Invincible warmode buffs?

No idea then. If it’s Elwynn then it’s impossible from my knowledge to even get under the terrain without being disconnected instantly. No DK can get under and death grip without being disconnected themselves. But anyway, I hate going out to Elwynn. :face_vomiting:

Fair enough I guess. I thought you might have been talking about in front of Maldraxxus, because that’s where my death knight friend was gripping people under.

If it makes you feel better though, nothing of that nature has been done this expansion. World PvP is actually fun for once in a long while.

I couldn’t tell you it was awhile ago I just remember it was your group and it broke my heart.

Eh, In other games there’s association bans /shrug. Not much of an I guess about it. I use to think that stuff was funny. The paladin that we use to run around with in Hellfire is probably next on the chopping block if he doesn’t quit knocking people out in Durotar xd

My group? I don’t recall leading any groups in Shadowlands, only ever being a part of them. The only thing I lead is my small guild. But sorry about that.

There’s bans and there’s suspensions. Blizzard doesn’t typically perma ban someone unless they’ve been exploiting in content that matters, i.e rated PvP, mythic+, raiding. That… Or for language/chat toxicity.

I’ve only ever caught one suspension, and after that have been able to slide by because I’ve been reporting that type of stuff to Blizzard in emails. I’ve had several “gamebreaking” exploits fixed because I reported them to Blizzard in an email.

And if you’re talking about Slickhuman, funny story, that’s his second account. Without getting into too much information, let’s just say he used very crude language on multiple occasions and caught the hammer.

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Your group, their group w/e, if they’re knowingly exploiting why take part was the point I was trying to make. I could care less whose group it was. Doesn’t even matter now anyways. I play this game for a vault each week on a few toons and log off usually. WPvP is still fun, but I don’t really enjoy it out in DF. I still stick to the older zones if I’m on which is rare during the week.

See, that’s the opposite for me. I dislike the older zones now, where as I used to love it in the past. I’d like it more if my WPvP tier set worked out in older zones, which I’m still convinced is bugged since it doesn’t state on the tooltip that it only works in Dragon Isles.

But uh, sorry if you have any sour feelings towards me. Didn’t mean to upset you in any way.

I still don’t get the animosity. When that DK was actually exploiting it did bother me a bit since I was being disconnected from the game by someone on purpose.

But currently, every single advantage that folks are worried about here are available to them and most of them quite easily. Weird stuff lol.

Do you world pvp as heals? Been wanting to gear up my priest, never tried a healer with world buffs before.

Yes, I world PvP as a Discipline Priest with world buffs and it works amazingly. The goal is to use buffs to increase your damage output as much as possible, to the level of a damage dealer or higher. This also affects your healing, but since you’re a healer and already do good healing, it just increases your overall survivability.

Discipline does it well since they already have a wide variety of damage dealing abilities and buffs that increase their damage output. (such as Schism, Shadow Covenant, Inner Shadow PvP talent, and Sins of the Many)

I’ve always been more “sportsmanlike” myself. I won’t play anything that’s too easy(post-Leg Warlock). Not to mention that’s a lot of set-up and time spent setting up is time not spent ganking.

Or that’s how it used to be before…Hello Kitty.

Thats awesome, ive been getting heavily into world pvp lately so maybe ill cross paths with you soon!

The only thing that I would say is “a lot of set-up” would be the Shikaar Hunting Horn, since that requires Renown 23 with Maruuk Centaur. Even then though, it takes 10 minutes to just do the dailies from Camp Aylaang every 3 days and you’ll be Renown 23 in no time. Could even do a Hunt or two for the rep trophies, which would only take 10-15 min but that’s optional.

The rest, such as Ruby Feast, isnt time consuming either. You complete a quest chain and complete the next quest chain the next day until you have the buffs you want and then you stop. :person_shrugging:

Now, because I did all of this in the beginning of the expansion, all I do is gank and don’t have to worry about someone out doing me in WPvP. I log in and gank, that’s it.

Maybe! I’ll be sure to add you on Kill on Sight if I see you >:)

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I suppose that’s well and good, especially if you’re going to be out and about in DF zones.

I’m thankful you’re keeping the dream alive. I am too, but back in time. I avenged a guildie in HFP, and PK’ed a Pally in self-defense in the Broken Front. Nothing really exciting, though in the Classic server where I’m at, people actually like to RAID CITIES on the weekends.

So you might catch me defending SW/IF/Darn then, should I be there when it’s going on.

I seen a DK kill 10 people each one dieing in a couple seconds

I saw a fire mage with spell stolen buffs from an old zone that approximately lasts 5 minutes each one shot people for 700K, with a Fireball too.

People are getting more creative. It was funny seeing people in chat complain about that… I just came in, feared, dispelled his buffs and he was dead.

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You stream or post any content? Was fighting with ya a lot last nignt in the protodrake area, your dog got me for 550k just when i thought i would escape lol. Would love to see some videos of your adventures.

I sometimes post videos for fun but I have no regular posting schedule or anything. Procrastination kills me when it comes to editing any videos I have since I’m busy juggling life and college at the moment lol


Reviving this thread simply because it’s hilarious to read.

It’s a common response because it’s a valid response. I even offered the OP a chance to gear their character and build them up to be as strong as me with minimal effort. I don’t know what else you or others expect me to do besides, “stop using the buffs!!1” which I’m not going to do because it’s the way I have fun, the same way others have fun by roaming in a group destroying solo players.

Didn’t run away yesterday though. It was 2v10 and I invited some friends who just happened to be in the area. I invited 4 friends, 2 MM hunters, a warrior, and an ele shaman. It was 6v10, still outnumbered mind you, and won. :dracthyr_shrug:

It’s WPvP. By nature, our area of the game we play in is competitive. No matter what you do, there’s going to be something you do that people won’t like and won’t find fun. People aren’t going to like fighting against a healer, it’s not fun. Should I just not play a healer? Should I not enjoy what I play just because someone else doesn’t enjoy it?

I’m sure all the solo Horde you guys were killing in your gang of… 5-8 Alliance in Waking Shore at Dreamsurge NPC didn’t find it fun being outnumbered either. Do you find what you were doing as grieving?

“Just turn off War Mode.” is what you’d tell those complainers, right? “Just being friends of your own”, right? Is this argument still bad when its supporting your own narrative?

But hey, that’s ok, you had fun.

I’m not talking about myself or my friends, I know being outnumbered for me doesn’t amount to much since I have buffs (and that’s precisely why I have buffs), I’m talking about the general Horde in the zone who didn’t have buffs, who were doing dreamsurge, being camped and killed at dreamsurge vendor.