Trial of Style...Twice per year isn't enough

I encourage new members of the CC to push this topic, Why the trial of style happens only twice per year? Its really easy to miss it, for example now with the Plunder event taking the attention.

Or maybe some Dev could tell us why this couldn’t be expanded into a more frequent event.

FFXIV has a weekly event for this kind of content, WoW could at least have something with the Darkmoon Faire.

Every month the trading post bring more and more cosmetics, maybe its time to rethink a way to use those rewards for another event.


I always thought it was ok because most of the rewards are mega ugly almost on purpose. Like if u actually like wow fashion than trial of style is basically a bunch of meme mogs besides a few boots and belts.

They dont care

Been a few months but I actually did Trial of Style for the first time and it was pretty fun.

Yeah, the rewards are not great.

well, look at their outfits compared to WoW. :wink:

Reminds me… I need to start a new job.

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Should just make it like the Darkmoon Faire and have it once a month. Wouldn’t hurt anything?


Agreed. Back in legion, it was up for long, long periods of time. And then they flip it around to just two days a year is just so drastic.
And definitely need more transmog rewards.

They’d need to introduce more rewards for that.

Those of us with a sense of style have all the rewards and tons of tokens.

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Rewards are important, but it’s just the finish line, the event should be more fun and more frequent no matter the rewards…

Yup. And I doubt they are going to do that because that’s how Blizz rolls.

Trial of Style is unironically a better game mode than their super secret Plunderstorm.


Should honestly be once a month.

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