Introduce Yourself Here

Hi everyone! Thank you for the invite :slight_smile:
I am Altaylia, Ive been playing WoW since 2013. I enjoy all this game and its’ world has to offer. This was my first mmo and I hadn’t experienced anything like the community it has before .
I do love raiding and pushing myself in mythic+, its pretty challenging to me (even thought I may not be amazing lol)

I was a main rogue for many years until I decided to try a new class…now I have an alt problem. I believe the first step is admitting it to myself. Its been another fun challenge to create and learn different classes and roles for endgame content RP or exploring and collecting.

in 11 years ive gone from questing and being afraid of heroic dungeons, to taking a deep breath and stepping into my first mythic raid group and getting a boss down. Ive led raids, formed a guild… so many things I never thought I would have the cajones to do. for now Im working on learning everything I can about druids and mythic raiding.

I enjoy and appreciate that there is still so much in the game I have yet to explore and look forward to see what blizzard has in store :slight_smile:


Greetings fellow Travelers,

My name is Dysé, I’ve been making my place in the World, of Warcraft, since 2005. This is a very exciting opportunity to be a part of, I am lucky to share this experience with you.

My introduction to World of Warcraft began after school, visiting a friend to spend time playing video games. From evenings and weekends spend trying to level our characters, to our first dungeon experience in Wailing Caverns, to accidentally walking far too close to Theramore, and unlike Theramore, it has remained. It’s still something we can joke and laugh about.

I was expecting Dragonblight to be as cold, as the night I stood outside, waiting for my copy Wrath of the Lich King, that was true.

Most recently you can find my friends and I tackling Mythic + dungeons, creating outfits via transmogrification, collecting appearances, and paying it forward to those new players who continue to make this game a great experience.

Have a good one!


Hello all :slightly_smiling_face:

I am Illyanaeth from the Defias Brotherhood et al RP cluster from EU - I have been playing on and off since late 4.2 primarily as a roleplayer - however from the introduction of Mythic Plus as a system I have gotten my toes wet into keystones and raiding.

I play at a semi casual semi hardcore level and I feel comfortable in the inbetween of raiding AOTC and Keystone Hero level (although this season due to a Fyr’alath drop I have pushed myself up to 3k score) but first and foremost this is a Roleplaying game for me with fun content to take my characters to.

I multiclass tank at a level of semi competency although my favourite has always been Protection Warrior (even sticking through its low points). Outside of PvE content, I have engaged in RP actively since 6.2 and I am a big night elf fan (if you couldn’t guess) and have a big appreciation for the story and world building of Azeroth :slightly_smiling_face:


Greetings everyone!

I’m Percheron (but go mostly by Storm), hailing from Area-52 (NA), and I’m thrilled to be part of this.

A bit about myself: I’ve been immersed in the World of Warcraft universe since the days of vanilla, though I truly found my raiding passion during ICC (Yep, I’m what they call a “Wrath baby” >.>). My gaming journey has led me to revel in the casual raiding scene with my eclectic guild. We’re a blend of burnt-out mythic raiders, current CE raiders, hopeful mythic contenders, and those who prefer to keep their raiding adventures a bit more relaxed (even if means burnt toes). While M+ dungeons aren’t exactly my forte, I dive into them for raid preparation, running with my guildmates who are always ready to lend a hand.

You might say I have a bit of an “alt-aholic” tendency—I’ve leveled characters of every class (well, except those tricky evokers!) from 1 to 70. Managing the auction house isn’t my official gig, but I do love maximizing professions across my many alts and engaging in some serious auction house strategy. Oh, and collecting pets and mounts? Count me in! Achievements are my bread and butter—I love chasing after those hard-to-get toys.

To sum it up, I’m a jack-of-all-trades in the WoW universe, except when it comes to PvP—if my name turns orange, you can bet I’m hightailing it out of there!

Now, onto the exciting part: I’m thrilled for the chance to collaborate with the WoW Design and Community Teams and be one of the many here to represent our community’s voice. With my broad involvement across all aspects of the game on one of the most bustling servers out there, I’m committed to providing a well-rounded perspective. My areas of deeper expertise lie in Professions, Achievements, Collecting, tackling harder content (heroic raiding, M+ dungeons up to 15-20) for ‘casuals’, and fostering Community engagement.

I am excited to embark on this journey together, and may our adventures in Azeroth be epic!

Looking forward to connecting with all of you,



I’m Omega, officially from EU servers, had a bit of a struggle getting things to work on here and ended up having to resub an old US account to be able to partake in the council which was very disappointing, but I’m here now!

I mainly started playing in cata doing casual pvp, then the introduction of LFR got me slowly into the raiding scene joining a raiding guild in SoO and from there progressing through tiers and guilds until eventually raid leading a few CE guilds around WoD/BFA.

I’ve pretty much tried my hand at all content and see myself as a very average player, albeit with way too many hours spent in game. From CE raiding to M+ pushing, running social guild raids and events, achievement runs, pet battles, random and rated pvp, world content, I think I have a good amount of experience in everything, and hopefully can help bring that experience to the council.

Most importantly, I really hope this opportunity is used by blizzard. I feel clear communication is something that has been massively lacking on the part of blizzard to the WoW community and it’s something Id really love to tackle.

Thanks, Omega



I’m Crayon from US-Stormrage. I have been playing WoW since Vanilla and participate in most aspects of the game. I have pushed high M+ keys, CE raiding, as well as Gladiator in PvP. I mainly play Shadow Priest, but my “main alts” are Mage, and Rogue. I have played every other class and spec in the game at some point in time over the last 20 years, but nothing is quite like a Shadow Priest to me, something I find very unique to World of Warcraft.

Currently between SoD and Retail I am raiding 6-7 days a week xD (will be cutting that back haha). In my spare time I PvP, M+, Pet Battle, or just dragon ride in circles around Valdrakken waiting for friends to login. At the end of the day I’m all about having fun, playing what you want to, when you want to, how you want to, in whatever content you’re doing.

I look forward to chiming in on some of the discussions and maybe make a new friend or two!



Hey, everybody!

I’m Froobs (from EU originally, this toon was made to join the Council!)

I’ve been playing this game for about 18 years. I’m a die-hard Warrior main and I love the class. Originally a Rogue during BC, switching to a DK for Wrath & most of Cata, followed by the Warrior mid-Cata - and I’ve mained it ever since.

I’ve experienced every facet of content this game has to offer; I guess I can call myself a Cutting Edge player (Helya being my first CE back in Legion, more recently getting Fyrakk down!), I was a roleplayer before this for about ten years (first on Darkmoon Faire and then continued on Argent Dawn for some time), and an achievement hunter. Mounts are where my heart truly lies, but lately I’ve been chasing down A World Awoken in order to get Taivan, so achievement hunting isn’t off the table either (I’ll also be going for the Shadowlands Meta after that!)

I’m currently enjoying Season 4 (perhaps too much), and have been blasting M+ all day with some guildies and friends!

I hope my experience with the content I’ve enjoyed and loved over the last nearly 2 decades of WoW can be of some use when it comes to providing feedback to the devs!

Cheers. Have a good one. :slight_smile:


Hey Everyone! Happy to be here :slight_smile:

I am “Elfyr” in retail (Area-52), “Waryr” in classic. Have experience from CE raiding, to developing addons, hosting 100+ member roleplay events, to working on collecting every battle pet in the game!

Being so widespread in my involvement I’ve picked up a couple things I’m passionate about making better. Including making PvP more approachable to new players, adapting raiding for a modern MMORPG audience, introducing new ways for players to identify with their characters and allow dynamic roleplay like in competitor games, and getting back to the bare bones of focusing on what is “fun” versus anything else in the game.

Anyone is free to DM me on Discord at “.elfyr” - just let me know you’re not selling art :wink:
Have a great day! <3


Hello Everyone,

I usually go by Akku, current raid lead for Calamity on Thrall-US a casual Mythic guild that usually gets through at least the wall boss. My time playing started in Vanilla with a couple small breaks and have been from super casual to CE depending on what life allowed in my schedule.

While I have done PVP as well as PVE, but I mainly tank raiding and M+. In Particular, my focus is how the game has evolves to match the players. My main perspective is that of co-lead of a guild that is founded to suit working professionals, and want a game that matches and is still fun.

Thanks for your time for those that read this, have a great day :slight_smile: