Interesting Like Sockpuppeting On This Community Council Thread

uh… yeah, it is… go look.

(edit) unless a mod cleaned it up since this thread was created to point out the shenanigans?
…and if they did, they did a terrible job of it, because it’s blatantly obvious that the vast majority of the likes are from only a couple of accounts.

just more reason why we need btags.

i was unaware of this.
today i learned a thing.


They would if they could it makes it look appealing, it is no different than the sockpuppeting they do in general forum .

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Is this also possible when flagging a post? Like, people can just hop on their alts and flag a post into oblivion?

Yeah know, if they were petty and soft enough?

I was curious and I took a peak. The CC OP was definitely upvoting themselves too. Probably got a friend to give them the rest of those upvotes.

And yes, this is absolutely why we need btags. And the funny thing is, when you get in trouble, the punishment is applied to your btag so any character on any WoW license can’t post. So they have the ability but they refuse to implement it.


I can 100% believe that at least some of the CC members have been sock-puppeting from day 1. And it would appear that zero action has been taken against them by the mods.

Oh look, the community council advocating for something that does not matter or improve the game in a significant way! I am shocked I tell you.

Someone liked their own post?
First world problems. lol
Im more concerned about the game finally going down, nuclear war breaking out, inflation destroying peoples savings, etc.
But someone liked their own post on a forum somewhere, so…yeah…

It’s not just “some poster”, it’s the posters that Blizzard decided for us that will be our voice. So when they upvote their own stuff on their special forum then get their friend’s to do the same, it’s… tacky. No other way to put it. This could all be solved with btag posting then that CC poster can’t make their boring elf idea look more popular then it actually is.

And nobody claimed this was a game breaking problem so I’m not sure why you’re trying to turn this into something it’s not.

I try not to let someone else ‘tacky’ that has no bearing on anything of real value bother me too much.
Like I said, first world problems.
And as someone said to me a while back in here…this OP decided to voice his views publicly and so opened himself and his opinion up to other viewpoints.

what its ‘not’ is that big a deal.

Like I said, nobody is claiming this is a game-breaking problem. You just assumed that on your own for whatever reason.

While it’s not a “big deal” it is a “deal”, so to speak. They’re supposed to be our voice even though we did not vote for them so for one of them to be dishonest is, like I said, tacky.

here, I’ll fix this new ‘problem’ you seem to be having with someone else having an opinion…

there…perma blocked :wave::wave:

I can picture you snapping your fingers as you said “perma blocked” but you’re doing me a favor.


This alone is part of why I feel this thread was primarily meant to stir up drama - either against the CC, or against high elf requests. Or both.

I mean are we all ignoring the fact the thread was made by a low level Classic character with barely any posts to speak of? And the fact it was specifically a Helf request thread that was targeted, when there’s been clear animosity on both sides of the camp regarding those?

Like, you can probably look at a number of high-liked threads and find multiple alts on them, if you really cared.

It comes off as concern trolling, attempting to drag three hot-button issues into one thread for the purpose of stirring up forum drama, as always. A simple look at the CC OP’s achievos and the achievos of all those supposed “sockpuppets” of hers, would show they aren’t attached to the CC member. She has no control over who likes her posts nor how they do - and on top of that, seems she even got wind of this thread and made a new request to lock likes per account.

I get the CC is oftentimes a whole lot of hot air that Blizz put in for the sake of looking like they’re listening when they aren’t, and I get some CC members are not stellar people, and I also get that high elf requesters can get incredibly weird and unhinged - but trying to stir up drama about both while dragging the request for Btags through that mud, is just repulsive, tbh.

And GD lapping it up as always.

Some of us have better things to do with our time than be mad about CC posts possibly having people using alts to add more likes. Especially considering that happens in literally every thread with high like count.

And even if there was merit to it, that doesn’t change the fact this thread was made in bad faith by a low level Classic sockpuppet. Seems like that’s perfectly fine when it’s against people others dislike, though, huh?

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They did upvote themselves. You can go look for yourself, btw.

:point_up: :point_up: :point_up:

here some of us want the in game crap fixed, others are worried about lonely people voting up their own posts. lol.

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I have no feelings one way or the other towards that person. My stance has been doing that is really tacky since they are supposed to be our voice (the community’s.)

It’s also the perfect example of why we need btag posting.

Side note: it’s very interesting that you’re saying we shouldn’t care about sock puppeting while at the same time caring that the OP is supposedly sock puppeting. So… which is it?


A single forum identity of some sort would solve many of these issues, just saying…


and this is exactly WHY it’s problematic when a post which is purported to be a representation of what “the community” wants to see added to the game is being so blatantly misrepresented.

can you not see that?

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I agree with this completely. It is ruining the credibility of my post and shouldn’t be an option on the forums if ‘likes’ are used as a metric.


we’ve been requesting btags or a similar solution for quite some time now.

one of the SFA’s said that they were looking into making a changes, but there was no mention of what those changes were, or how long it would take to implement them. (or even if it was related to posting characters, or something which would only have back-end functionality)