Interesting Like Sockpuppeting On This Community Council Thread

Holla to a fellow monk! :fist: Can you elaborate on the drama?

This is my first term with the Community Council so apologies if I am missing something here. I am wondering what drama you are referring to? I see accessibility for deaf players, my own post (no more than 1 like/account/post), transformation toy cooldowns, creation catalyst talk, the lack of cohesiveness sometimes with the primalists…

Is there something you would like to see? If I cannot understand, I am happy to pass it along as I tend to focus strictly on the retail RP facet of the community. Lots of great ideas to be had here, including one made from this post alone regarding alt’s ‘liking’ posts and by proxy removing the credibility.


My issue is more of the way the Blizz structured the CC itself rather than any specific game feedback.

I feel like the system doesn’t really provide a weightage component for the rest of the playerbase. Like the deaf accessibility for SPriests sounds great, and I like that the person broke it down into 2 ideas, but there’s not much anyone can do other than to just like the post (let alone if the likes mean anything). If there was built-in polls that the rest of the community could get involved in, that could promote more interaction and discussion with CC.

Or at least give something that allows people to go “hey the majority of the playerbase really wants this!!! Some blue comment on whether it’s possible to be looked into would be nice!!”

Another problem is visibility and engagement. What changes have been implemented via the CC? What ideas are currently being considered? What ideas have been considered and what action has been taken? How will it impact the general playerbase? If you look at the views on CC posts, it’s quite low compared to what you see on the GD. There are days old posts that get as much views as threads that are only 1hr old on the GD. So I’m quite surprised that Blizz hasn’t seen this as a problem.

I mean I get the idea was to create an avenue for consolidated feedback, but given that there’s PTR discussion, beta discussion, GD, twitter, reddit, and who knows what other social forums, it all just seems like an unstructured mess.


I agree with your points here.

Weight: I do not know if ‘likes’ weigh anything. If they do, then we really need the 1 like/post/account limit to preserve the integrity of that weighted system externally, even if internally-facing moderation tools allow Blizzard to see redundancies. It sends a much better message to the community and preserves the integrity of the post. The ‘like’ is almost like a yes/abstain poll in that regard.

Interaction: Comments, even if screened, would be great to hold a conversation and reach a middle ground if a topic is contested. We are all gamers in the same game and ought to coexist as such. Not everyone has a voice representing them as much as CC tries to diversify, therefore I 100% support screened comments.

Post Views: I had a chuckle cross-examining this - The CC post linked received an uptick in ‘likes’ that correlates with when the OP started this thread. It demonstrates that General Discussion receives more traction and leads to more traction elsewhere, meaning the subforum is not receiving as much visibility as expected. Or perhaps it was never intended to, which may mean the only assumed weight via ‘likes’ actually holds no weight.

Purpose & Subsequent Structure: You made a point with the purpose and structure of CC, as I see it the same and could not put it better: Consolidating feedback, where the noise is tuned out and people represent a more crystallized idea or POV amongst other speakers of their respective communities in-game.

Victories: I am too new to know which posts directly impacted a certain decision in the game. I do know that the RP community has voted on things like tents and other specific toys through fellow RP CC liaisons, and such requests have been granted via Dragonflight’s launch, which was super cool to see. They had high ‘likes’ as well.

Apologies, I tend to be winded, much to the displeasure of my guild. :leaves:


raises hand

You didn’t ask me, but I’d rather ask and get rejected than not ask at all.

I’m not sure how much interest you have in posting something about this or how familiar you are with it, but an issue that has gone without a peep from Blizzard is the mysterious removal of the Reins of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur from the Black Market Auction House. It has not appeared since July 2021 on any North American realm. There have been numerous threads throughout that time, as well as plenty of comments on Wowhead , but we have heard nothing about it and quite frankly have no idea if the removal was intended or is a bug. Considering it’s gone on for two years, we just want some sort of communication on what is going on.


Typical council behavior too.

That thing is such a waste

of course you do.

go and take each of those alts that you logged into to hit the :blue_heart: button, and hit the button again.

likes removed.

First world problems lmao

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Don’t put words down her throat and pretend that she does, that’s not how it works.


CC was just a publicity stunt at a time when Blizzard had mud all over their face. Nothing more.


i don’t even understand this statement.

was this meant to be irony? comedy? sarcasm?

How did what I just said fly over your head?

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i’m sick.
strong meds.
brain no worky.

Did you seriously just make an excuse just to not answer me?


Wait, is the community council not just a joke?

Who actually takes these people seriously? Pretty sure Blizzard doesn’t.

Blizzard really needs to drag the beyond beaten dead horse that is “give us high elves!!! Reeee!” out back, set it on fire and scatter the ashes to the wind.

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i did answer.

i also asked for clarification, because i’m not understanding the context of what you said.

part of my brain wants to think that you were taking a well deserved jab at someone who was pretending that they can’t undo something they did with simply the click of a button, and how it was additionally amusing because they were attempting to pretend that they were speaking on behalf of people.

and another part of my brain is like:

  1. It’s not their characters.
  2. After a certain amount of time, you can no longer un-like a post.
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Are we sure they were liking their own post?

Anyone can like a post in the CC thread.

I don’t know, I’m probably a bit confused about all of this.

it isnt now but when tsquad was here ya but blizz already kinda nicked them a bit so they arent super relevant. other than that, u get a sunday troll post and ur avg troll post. people just take these forums to heart n get baited bad lol. like ppl been dealin w/ this for years and still dont learn haha.

He complaining about it because you can click to see who liked, and then click around in the profiles of who liked and uncover details that show multiple characters from the same account are liking posts. WoW forum gives individual characters a lot of power, which is the complaint. Just like a lot of WoW, most of the forums is a fake plywood prop town.

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