TL:DR of this is “I’m in War Mode and PvP happened. QQ”
It’s been a while since I’ve posted in this thread. But I thought this warranted a reply. I’ve come back to tell you all that blizz is aware of the “buff stacking immortality” exploit (aka creative use of in-game mechanics). And they are working on a solution to the problem. Have fun with the buffs while they last!
Yeah this is not true. Nice headcannon, it’s good to know you have such a creative mind!
There’s nothing for Blizzard to fix because it’s not an exploit. Its mostly ruby feast, WPvP tier set, and maybe one or two outside buffs from other expansions. It was nice encountering you in WPvP though
100% true Alphon, believe what you want. Just have fun enjoying the buffs while they last. And there are PLENTY of ways to “fix” the buff stacking exploit. You can make the ruby feast buffs not work in pvp instances. You can probably nerf the pvp set bonus by 50% in pvp (this is probably the most likely first step). There are ways they can nerf the buff stacking so that people aren’t pretty much immortal.
You’re just triggered that people like you who can only use mechanics like that to wpvp will get their toys taken away. Like I said, have fun while it lasts.
It already doesn’t work in PvP instances, what are you talking about? It only works out in the open world. Also, why would they nerf a set bonus that is literally meant to work in PvP? Do you even know how it works?
For every player you kill in War Mode out in the Dragon Isles, your versatility and movement speed is increased by 2%, stacking 10 times for a total of 20%.
It’s a gear set that is meant for World PvP out in the Dragon Isles. That’d be dumb if they nerfed it lol.
Nothing to be triggered about, because there’s nothing to be fixed. WPvP is supposed to be chaotic like this, it’s been that way for years. That’s the appeal of it.
The only one triggered here is you, complaining in general chat that I’m a “hacker” and being told by other Alliance that what I was doing was, in fact, not hacking or exploiting.
It’ll last until this game inevitably shuts down or if they ever decide to delete PvP.
You sound very mad and make no sense in anything you’re saying just take deep breaths it will be okay. BTW i too have killed u in Wpvp current record is 4-0 maybe try getting some WPVP gear and not tryign to die as much
It’s only 50 characters per account.
Have you tried using Fatal Bite with the bakar companion? Pretty sure every spec without a cheat death can be one-hit killed with a properly juiced bakar bite, even with buff stacking. Pull mobs and drop target dummy toys for extra value.
There’s a few players who do exactly this and are able to chunk me to 30% or so.
I offered Lottie a chance to play with me if she wanted to on a Horde toon and show her all the things you can use in WPvP to kill an “invincible” player as she puts it but she didn’t want to. She refused and instead decided to insult me here and in game. Oh well.
I suggest you get the facts right before you come on here and start saying things that don’t add up.
You know easy it is to get tokens so you, yourself, could have most of the buffs all these big, bad evil, world pvpers have that are picking on you ?
None of those buffs get to carry into a BG or arena, with the exception of flasks which will carry only into BGs. (And if you queue for skirmishes or whatever, be wary as it will strip everything pretty much off your toon.)
World PVP isn’t fair, one will will hold your hand, and there are bullies out there who simply want to make your life miserable and don’t care if they win fair or use the guards or whatever. While not everyone plays that way, it’s part of the game.
You might just want to avoid it if its a bit much for you to handle
Edit - CheckPVP is golden lol. It’s funny when folks lose after attacking and then spamming the zone, whispering me about how bad my arena rating was. (It’s 0, I don’t really do them.) and then ignored.
Definitely rang a bell lol though and it would be fun to have even more fun, but wouldn’t want to hurt any feelings
Never once spammed any zone about you at all. I don’t even know you. Nor have I ever whispered you about anything as stated. You should refrain from ad hominem attacks before you get reprimanded by forum mods. People taking this person when they’ve not even seen what the support staff said to me.
This was supposed to be referring to pvp combat. You very much can nerf the bonus to 10% and it would still be useful. It’s not like a GIANT portion of the playerbase uses that set. Nerfing it wouldn’t cause a huge problem for the amount of players using its. Its a pretty safe tweak.
For a problem that only you have? Why should Blizzard change the game for you?
Again, it sounds like a dumb suggestion. It’s only use is in PvP combat. That’d be like saying, “PvP talents should have their effectiveness reduced by 50% in PvP combat.”
See how stupid that sounds?
It doesn’t need to be nerfed though. You even said yourself in your post, “it’s not like a giant portion of the playerbase uses that set.”
If not a lot of players are using it, why nerf it? Has the thought ever occurred to you that maybe there’s a reason why not a lot of players are using it? Maybe because it’s niche and some people would rather run their class 4 set over this WPvP 6 set?
A 6 set effect is supposed to be strong. It’s 6 pieces of gear with stats that you probably don’t prefer, but you run it anyway for the effect. You need to get 10 kills to get it to be at it’s max effect and if you die or take a loading screen, it disappears.
Edit, didn’t see this:
Feel free to show us then, but I’m going to say now, you don’t know the things I’ve spoken with the support team / dev team about either. I know what is or isn’t allowed for the most part and buff stacking is not something against the rules.
You realize you’re talking to someone who finds exploits and bugs on the daily right? I report a lot of these bugs to Blizzard support team and was most active at doing that in Shadowlands. That’s why I was never suspended or banned for the shenanigans I did in Isle of Conquest against RUIN or the likes; it’s because I reported the bugs and prevented them from being used in more serious content.
Blizzard does not consider stacking buffs that they implemented in the game as exploiting. Its no different from using BG stamina food and BG battle standards in battlegrounds. It’s something everyone can use, get it yourself.
“I don’t like something, so I’ll just remove/nerf it by 50% because it bothers me.” -Reasons why Lottie shouldnt be a game dev
Everyone saw u say 50% before u edited ur comment lmao.
Exactly, simple as that, but instead they continue to moan and groan about bugs hacks xD “OO look a potion!! MUST BE A HACK!” “OO LOOK A PVP SET BONUS! MUST BE A HACK!!”
“LOOK! Ruby Feast!! Must be a Hack!!”
That’s exactly what the set bonus would be nerfed by. 10% is 50% of what the set buff was previously.
I guess it depends what you mean, the whole set by 50% or just the 6 set.
But either way, not a bright suggestion. You’re giving up so much by running the 6 set and nerfing it to 10% would make it not viable at all to run. You’re giving up your class 4 set and have to choose stats that aren’t preferred just to run the 6 set. It’s strong for a reason.
Saw u yesterday lottie u should def play with us
I’m doing well, and I’m not talking about the buffs you use I’m talking about the several different times you dropped me under the world. AKA exploiting : )
To be fair, that was our Death Knight pulling you under the ground. Im a Priest, I don’t have death grip x)
But uh, yeah, that hasn’t been done since Shadowlands so you have nothing to worry about.
I don’t remember being gripped, I remember being perma stunned/silenced and seeing you target me and boom dropped under the world. I do believe this happened in Elwynn.
It was awhile ago so I don’t remember the details. I just remember seeing you in the group. Guilty by association my old friend xd