tokenizing everything with no regard to how that looks just so they can say “but look we dun gud”

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The fact that Blizz has to announce it makes it look more political to me than anything else.

I vouch for more representation. But I vouch for normality as well. This should be something normal, not a “Flash news! We’re adding more representation! More at 10!”

But hey, I’m drunk right now. Blame my friend, she loves playing games with vodka shots per loss.


be sure the winner knows the recovery position so they can roll the loser into it at the end.

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