Is anybody else struggling with the War Crime simulator that is Horde Side Assaults right now?

Or the one where we need to kill x number of Alliance NPCs but there’s also injured Alliance around we can just straight up execute. The “writers” are really all about making us truly evil this time. It sucks.


Remember when Liadrin used to be a good paladin; who fought to protect Azeroth, instead of conquer it? Why isn’t she still that good paladin, Blizz?


Remember when Blizzard said 8.1 was supposed to be an alliance fist pump? So where is it? :expressionless:


I’m struggling with Horde on a much deeper level. Since I signed up for WoW around the time BC came out, I’ve played a Horde main. I have an Alliance alt I use to see the content.

Now for the first time ever I’ve decided to switch to an Alliance main. I didn’t even really make the switch consciously, I just found I was spending more and more time Alliance side. At this point I feel like I don’t even care about whether I’m going to choose to aid Saurfang or not.


But sending your void elves to corrupt wildlife in Zandalar is A okay.


Alliance have done worse things on countless occasions, honestly.

Though I am a bit sad that the current horde is looking to be just as bad as the alliance used to look. Good thing alliance have void elves and lightforged to keep the balance of heinous acts in check.

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Everyone targets the healer in PVP, but make it a world quest and suddenly there is a moral dimension.

That pandaren chose the wrong side, and was killed.

Neither side is innocent. And the worst of the Alliance is yet to come.


I did no such thing D:

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Sylvannas is infecting the other races of the horde into doing things that can’t be considered morally gray. Alliance side you don’t really have to go threw that. The honor that the horde had is gone. They use Saurfang as a tool for those players that don’t agree with Sylvannas. But even if you side with him, you still are asked to do things that Sylvannas wants. Without Saurfang and his cinematic of old soldier, I’m sure that some horde players would have either quit or switch sides. I am betting that right now there working on another cinematic for Sylvannas with the next patch. Trying to show her justification of her actions. But nothing they say or do will help. BFA loads of bad writing.


Considering how many people readily accept her justifications for burning the tree, I’m pretty sure Blizzard will convince a lot of players that she’s in the right if she just SAYS she is.


Er, what heinous acts have either of those races done to balance the Horde’s?


Well, if you follow Blood Elf lore, Void Elves are followers of the betrayer of Silvermoon Dar’khan Drathir(Think elf Judas). Which if you think Belves are “bad” then Velves are far worse. (Look him up)

Lightforged Draenei and their Naaru are seen running unchecked in the AU version of Draenor and just like Xe’ra, they would rather all free will bent towards obedience towards the light. (AKA brainwashing and far worse)


Not many, almost everything the Alliance has done to the Horde has been retconned. Garrosh was the only one who had real reason to fight the Alliance and now that we prosecuted him those reasons ring hollow. We are shamed evil trash thanks to poor planning and writing across all mediums. Do you know why I should feel any pride in my faction or why I should feel any passion to fight the Alliance? I’m really wanting to know because I’m thinking of just leaving the game for good.


But what have they done in BfA that’s comparable to what the Horde has done? I don’t care if they’ve read books written by Darthir. They weren’t interested in him for moral guidance.

What have the Lightforged Draenei, on Azeroth in this MU, done during BfA that’s comparable to the Horde?

I know the feeling but I don’t have an answer for you. I shelved all my Horde toons for this expac.


Good to see that i’m not the only one who did this. I have a 110 blood elf priest sitting on the priest class hall because doing nothing feels better than rejoicing at dead civilians.


Look, no need to get huffy. If youve seen my other responses in this thread you’d see that I’m not exactly a fanboy of Sylvanus and most of my Horde toons are shelved to the point that I’m only playing 2 out of 5 and still playing all 5 allies.

The point I was bringing up with the Lightforged is that its an AU paralleling our own with few changes. If Xe’ra wasn’t nuked chances are they would be on that same path since she was more than willing to do that to Illidan against his wishes. The Light is not good, and its not evil but seriously? Blind faith brainwashing and crusading against people who just want to be left alone? That’s hardly moral.

As for the Void Elves, they ARE at their core, Blood Elves/High Elves but they are on a dark path(literally). Following the teachings of someone as truly evil as him to gain or unlock “greater power” is not moral. Looking for guidance in the words of dictators isn’t a good place to look tbh.

Both sides do have morally questionable behaviours, whether you like it or not.


and this is why your current alliance narrative sucks.

other than the totally random events that are shoehorned in to remind people of that evil plot device, the entire first half of the expansion is purely alliance centered and during that time, one event (device), which started with teldrassil, was then used as justification for the eradication of an entire continent. hence my other post.

and dont worry, you will get that chance. and you will keep using one single event as justification for it. and when the entire continent is destroyed and you march on the LAST horde bastion (settlement/city), the narrative will change and horde will do the exact same thing- and march through eastern kingdoms, doing the exact same thing alliance have been doing since BFA launch.

an eye for an eye, they say.

i wonder if the horde will be allowed the luxury of using a single (last) attack on a horde city, as justification for destroying all of eastern kingdoms? like the alliance has that luxury.

either way, dont expect any sympathy from me when the salt starts to drown the forums.
you should have known where to draw the line, in knowing the difference between revenge and annihilation. you got your revenge 10x over and one of those, just dropped.
now, there are no excuses.


Nah, murder them all, let Bob sort them out.


It’s a PvP thing. Kill the healer first. Because WoW is a PvP game, right devs?