In the current meta whos the most op?

For pvp your top 5 are:

5: Boomkins
4: Rogues
3: MM Hunters
2: Enh Shamans
1: Shadow Priests

Honorable mentions: Ret paladins, Ele shamans, Other hunter specs

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thats never happened to me but im also actually good at the game so if any1 did then they can catch that duel and get humiliated on any version :rofl: gotta stand on business brotha. thats why its not smart to talk trash on forums unless you can actually back it up (which is why its funny ppl trash talk on alt chars xd)

If u play really close attention…

rogues/hunters/warriors are dominating (all the changes and mortal strike bump war up alot and now they have all their bis pumping dam)

then it is boomies/shaman/spriests

then it is lock, paladin and mages just slightly below boomies tier, but mages can heal so they are sort of hybrids now.

All healers are garbage in pvp but my tier list is

then priest
and then pally/sham/mage tied for 3rd (if ur good tho healer tier list means nothing bcuz healing in sod is dawg doo and turtle splat… ooo great heal for 1600 woohoo “you’ve been crit for 2800 gg”)

It happens 10% of the time in PvP gear when we crit. Shamans crit 100% of the time after casting fire shock. Which one is more OP? Lol.

This would say otherwise.

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Cast fire shock.


Uh oh, not 100% anymore.

I am talking about bgs and no enhance shaman is healing “their team” to full. You bobs have horde awareness which is near zero.

Every single game i play as horde I see people smashing a dps thats getting free cast healed. Figure out whats going around you first, then learn to use your full kit.

Enhance is just as squishy in this stupid 1 shot meta as everyone else but they can be kited very easily.

/insert brain

Cast earthbind totem, purge his BoF, wait for debuff to reapply, cast FS.
Bingo, now you have 2 magic debuffs on him and he can dispell the slow which will reapply shortly (because totem is pulsing).
Thank me later

Melee attack totem, cast. Uh oh, hard to do.

Es and fs are on the same cd, so you have to be kidding with this crap.

You are on a clock, not the shaman. Totem is not in a melee range, you are slowed.

What does this have to do with LB globaling people? You talk like shocks have a minute cd. EM oneshot is something you always have in the pocket. At 60 you will have even more broken build with NS.

Cause cleansing fire shock can be done by everyone, right? Lol. Dumbest response in this thread.

We have retnoobs. The spec attracts morons. There are a lot of morons out there.

Just because two things happened

1 you dont have one.

  1. You have no friends.

Doesnt invalidate what I said, especially from the scope of the paladin that was showing his pvp inferiority.

Again with these f- players? Paladins even entering this chat should be muted.

Overall its shaman, but hunter definetly does need Chimera shot toned down, aswell as boomkin being too powerful at a safe distance.

casting cleanse is forcing paladins to use GCD to remove it when they already suffer from applying weak damage pressure where shamans basically cause pressure 120% of the time with their overtuned damage and proc effects

Boomy kills me in like 2 seconds, while rooting, stunning, healing, CCing, extra armor, Farie Fire, etc, etc, etc, They have about 500 counter buttons they can press for me while killing me in about 2 seconds.

This goes around in circles all day.

It always will work as who gets the drop usually wins.

btw they added the 20% phys reduction 30% magic reduction 30% healing reduction meta this weekend so the “meta” is changed.

jury is out about who is op atm.

2 dots dispersion to win!

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