Introduce Yourself Here

Hey all - I’m a Senior Systems Designer on the Rewards team and have been primarily working on raid loot since Vault of the Incarnates. I also did a lot of early work on the Trading Post up through its release which included digging up tons of old art (lots of helpful community posts on that subject!) and designing the initial catalogue.

I first played WoW during the vanilla beta, and I’ve been raiding off and on since Molten Core. I’m currently working on CE in Aberrus. I also love collecting transmogs!


Hello everyone! I’m a Principal Game Designer on WoW, and I’ve been working at Blizzard for almost 18 years.

I started here at Blizzard (and my career in games) as a QA Analyst, testing Classic WoW, back when it was just called WoW. My first bug that I ever found was on Ouro, from Ahn’Qiraj. I’ve since moved into design on the World of Warcraft team, and have worked on pretty much everything, including:

  • Quests (so many quests)
  • Professions
  • Brawler’s Guild
  • Micro-Holidays
  • The Deaths of Chromie
  • Withered Army Training
  • Scaling the world
  • The Maw & Torghast
  • Community Feast
  • Time Rifts

I like public events, seasonal content, and collecting transmogs. I also enjoy dipping into raids and dungeons every once in a while. Nice to meet you!


Hello hello ^^

I’m Remi, I’ve been playing WoW since ~2008 started playing here and there with my dad after school for a while. I’m pretty PvE focused, having gotten every CE since Jaina and several M+ Hero titles. My favorite class to play is typically dh but I also highly enjoy enhance/ret/hunter/bdk. I am not a hardcore achievement chaser but I do enjoy getting 100% completion in the Dungeons/Raids category every season. I am also an AVID WoW Goegussr player, and used to wind down before sleep when I was little to Nobbel87 lore videos so I might know a bit about the game…
As a Moon Guard transplant player I’ve enjoyed simply seeing the game world alive when I’m not pushing content. I hope this year I can assist the council with my semi unique view of higher end content on a realm typically not known for it, and I highly anticipate TWW.
If any of you find me on any socials feel free to reach out to say hey or talk about anything WoW really!


Hello! My name is Satin, I’ve been playing WoW since 2007-2008, starting in my mothers lap. I didn’t start actually playing the game more actively until roughly 2017, in which my Raiding Career began, Since then i’ve gotten AoTC at the minimum, whilst doing low-mid mythic, I unfortunately had no clue where to get a real raiding guild at until last season, But since then i’ve become a CE Raider, as well as high M+ Pusher, with the bit of dabbling in pvp.

I presume most of my time on this council will be to help make certain things heard, both from perspectives of all 3 types of content, and for the mass minority of all classes/specs.

I hope to meet you all and be in your good graces.


Hello and good day!

I’ve been known as Aero since Jan 16, 2007 when TBC launched and I re-created my original warrior as a Draenei, and have never looked back (although I did start in Feb '05, just shortly after the game launched).

In that time I’ve experienced much the game has to offer, with very little “break” time between content patches. For several expansions I ran PUG PvP groups which later morphed into PUG raids. I’ve been raid-lead for our guild “Insurrection” since the end of TBC and have done so up until current content today. Our guild is an AotC standard with Mythic-dabbling type.

Aside from the raiding scene, I run M+ with pugs and guild runs pretty regularly typically in the 3k-3.1kish range of content. I’m an avid pet collector (up to 1648 unique, almost entirely at 25/rare) and an active guide for new players.

I look forward to being a part of this group and helping to ensure that we as players get the most out of our experiences in Azeroth.


Hi Friends!

It’s great to be here, and I’m so excited! I’ve been playing WoW since vanilla. I’ve switched mains quite a few times, but I always seem to come back to the druid, and I usually play as a healer.

In the past, I’ve been a semi-serious raider, starting way back in Molten Core. Nowadays, I spend most of my time as a PvPer, mostly casually, occasionally dipping my toes into solo shuffle.

I’ve made many great friends and incredible memories with this game, and I am looking forward to contributing positively to the future of WoW.


Hey everyone!

I’ve been playing WoW since ~3-4 weeks after launch when a friend convinced me to give it a try. The first character I ever made was this warlock after that same friend told me that they got portals just like mages (they didn’t know any better at the time).

However, it was a happy accident and I’ve enjoyed playing warlock for most of my time here. I still remember running to Menethil Harbor from Ironforge at level 26 and seeing a :skull: level forsaken warlock riding around on a nightmare. I was so hyped that I power leveled until I got one of my own.

Over the years, I’ve done participated in every type of content but definitely focused more on the PvE side of things. I definitely tend to grind professions and reputations. I have two server first profession and the Insane in the Membrane achievements. I have some CE achievements from raid, but that was back when I had the time to be raiding 3-4 nights a week.

I’ve made a lot of friends in the ~20 years I’ve been playing WoW and I’m hoping there is more to come.


Hello everyone,

I’m Dreadnug a Fury Warrior.
I started playing WoW on TBC (2007), quit during Cataclysm (2011) and came back in full force for DF (2022).
That 11 year gap means I’ve missed A LOT of changes, however, it does allow me the unique perspective of a returning (somewhat) older player who came back to find a much more mature gaming environment.
Mature in the sense that you can go much further into the end-game without having to devote 100s of hours to the game.

I’m currently 7/9M ATDH and 3388 m+ rating.
For raiding, I’m in a 2-day raiding guild and we are striving for CE still. (working on TSwift wall)
For m+, I’ve pugged all the way up to my current rating and I believe I can reach 3.4-3.5K depending on my luck and availability.
That I can handle both mythic raiding and high level key-pushing with the limited time I can commit to WoW is a testament of how much this game has evolved.

It, however, can evolve further and I will try to help on that end with my contributions.


Greetings everyone!

I’m Lenarius on Cho’gall and I’m in Acta Non Verba (Gilneas). I’ve been playing WoW since 2005 (would’ve played at launch if I had a working computer at the time) and started off playing Warcraft 1 back in the mid-90s.

I focus on PvE and I’m currently maining a mage (Taos-Cho’gall) for the good of my guild’s mythic raid (currently 7/9M) but I’m typically a melee player. I’ve been a raid leader in the past but I’m currently enjoying just being a raider. Besides Frost Mage I’ve mained at various points: Ret, Prot Pally, Havoc, Marks, Resto Druid, Guardian, Frost DK, and Unholy DK with Ret being my current key pushing toon. I’m primarily known for my Pally and DH.

Other than PVE I’m an altoholic with all but one profession fully spec’d out. I’m also decently into mount farming and am really into the lore of the game.

I’m excited to be a part of the Council and look forward to sharing some of the ideas I have.


Hey everyone, happy to be here!

I’m a lead software engineer on our gameplay engineering team working to support the live team. On the live team, we try to deliver unique and experimental experiences that’re fun to our players! I’ve been on the WoW team since 2020 and have been in the industry for 10 years. I’ve played WoW since the beta for vanilla, originally playing a rogue and then moving over to a healer role after TBC. Before being on my current team, I worked on the Classic team helping ship Classic WoW, Burning Crusade Classic, and Season of Mastery to players!

In my off time, I raid lead and am GM of a raiding guild that progresses through mythic with our target being cutting edge each tier. I love sharing my experiences with other and talking about WoW. As a lifelong Blizzard fan, it’s a dream come true to be working at Blizzard and WoW. Right now, I usually main resto shaman but I sometimes swap to priest depending on what one of my officers recommend we do for our healing assignments.

As a lead software engineer, I oversee technical design and implementation of some of the cool systems that our designers work on! Collaborating with designers is great and we oftentimes get the best our of our game when all of our disciplines work well together. I’ll be here to hopefully talk about cool upcoming features in our patches and expansions.


Howdy Everyone!

I’m Logidormu on US-Malfurion. I am currently the raid lead for our Mythic Raid team for our guild and have been so since near the end of BFA. I mainly enjoy PVE, but have dabbled a bit into the PVP scene in a few expansions.

I have been playing since 2006 in vanilla and have had a few times where I took a few breaks due to my career I was a part of that made me unable to play with reasonable ping. I have mained quite a bit of classes every expansion, but think I have finally found “my class” with Evoker. I enjoy doing testing and bug finding as well as engaging in many of the variations of WoW and other blizzard games.

I look forward to being a part of the community and helping grow WoW.


Why, hello there!

People on the wow forums might have seen me before as someone that do like discussing about World of Warcraft with other people and I hope to be able to enjoy that further with the community council.

I’m more focused on Mythic raiding as CE player but I do a lot of achievements, mounts and battle pets collecting too. I do like some Horde vs Alliance faction banter and some light roleplay about it (Lok’thar ogar!). I’m also a decent fan of the lore and have read most books with Rhonin books being my favorites. I’ve played as a death knight (and many alts) for many expansions and have done a lot of tanking, I often have a more tank oriented point of view on content. I’ve also played wotlk classic and do enjoy sometime a more chill experience.

Hoping to have a great time with everyone.


Hello everyone!

My name is Baerut. I’ve been playing WoW since Vanilla and EQ for 7 or 8 years before that - so I’ve played MMO’s and have been immersed in RPG worlds for well over half of my life at this point :woozy_face:

I’ve seen the good, the bad, the ugly and the absolutely awe-inspiring development of the MMO scene over the years. I’m super grateful to be a part of this Community Council where we can help shape the game to be a safer, more enjoyable place for us, not only the ones currently entrenched in WoW, but also the next generation.

When it comes to WoW, I’ve been involved in a CE & Hall of Fame guild as well as slamming Mythic + almost every day.

I have a lot of strong feelings and ideas when it comes to M+ since that’s where I spend a good portion of my time but overall, I’m sure I’ll have a little bit to say about everything.

Happy to be here!


Hi everyone! I’m Fiamma but most folks call me Fia. :grin: I’m based in Australia with Horde toons on Saurfang (my main is a BElf mage) and Alliance toons on Aman’thul.

I’ve been playing WoW since the start of BC where I quickly got into the raiding scene, pulling those 4 hours/night, 4 nights/week schedules until I levelled up IRL and had a little less time to play.

These days I focus mostly on collecting with my army of alts, I only have the one account but my character slots are full of level 62+ toons! I’m currently aiming to break into the world top 1,000 collectors by completion score on Data for Azeroth. Despite this, I do still jump into raiding & M+ when I can, the only part of the game I can’t really wrap my head around is PvP. :sweat_smile:

I’m so excited to be a part of the Community Council and learn some new viewpoints & perspectives on how our game runs, but also provide some of my own… I have opinions.


Hey there!

My name is Honeycrisp. I’ve been playing World of Warcraft since '04, and I’ve enjoyed every client Blizzard has had to offer us. I maintain the same Shaman I made as a kid and will play it even when it’s not so good, which is more often than I’d like. :smiling_face_with_tear:

I started off playing WoW casually, then moved towards a hardcore mindset, and now, as I grow older, I find myself back to playing casually and/or semi-hardcore at times. I’m very excited to jump into the World Soul Saga and Cataclysm Classic with my friends, and I hope to see you all there.

I’m very appreciative of the invite to the WoW Community Council, and I hope we can make the game better as a whole moving forward!


Hi there!

I’m Ashoholic (Ashayma)! Been playing WoW since its release week way back in the day. Granted my goals and interests were much different as I just wanted to be a “pretty purple elf with little animal friends,” back in the day LOL!

Currently I am in a CE focused guild but also heavily participate in mount and cosmetic farming. I also regularly will PuG into guild groups that are progging in normal/heroic raids to help in any way I can! This also helps me keep a level head and see where more of the player base is coming from as well as spreading happiness. (I also do M+ but purely up until all portals gotten then just guild minimum level required for vault - which was 18s this tier.)

Also recently just got into SoD and have been enjoying it so much! Fairly new to it though as I just started truly playing it around two weeks ago.

My primary thing I plan to post on is the state of Mythic raiding. Primarily how I see it impacting not only my guild as a CE oriented guild but also guilds stepping into Mythic for their first time.

Happy to be here on the Community Council and looking forward to the future of the game!


Hey y’all!

A little about me - I am a SAHM (stay at home mom), so I have plenty of volunteer time going on in my life. I have a 14 year old chaos demon who is getting interested in WoW so thats kinda neat to be able to play with my kid.

When it comes to the games I am a filthy filthy casual when it comes to retail. I play mostly with my husband and my chaos demon. However, when it comes to classic that is where it is at for me. I am pretty knowledgeable about the lore. I have read most of the books, and pretty much all of the quest text. I mainly play on alliance, however, if my group is playing horde I’ll play there too. I am a GM of a raiding guild on Old Blanchy - NA. One of those groups that kinda fell into heroics, decided we liked it and stayed put.

When looking at what I will be responding to and posting about it will be mainly classic, ie staying in my wheelhouse. I feel out of my comfort zone when talking retail because I don’t really know what is going on over there anymore. I do do some theory crafting when it comes to my mains which are a druid and an arcane mage. Learned I am not any good at ye olden fire because I can’t manage procs well.

Thats about all I got. Super excited to be part of this, and hopefully I can add some useful stuff or be part of discussions that are equally as useful.


Greetings everybody,

My name is Zaxvriin on Sargeras, and I’ve been playing this game since classic (with some breaks in Legion and BFA). I generally play my shaman, mage, and paladin, and I do some dabbling on other alts as time permits. On one character I raid in mythic (vault on shaman, aberrus on shaman into evoker due to high luck roll on legendary, and amirdrassil on mage). I also do casual mythic+ (at least early in the in the season doing 8 20+ keys on character raiding on and 4 20s on alts I’m caring about at the time). In spare time I generally do all the collecting (achievements, mounts, pets, toys, whatever dataforazeroth tells me I need to raise to get that sweet sweet score).

So I’m likely to talk about all of these topics while on the council.


I usually go by the name of Delphina in my adventures in Azeroth and reside on the Silvermoon server in the EU region. I started out around the launch of Wrath back in late 2008 and played up-to the end of that expansion. Then it was off and on in Cata, Mists and they I can back for real in Shadowlands and been playing since then regularly.

Currently I’m an officer in my guild and I’m responsible for the Mythic+ side in the guild, hosting event and such. Also have a passion for raiding and usually the guild manages a few mythic bosses each tier.

I do like all aspects of the game and hopefully I can help out with ideas and take part in discussions to make the game even better in the future.


Hi everyone! Thank you for the invite :slight_smile:
I am Altaylia, Ive been playing WoW since 2013. I enjoy all this game and its’ world has to offer. This was my first mmo and I hadn’t experienced anything like the community it has before .
I do love raiding and pushing myself in mythic+, its pretty challenging to me (even thought I may not be amazing lol)

I was a main rogue for many years until I decided to try a new class…now I have an alt problem. I believe the first step is admitting it to myself. Its been another fun challenge to create and learn different classes and roles for endgame content RP or exploring and collecting.

in 11 years ive gone from questing and being afraid of heroic dungeons, to taking a deep breath and stepping into my first mythic raid group and getting a boss down. Ive led raids, formed a guild… so many things I never thought I would have the cajones to do. for now Im working on learning everything I can about druids and mythic raiding.

I enjoy and appreciate that there is still so much in the game I have yet to explore and look forward to see what blizzard has in store :slight_smile: