How is it that a month later we are still getting queues? I tried logging on at noon PST and I was up in a 15 minute wait. I thought layering was supposed to fix this
It is by design. They have from the beginning been trying to prevent dead servers for the long run. For most of Classic servers it seems to be working.
Blizzard let in the amount of people that could be total per server including layers. In other words more people could log on because they could be distributed between layers.
Now they cannot because there is only one layer on many servers.
Hilarious how some of you were preaching like religion how ques wouldn’t happen when layering was removed since they had nothing to do with eachother but now that there are ques you all have surprised pikachu face like the rest of us didn’t see this coming a month ago
Because the queues weren’t actually some hard-limit of the capacity of the hardware, but also how many players the game-world can actually support in it at once.
If layers are gone, queues might need to be back to keep the single-layer population manageable.
Imagine everyone at the same popular farming spots.
Do you not remember when they expanded how big each layer was to help alleviate the queues?
Each layer allowed more people on the server than the server population’s cap.
The layers are gone on most server and that’s why the queues are back.