Is anybody else struggling with the War Crime simulator that is Horde Side Assaults right now?

Is that they are only war crimes if you lose the war…


That is just a misconception victors don’t write history. Writers write history. Which is why you can find several viewpoints on a topic.

Also history classes haven’t gotten much better in k-12 they’re very summarized with almost no insight on what was going on. You tend to have to seek higher knowledge sources like a college history class or reputable source to get any good clarity.

On topic the horde is conducting a war that would proably “realistically” end in demoralization. As horde keeps fighting a war where they slaughter everything in sight. Eventually no one will surrender instead Non-horde will just make it as painful as possible to take any territory. Which for the most part would lead to horde casualties increasing until various factions of the Horde get sick of the fighting such as BE, Tauren, probably trolls, ect.


Honestly, I think thats just the way I’m going to have to look at it to get any semblance of enjoyment from this story. My Pally helping the Zandalari against the blood trolls and whatever else on Zuldazar, sure thats IC but I just can’t with this faction war bs. Its horrible storytelling for any PC following the light or embracing nature.


I’m hoping that there are some improvements as time goes on, that we’re only seeing part of the story and that when more unfolds, it will explain some of why our characters have been forced into this instead of having any sort of choice. I mean, I guess we could choose not to do the war campaign, but that’s kind of necessary to progress through the expansion (or at least to unlock Dark Iron and Mag’har).

Doing the War Campaign stuff Horde-side has felt awful, and I’m usually pretty able to detach myself from the story despite the fact that (or maybe because?) I’m a roleplayer.

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untrue. horde are being written as the plot device, until alliance destroy all of kalimdor. horde need a story, true. but thats why its always evil or questionable at best. its plot device, or justification, for everything that drives the first half of the narrative.

horde players will have to sit through those devices, while the alliance narrative uses it to march through kalimdor. until they reach our last bastion. at which point, something very extreme is going to happen in favor of the horde (defense) and then–the narrative will turn.

then the progress will start again with eastern kingdoms but a horde narrative. and alliance, will now be the plot device that drives it. horde will march through eastern kingdoms, destroying everything in their path. right up till the very last, their bastion.

its going to be a very long process, god only knows when everything will change hands but it will.

alliance need an evil baddie to fight against. being the righteous faction and all. and thats what they will get. and the horde needs to regain its honor, defend its self or be erased from the world.
sylvanas only exists in her current form, to be that device and when the time comes where that device isnt needed anymore- they will suddenly do a 360 with her and have her be the savor of the world. mark my words.

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Calling it now(even though it has already been called before, kek), Sylvanas will get the Kerrigan treatment and all her misdeeds will be casually forgotten about. Will fit Alliance writing too since we will get walked all over with zero retribution.


It’s just a game. I mean I love animals yet I played the heck out of Duck Hunt.

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I play a horde character to see both sides of the story and all the zones but some horde questlines and actions have always left a bad taste in my mouth. That has only gotten worse with BFA, now I just don’t want to do it. I do not want to be Horde at all.

Oh, and Nathanos? please just die. I’ve never wanted see a fictional character killed off so badly


For you is Only a “Game” for my is more.

But we do hear that argument, all the time. Just like we hear about how terrible the Alliance was to put orcs in camps, even though the alternative would have been wiping out the savage aliens who invaded Azeroth and tried to take over.


Please god no. We have enough whiny carebears already.

I just want to add: the proper LOGICAL reprisal to the Zandalari fleet, the burning of teldrassil, and any horde activity beyond border skirmishes would have been orbital eradication of thunder bluff, silvermoon, and orgrimmar. Undercity, being underground would have been the last place torched.

Sylvanas’ aggression in the face of what is the ultimate deterrent in the form of the Alliance’s giant intergalactic starships just shows how poor the writing is, how poor of a leader Anduin is, and basically has put me in a position that I either enjoy the game or not. The story has no bearing anymore because it’s ridiculous.

I hate Halfus Wyrmbane passionately by the way. Not once has he shown regard for his troops by saying “I won’t stand by deploying troops while we could effectively kill probably 80% of our opponents population in about an hour if our King wasn’t a halfwit.”


Or the one where we need to kill x number of Alliance NPCs but there’s also injured Alliance around we can just straight up execute. The “writers” are really all about making us truly evil this time. It sucks.


Remember when Liadrin used to be a good paladin; who fought to protect Azeroth, instead of conquer it? Why isn’t she still that good paladin, Blizz?


Remember when Blizzard said 8.1 was supposed to be an alliance fist pump? So where is it? :expressionless:


I’m struggling with Horde on a much deeper level. Since I signed up for WoW around the time BC came out, I’ve played a Horde main. I have an Alliance alt I use to see the content.

Now for the first time ever I’ve decided to switch to an Alliance main. I didn’t even really make the switch consciously, I just found I was spending more and more time Alliance side. At this point I feel like I don’t even care about whether I’m going to choose to aid Saurfang or not.


But sending your void elves to corrupt wildlife in Zandalar is A okay.


Alliance have done worse things on countless occasions, honestly.

Though I am a bit sad that the current horde is looking to be just as bad as the alliance used to look. Good thing alliance have void elves and lightforged to keep the balance of heinous acts in check.

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Everyone targets the healer in PVP, but make it a world quest and suddenly there is a moral dimension.

That pandaren chose the wrong side, and was killed.

Neither side is innocent. And the worst of the Alliance is yet to come.