In the current meta whos the most op?

ill give you a hint.

its not shaman.

we are talking about the 1-3 shot meta btw not the prior 50% meta or the 20/30/20 meta.

mm hunt forsure

that one is up there for sure.

druids and spriests are up there too.

also rogues.

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ya dont forget enhance either :rofl:

mm hunt/enhance are legit the only classes that can 1-3 shot anyone rn maybe mage and a boomy but rare (if were talking gcd ofc)

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enh has to get to you first.

they are eating all that damage to get to you from the ranged.

Lmao maybe in a 1v1 against like, a warrior. Without way of earth or a DR, enhance just dies trying to get into melee range.

thats irrelevant, this isnt a convo about distance or class balance. its a convo about 1-3 shot meta via your words lol

pack it up everybody, delete your SHAMAN OP threads, Xtrasecksi says


in the meta of 1-3 shots including the balance of all classes.

please stop trying to misrepresent the argument.

sure thing. btw you have any classes that are op in your opinion besides shaman btw or you just want to speak nonsense and not refute the point like usual?

in pvp is shadow priests hands down

druids only good if u ignore them…Spriests can take loads of pressure and shed it while being bubbled/jellibeaned and still melt

heh improved frenzied regen says hello.

ya if u have it but some people don’t even touch pve at this point…I don’t since they killed my home server

:frowning: sucks man . hope you find joy elsewhere.

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hunter damage is pretty cracked, but they’re not live lords healing themselves to full just by hitting people near them.

shadow priest is strong, as a melee you know as soon as they come out of dispersion they’re going to go for the fear, so probably just put down tremor when you see disperse, if that doesn’t work, ground it. trinket it. you have 3 tools to deal with that. top yourself off with MSW heals. they’re strong but they can also die

shaman is an outlier.


If you live that long without heals focusing on you or dispelling bc the 2 dots are grossly over tuned

everyone has a free 15 second fear immunity from bracers btw. another clown job by blizzard tbh.


oh yeah forgot about the OP bracers lol, I’ve been alch since p1 thinking having a stock of swiftness pots/FAPS would be the most clutch thing for me and haven’t bothered with the crazy crafted gear

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hilarious. legit shaman and hunter are the only classes that can 1-3 shot anyone rn. im glad i am not playing until p4 anyway. sod community is cooked. most dellusional playerbase in the world, worst than EU which is hard asf to beat at being dumb. yall gotta stop using your feelings and how you feel about a specific class to dictate how said class actually is. facts matter when it comes to class balance

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heh .

heres a secret for you.

if a shaman isnt hitting something in melee range they arent getting malestrom stacks (which can be dispelled) to actually heal .

riptide is garbage in the current meta btw.

they arent live lords in the current meta at all and are very squishy.

you have to get to the person to hit them in melee and when getting nuked by the back line you are already dead before you do squat.

but you wouldnt know this as you dont actually play a shaman and are still focused on p2 shaman or 3 metas back with what youre basing shaman being op on.