Lol at sylvanas haters

Well technically no one was wrong about anything, they don’t plan lore at this point.


burn stormwind


Oh man, here’s us with egg on our face, and Sylvanas totally and absolutely not being totally surprised to learn Zovaal’s true motive even though it’s been obvious what he meant to do since day one. We look so DUMB:

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its just so freaking bad and cringy. I can’t imagine they didn’t know the reaction they would get.

I had zero expectations and i am still disappointed


Yep. Its the bustier. No other horde leader can wear it. No surprise here.

Unless they break First Arcanists lore anyway, can’t wear mail. For now only Anduin can be cloth class that wears non clothe armour.

Anyone who thought we’d kill her is delusioanal (or night elf)

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who was wrong? who in their right mind thought blizzard would kill one of their cashcow characters? Waifus sell merch.

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Funny thing is, they actually thought people would be amazed. Danuser was counting days to this cinematic on his twitter, as if this was some amazing cinematic with grand revelations and plot twist no one expected.

I’d like to remind everyone in this time of incredible salt over the 9.1 raid ending that the writers are not the ones that make the final decisions in the story. They are more giving an outline of what needs to happen. Even if they wanted to kill off Sylvanas (Though I don’t think they do) they probably wouldn’t be able to simply because she’s a valuable marketing character.


I said way back when the Sylvanas needs to die people started popping up Blizz should have said 'The Sylvanas you know is a Doppelganger! :open_mouth: Kill it and spend 9.3 rescuing the real Sylvanas from The Jailer’s love prison!"

90% of speculation was on Sylvanas attacking Jailer and Jailer leaving her behind. Nothing here was unexpected, only 50:50 was whether he’d kill her or not.

THis was like the most obvious thing.

Wrong about what? We need info from her but after we stop the jailer she can die.

Her little rebellion amounted to nothing and shes been a good slave following orders.

The jailer is still a threat wanting to destroy/enslave everything.

People said she want get simped and a mcmuffin and she did.

The entire story has been garbage and its only getting worse.

She wasn’t right about anything.

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She’s still guilty of countlesss crimes even with her mcmuffin. And should die after the jailer. But blizz are a bunch of simps.


How were we wrong? Everyone called it.

Every single meme, every single post hating in this story was 100% on the money.

It is the most basic, obvious writing in the world. A third grade English class would have prepared you for this.

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:man_shrugging: so are we

It’s unreal. They are sooo mad. So many people went to the forums every day for years just to say how much they do not like Sylvanas and want her to die…every day…for years. You have no idea. They went to Reddit and CJ’ed a new thread almost daily about how much they do not like Sylvanas. WoW Youtuber and Twitchers who otherwise like Sylvanas were convinced by the angry anti-Sylvanas people in the community that Sylvanas had to die…and they were all exposed today.



I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed.

Pretty sure I called what will probably happen quite a while ago:

I haven’t been wrong for a single second. I said they were gonna kerrigan her into a redemption. And that’s exactly what’s happening.

Ah, the ol catch 22 of when subverting expectations becomes expected, therefore is no longer subverting expectations.