Fix siren isle w pvp

Really? Because how I remember it was I killed you at moles on your warlock, I got bountied, glidered down into the water, my bulwark procced (it’s the red carapace buff; you’re probably only used to seeing the purple one), and I literally dalaran hearthed right in front of everyone and spammed lol the entire time.

Of course, and all you do is complain about them. I already offered you the chance to learn, I said you can add me on btag and see what I use since all you know how to do is complain. You should take a page out of this dude’s book. Instead of complaining like you, dude took out a notepad and wrote down all the buffs I used and did his own research, and when he needed more info, reached out to me and added me on btag like I’ve offered you.

Remember when you said this in Dragonflight?

How well this comment has aged haha.